How do I get this body?
How do I get this body?
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your father has to tell lies a lot
it's like pinocchio but with a whole kid
someone please photoshop this even more so that he is even more big, ridiculously so
I would say that is already within the realm of ridiculously large.
Yes!! Thank you!! God Drumpf is such a narcissistic liar. Good thing he's getting impeached soon. Hillary 2020
4 scoops of redpills, two, three times a day. I don’t want to hear this once a day. C’mon let’s get big! C’MON!
T. 5'11 7/8 Manlet
Absolute unit
>TFW youre the leader of the free world and get mogged AND cucked by your own son
This timeline gets crazier and crazier
>"free world"
>actually has the highest prisoner population in the entire world: not even accounting for per capita
>actually not free to criticize Israel
>but "free" to die in debt from a 100k medical bill
Fuck Israel and fuck kikes
Animals dont count as part of the population m8. Get rid of the nogs and spics and its far more managable
Getting MOGGED by your own son is the dream as long as you're not so cucked that he's bullying you
>actually has the highest prisoner population in the entire world
I used to be against the death penalty but now I wish they'd exterminate prisoners who are obviously no good. It would mainly impact non-whites and we can't have that!
Honestly, thats not a bad idea so long as its extended to cover white collar crime and the statute of limitations is removed on all crime.
>Be born in Eastern Europe
>Two hours of cardio everyday
>Face lift, breast lift
>Train to have a polite smile on your face, no matter how much your husband ruins the country or embarrasses you with his stupidity, so you can have his money once he finally keels over in a few years
>not free to criticize israel
Actually that's wrong
dimple dorf BTFO
I hope this makes the front page
Doesn't mean they're not trying step by step
Drumpf btfo!!
Show your flag, kike.
Lol thanks guys. Keep it up. The resistance will win. I really appreciate your support. Lol. Thanks again.