
Welcome to /fraud/, the steroids and blogposting general.

Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read the r/steroids wiki:


Yes, it's reddit, but it's a good resource.

Once you've read it, make sure to include a few things with your question:
>time spent lifting

Don't ask us to help you dose your AI. It's very individual.

Oral-only cycles put strain on the liver and cause a shutdown of natural testosterone production for not a lot of benefit. Just pin and thank us later.

No source talk allowed.

Attached: Fraud_AnchorArms.jpg (472x343, 42K)

cope harder

top kek

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400 grams of test per week here. not making the gains i thought i should, only 600 lb, 8'7. the bigger guys in the gym keep making funny of me

You shouldn't post pics of your IRL face on Jow Forums, user.

nope that's source talk

I do 'em cause I'm depressed for 15 years and doing a number of options. Been on 7 months now.
Felt better than Rx from doctor, weed, ketamine, having a girl, therapy talks and one more I can't remember right now.
Currently on Rx+"low" dose roids+smoking 4 or 5 times a week.

Is the any way to tell if ur gear is working early-cycle other than a blood test?

>not 700lb ripped
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