GGG has made millions from fighting and endorsements plus 2 Canelo fights and depending which network he goes with, he'll get a neat signing bonus. Losing tight matches against one of the best boxers in the world doesn't decrease his value.
Also ahve you heard of the saying Don't put all your eggs into one basket?
Jose Brooks
become an elite athlete and scape low-middle class to become rich, it has been since im 16, i focused mostly on track but as i wasnt fast enough went to boxing, so i got there and pushed and pushed
its the most draining sport i have ever done but loved it, i did good on amateur but pro is another thing, the headaches, the contussions, the injuries i got are somewhat deadly at this point, is a miracle i didnt lost any of my strenght, despite having decent power and speed i could never develop a technique and a pain tolerance to build up for 12 rounds, it wasnt in me, i won fights, i made money, but at this point im ruined and i could have had better health and wealth if i just did a career, im crying while i write this, i missed everything to focus on this, missed friends, missed girls missed fun, i know nothing about life that isnt hitting a punching bag
Joshua Lee
sorry to hear that what do you plan to do now? you could always coach
Landon Jenkins
why dont you and i more to czech republic together, we can share an apartment, bang hookers and just relax. dont worry about it
Jeremiah Cooper
You went out and actually did shit OP, you spent your 8 years actually chasing something while having a purpose. Even if you didn't achieve what you wanted you still have more life experience and willpower than the majority of the users on this site. Remember that.
Luis Morales
get a job, im plaining to work in uber but i dont know if it worth, im already out of money and living with grandma
Julian Edwards
I was about to say this, you could coach OP. Also, you missed a few things, but you gained also from doing what you did, you gained experience you can offer others, really, it wasn't a waste, you will get through this and see that it's not so dark as you think. Best of luck to you
Joshua Hall
GGG retires undefeated
Lucas Stewart
thanks man, it was fucking worth while it lasted but the chances of failure were always there and so is how it works, i wish i did better and as i have nobody to told this in real life i post it here, it does good to my soul
im out of money, gotta work in uber or some wagecuck shit like that while i save some money and start something...i dont know what to do to be honest and i dont have much motivation left
Jason Young
>optimize your health >perfect your driving, martial arts, first aid, firearm and communications skills >get certified in the appropriate fields >train for lethality and explosive strength >become a mall cop - security guard - bodyguard
just go into security
Jack Cook
i really doubt i could make a living from coaching, i dont want nothing to do with boxing at the momment
and guys fucking FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS if i didnt do it i would have asked all my life how I would have gone, im happy the lord gave me the chance to do the sport i loved i think everyone deserve equal opportunities
follow it guys follow it i didnt make it but you may
Jayden Murphy
Hey man it’s better to a chance and have failed. When you’re 80 you’ll look at this fondly without regrets and be glad you took a chance instead of immediately entering that 9 to 5 and becoming 40 and wondering what could’ve been.
Henry Gray
i will have that it count, thanks
Jose Scott
Start blasting performance enhancing drugs. The realest advice i can give you is to never stop.
Jack Phillips
dont listen to him, the only thing you have more than us is CTE.
Parker Anderson
i have the utmost respect for boxers, you accomplished something the minute you stepped into the boxing ring for the first time.
Wyatt White
Was in exactly the same situation as you. Tried to get into med school and it ate me from inside. I didn't get in, got depressed, lonely. But when you start doing your plan b, almost creating it on the spot, it becomes bearable.
Nolan Scott
Fucking amazing attitude op, i'm rooting for you
Xavier Campbell
Keep trying to bring others down on the internet to make up for your own shortcomings, faggot
Gabriel Parker
Where you live at bro?
Dylan Hall
I’m sorry, dude.
Ayden Williams
If "making it" means reaching the elite level of a professional sport then only 0.000000001% of the population "makes it." That's a dumb ass metric.
Most of the population is born with mediocre potential. That's literally what the word means. What matters is that you didn't accept mediocre effort from yourself. That's what you'll say to the man in the glass, honestly, and it will mean something.
There's nothing wrong with a boring corporate job if you just use it to facilitate the rest of your life. If you have another option take it, otherwise just get some office wonk job, steal time, and live the rest of your life however you want.
Jeremiah Sullivan
That is hard to read.
>i know nothing about life that isnt hitting a punching bag Are you sure? Applying your self to something 100% dedication teaches you something. I am pretty sure you know things that most people will never know. Respect for trying, that is more then most do. Sorry you didnt make it.
Anthony Johnson
>tfw have to give up on your dreams because its time to get a job and get your shit right
Turns out that this made me more happy than anything else. I dedicated myself to trying to become the best at what I do for work and its actually enjoyable being competent.
Cooper Green
Chase Roberts
This man understands that adversity and existence, are one in the same.
Connor Green
if you had followed the other path you would be trapped in an office now, as you had been for 7 or more years, wondering how far you could have made it
it wasn't a waste what you did, you have some knowledge and you're still strong, keep that and you'll find some surprising uses for that
Ryan Moore
I want to add, you can wage cuck any time, you spent your youth on your dream, something I wish I had done. I would sacrifice a small human child to the dark lord if I could go back in time and try again with my current knowledge and youthful energy. People in their 30s and up end up in dead end office jobs because something just switches at that point and you don't have the same energy and focus as you once did
I did the "right" thing by grinding on school then career work making sure to be perfect and try to get the most money and it was a total waste. I live alone, have one friend, only my parents for family, and have lost everything else
Landon Taylor
>When you’re 80 Dude burnt the candle at both ends. He isn’t making it to 80.
Jeremiah Smith
>faggot you're the one coming on to the guy. i bet you wear leggings to the gym
Robert Morales
different user here, but caring about what others wear to the gym? i'll give you a hint about who the faggot is, its you.
Samuel Jackson
So, you basically into the pit just about every black kid falls into. Lmao, nice try Tyrone.
Luis Collins
Dear OP,
It hurts, but that's ok. Meaningful change usually hurts. What's important is that you go full fucking tilt in the next direction that you choose. Your history at this point doesn't matter as much as you think. The lessons you learned don't go as far as you will hope. You are now a child again. Find your next love, target or whatever and dedicate yourself. It's ok to lose yourself in the chase.
Michael Powell
You would absolutely regret it for the rest of your life if you wouldn't have given it a proper shot. It was the right choice.