Good foods for the poops

I am trying to eat more fermented shit like this because I've been having digestion problems but I just can't seem to stomach it. I'm not a very picky eater but anything pickled just sets off a gag reflex I don't know why. Any good ways to use it and help mask the taste?

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Why do people have problems shitting. Literally what the fuck are you all eating to fuck yourselves up so much.

beef only diet

Raw cheese, yogurt and milk from a local farm


Turns out I'm fuckin lactose intolerant and cant have any of that. Thats why i'm looking at this. I do get a little yogurt in since it has a minimal effect though

Try kefir. I'm a bit confused as to what there is to dislike about kraut or really any fermented vegetable dish tho

I think I've deduced that diet soda brutalized my gut biome. I never really drank it but I was working nights for a period of like a year and needed a pick me up. Clearly a terrible decision

cheese has no lactose

I'm not sure I wish I liked it honestly. I see people I know love it and its supposed to be great for digestion. Like I said theres very few foods I can't stomach but something about it makes it so hard to go down for me

Cheese has lactose my friend. The harder cheeses like Parmesan and Swiss have much less though

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OP's just lactose intolerant. I had no context of this and I thought it was just another person complaining about constipation. But diet soda? Idk, I only ever drank the premium beetus

Try the kefir like I suggested then. It's pretty tasty and had absolutely no lactose

thank monsanto

Thanks man will do. Was just at the store too but will pick some up next time. I've heard of it a bit but looking into it now it seems pretty perfect

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I eat the same vegetables as you my brat

Good luck m8. It took a bit for my stomach issues to clear up. Magnesium actually helped me a lot too

Yeah the aspartame in the diet stuff is pretty awful for you. You trade beetus for just cancer and diarrhea

I solely drink water now, occasionally I'll drink tea, so I've traded beetus with gyno, cancer, and hormone therapy in the tap.

What a wonderful world we live in!

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I was lucky enough to live in a rural area where the water was from a well underneath the house. Now I'm in the city and the tap worries me

I don't have the vigor to care about it anymore

Coffee will make you poop, just drink it black and it has pretty much no downsides.

if you're trying to force yourself to shit at a certain time, drink a big glass of cold water then a hot cup of coffee