New Strength Routine Suggestions

Hey Jow Forums

Winter approaches, and I'm thinking of finally switching to a strength routine and packing on the carbs.

Just wondering what routines everyone here does, as I'm looking to pick a good one and stick with it for a while. I've never been able to focus hard on strength so this time I'm looking to take it seriously and really make some progress.

Some info on me:
-I'm 22 male
-Been going to the gym for ~6 years

Attached: powerlifter.jpg (620x349, 123K)

Here's a brief idea of what I was thinking:

Either PPLxPPL (Monday to Friday respectively)

-Flat dumbbell press (2x6)
-Incline benchpress (2x6)
-Weighted dips (3x8)
-Skull crushers (3x8

-Rack pulls (2x6)
-Weighted pull ups (3x6)
-Dumbbell curls (3x8)
-Hammer dumbbell curls (3x8)

-Either back squats (2x6) or leg press (3x5)
-Calf raises (3x10)
-Planks (3, as long as I can do them)
-Here I might throw in a couple random ancillaries. Maybe rear delt raises or farmers walks, just stuff I feel I lacked through the week.

Always start with 5 minutes of medium cardio to warm up.

Please point out my errors if there are any


This is like the opposite of a strength routine. What routine did u do the past 6 yrs

>wants to focus on strength
>no diddly

How much do you lift on the big 4? You could've spent 6 years being a dyel for all I know.

Starting Strength + Read The Fucking Sticky

Attached: Starting Strength for Dummies.png (900x1500, 520K)


>dumbell press
>rack pull
>leg press
This routine is dogshit for strength building son
Build your routine around heavy, humbling compound lifts

Barbell bench and ohp
Pendlay rows
Weighted chins
Dumbell rows
Farmers walks
Weighted planks

What are your numbers on Squat, deadlift, bench, ohp, strict row? Just because you been at it 6 years doesnt mean you're a seasoned lifter
If you cant do 1/2/3/4 yet youre still a beginner and therefore should stick to a basic beginner program

hm seems like someone has a case of retardation, 2x6 is classic strength reps coupled with compounds and minimal isolations
I prefer rack pulls so i save my leg strength for the next day dumb dumb. It makes minimal difference.
don't think it really matters what my exact weights are, i've been going to the gym for a very long time and would consider myself intermediate since multiple life situations have resulted in taking a break from the gym.
hey poopyhead i don't want to get t-rex legs.
already doing all that. only difference is i substitute rack pulls for deadlifts to save energy for heavy squats, and i substitute dumbbell press for barbell press because of the ROM.

What are your numbers, you fucking retard

You won't get t-rex legs if actually follow the routine to the letter and don't eat like a hog.

haha not true, you can't work legs every day and everything else every other day and not get t-rex legs

>don't think it really matters what my exact weights are, i've been going to the gym for a very long time and would consider myself intermediate since multiple life situations have resulted in taking a break from the gym.

wow, you're a fucking idiot

no u

Ah I see now, you are retarded, terribly sorry.


Attached: 1541773527534.jpg (375x523, 29K)

>tfw I do bench and diddly on the same day
fight me, milkfags

Attached: EED5A2AE-E806-46A7-AFB0-C4B20FAEDF79.jpg (334x506, 42K)

>when I make a post asking for routine advice and just get called the r-word.

actually though, I'm not trying to bait. If you really need to know my lifts, they're as follows:

bench: 95 lbs
squat: for this, I use the 90 lb barbell.
diddle: 150 lbs
ohp: 45 lbs

>6 years lifting for these stats
never reproduce. the world is better off without your dog shit genetics

I lift more than anyone else at my gym....

you wasted my time
shitty bait

2/10 week bait m8

This is what happens when you try to write your own routine but have no fucking idea what you're doing.

>the r-word.
look at this retard

homegym masterrace, amirite?

>mfw I started lifting one month ago
>mfw my dyel ass is at 67.5 lbs ohp, 90 lbs bench, 180 lbs squat, 225 lbs diddly
>mfw I have no lats and I must row

Attached: unspecified.png (252x252, 88K)

if this is really op and these are really your stats you should seriously start with a beginner routine. what's so bad about it? you'll make faster gains as a beginner. don't get yourself hung up on names and numbers, leave your ego at the door and start making gains!

Don't do PPL. What's your current height/weight and lifts?