Waiting for food to arrive, what are you up to anons?

Waiting for food to arrive, what are you up to anons?

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In bed with a cold. I'm disgustingly sweaty and it feels great. It's a shame I have to get ready for work in a few minutes.

Working on adapting a crazy tabletop game called Noumenon into something playable.

The players are four-armed bug-people who are birthed inside of a mansion. They have to utilize their hivemind, telepathy and shared skills to navigate its mysteries and find the Nine Enigmas, with the help of communion with their God and the ability to warp mind, heart and time.

It uses dominoes to resolve combat instead of dice.

The book uses poetry instead of normal maps or room descriptions.

I must run it.

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Why do you not just call in sick?

You lost me like 5 different times there. I really cant understand what you are saying. Are you making your own tabletop game? Or trying to get in on your pc?

Snugged on the couch with my gf winding down my work for the day.

working and sipping tea.
God I wish my shift would just end, it has been 12hr straight.

I need a doctor note for that, but you have to be practically dying to get one where I live. Besides, if I miss a day the work would just keep pilling up.

I will slow it way down

Tabletop games usually are derived from rulebooks, that provide people with a set of rules and a world for players to play in
People like me, called Game Masters (or GM), read the rules and learn about the world. We enforce the rules for the players and provide them with a world to explore.
One such rulebook, called Noumenon, is very abstract. It is a book you can buy and read, either in person or online, that spells out a rule system to use in a very unique world.
This world, that the players inhabit, is described in poetry, abstraction, and is not concrete in any way. As a GM, I am trying to take the information provided in the Noumenon rulebook and use it to create a playable game.

Avoiding my extended family

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Ah. Ok. Well thats fucked. Have fun with that.

I will. It's fun for advanced players. Most systems severely restrict the creativity of the GM, but this is the polar opposite. Obviously the vast majority of people would be put off by it. I was hoping Jow Forums might at least be interested in talking about it, but there's little overlap between /tg/ and here.

waiting to order food untill its late so i dont have to face any people when i go to to pickup the food.

Avoiding my paper I'm supposed to finish by tonight. I guess I'll wait until I feel the sense of impending doom before I start writing.

Oh i know that dreadful feel. What's it on?

Look, AD&D is perfectly fucking awesome, what drugs are people on?

My power went out when I was fapping. Now I tethered my phone to my laptop to finish the job.

Dungeons and Dragons is nice, but sometimes you want a change of pace. Like throwing your players into a reality-warping hotel where they have to fight centaurs while time itself distorts around them.

Systems rarely restrict the GMs imagination; GMs thinking a setting = law just suck

Don't get me wrong, I've ran lots of homebrew games, and love systems like GURPS that allow for maximum creativity. I should say modules, not settings blanketly.

Castle Amber already did that for D&D, probably before you were born

In 41 years of playing I only use modules for maps or stuff like Ravenloft on Halloween

That sounds reallllly boring to play.

10 years before I was born. It's still a dungeon adventure, it's still Dungeons and Dragons. Sometimes it's nice to use different systems and have more room for creativity. Not saying Castle Amber is bad or that there aren't good modules for this sort of thing.

Obviously not for everyone. I didn't even offer to run the game for the majority of my players because I know they wouldn't be interested.

Its set in a mansion filled with CAS goodness then involves time travel, a trek across mythical Provence, travellingbinto the dreamscape of a woman in the hibernation module of a crashed starship, crossing into *another* alternate dimension, and freeing someone from a closed time loop.
But, yeah, sure - just another dungeon crawl.

>Not saying Castle Amber is bad or that there aren't good modules for this sort of thing.
>Sometimes it's nice to use different systems

Anytime someone says
>I need a system that allows more creativity than DnD in my head I hear
>shitty GM

I think he is talking about the dungeon bit

OF COURSE there are plenty of fa/tg/uys on arcanine

Is it not true that you have more liberty with character creation, worldbuilding, room design, lore, etc. with a lot of systems more than D&D? I'm a huge fan of the system, currently running two games in it- one homebrew setting, one module- and am not saying it's bad. Simply that taking an abstract series of stories and loose descriptions offers infinitely more options. You can certainly do that within other systems, including any incarnation of Dungeons and Dragons, but sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace.

Originally waiting for death to arrive

nothing, i am jjust browsing Jow Forums and looking for some game to play`. I might have to go pick up my mother later.

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This thread is nice
Feels comfy man

killing hob goblins in asgarnia ice cave

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