"2D>3D" they said

>"2D>3D" they said.
>"Healthy at every size" they said.

Attached: 20181005103526.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:


What you posted isn't 2D so you can go ahead and delere that first line

Why the rampant homophobia?

She's a goddess I want to support her and make her happy

Attached: Colorized propaganda footage of Jewish prisoner enjoying camp luxuries at Auschwitz, circa 1942.webm (704x396, 1.52M)

uhh, are you ok buddy?

fuckin hell is she getting worse?!@

Attached: aayyy.jpg (360x480, 39K)

She doesn't just have dog ass. She has skeleton ass. Fucking hell.

You have been visited by the SPOOKY SKELETON OF FASHION AND PUFFY VULVA. You will lose 30lbs and looksmax but ONLY if you reply to this post "Nothing tastes better than thinfeels!"

She's approaching true perfection. Just imagine the higher levels of enlightenment she has achieved through fasting

Attached: 09150212.webm (1280x720, 973K)

Of course. I expect her to die within less than a year

>mfw you boner bones boney bonegal bones

Attached: 20180116_102138.jpg (320x518, 70K)

Anyone else here inspired to lose weight because of her?

Attached: ..png (702x474, 164K)

I'm inspired to blow a kiss at her and see her jawbone's crack under it's immense weight.

I heard she only dates fat guys

Attached: e5bf3.jpg (357x516, 66K)

I have to say I need to lose 10lbs and I admire her dedication. I struggle not to snack, I wish I had her will power.



Attached: rat.jpg (600x600, 31K)

wouldn't stop me feeding her a fat load of protein

She spends all her time obsessing over youtube, herself, her fans, her weight, her body. She also 100% does not feel hunger at all anymore.

You got the numbers, bro. I checked.

>no hips to even keep the hula-hoop up

Attached: 1310483412100.jpg (413x395, 34K)

That ball bouncing against her chest had the same inpact as some dude pushing another

anyone have the pic of her surprisingly meaty pussy?

Is that where all her fat is stored?

> 2D anyday of the week senpai

Attached: danny_devito_1241745.jpg (500x480, 55K)

guessing a fat chick made this thread as cope so here
look at how happy this girl is to be herself :^)

Attached: alexis2.webm (640x800, 1.24M)

being obese

Attached: D9A5001.gif (332x332, 1.43M)

or some other illness

Attached: r3KtGhG.gif (330x227, 1000K)

would be rough

Attached: tumblr_mmwlmjLorC1rn323po1_500.gif (425x283, 992K)

>Decide to actually watch one of Eugina's videos after seeing her pics all these years
>Open her latest upload
>It's just her walking around a Halloween store going "wow look at this this is so cool"

Attached: 292152075931382.png (513x1117, 934K)

Her best video


Honestly I don't really like her youtube videos, but she is such a sweet girl on twitter and twitch. I love when she plays video games and talks about her favorite animes. I feel connected to her somehow

She is so beautiful I wish she was my gf

>I feel connected to her somehow
She reminds you of your skeleton. Remember to thank it with some calcium tonight

the definition of butterbody

i want to feed this girl

i'm inspired to gain weight watching this goddamn skeleton

Attached: katakuri.jpg (253x320, 47K)

>happy to be herself
>obvious implants
nothing more than a fake whore

she needs 1KG of burger, stat!

>She will never wrap those muffs around your face

Attached: 40826006_325337591562133_7791200988546727936_n.jpg (1080x1250, 95K)

you posted a 2d girl retard

>negative breasts
This should not make me this hard

I want to trick her into eating and gaining weight, then tease her for becoming a fatty

imagine if you lowkick this chick

Attached: 1516818677402.jpg (399x385, 29K)

>Ywn break her forearm with a single karate chop

The only video of her I like is the one where she gets a nice visit from Mr. Gumby while streaming.

Attached: 1499775893736.jpg (798x701, 246K)

>ywn have a gf whose makeup and clothes weight more than herself
Just kill me

Yeah. Keep fooling yourself you porn addicted cuckfuck.

You can consider yourself lucky tonguefucking some Snorlaxcunt you fagcel.

Attached: 20181012_205436.jpg (1631x2107, 1.2M)

This person does not have will power.

>confusing the inner energy of your mind with full blown body dysmorphism.

There's no will power. That bitch is sick and wont survive 2019 for sure. She's an emo, she has a pretty face. Thats my nieche, but the skeletalmode will wreck her 6 feet down.

stop talking shit about my waifu ree

Attached: 1523612441975.gif (500x281, 487K)

>yfw the only thing about you that r peak aesthetic are your knees.

I will when you stop encouraging someone to slowly kill themselves in a very painful way.

t. ex-almost skellymode anorexic

Oh my you seem to be quite agitated by those posts
Not quite the feelings what you were after when you came to laugh at the freak board?

Attached: 1449517564974.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

>anime poster
Opinion voided.

Attached: 1504137183325.jpg (1242x1133, 118K)

I'd nut inside her

Attached: Screenshot_20181012-222824.png (1440x2560, 540K)

I got you. Its meaty and good for you.

Attached: Screenshot_20181012-223343.png (1440x2560, 1.79M)

How the fuck did she not notice that. Or maybe she just didn't care.

You wanna go cunt I've got better dogs

Attached: stairs_dog.webm (426x240, 414K)

Not gonna lie she's one of the most cute girls I've ever seen but she's buried in tons and tons of makeup
Anyways I'd fuck her at the first chance

I bet you'd have a more than decent chance if you meet up with her and pretend you like her. Anorexics have shit self esteem.

>His dog isn't a pork assassin.
Nice try faghot

Attached: 1489704967906.jpg (1944x1944, 594K)

oh yeah? check out this eagle eyed killer

Attached: Khezu.webm (640x360, 780K)

How many calories per day does that poor lady eat?

>not having a housebroken dog with low self esteem that makes no mess being a nigger

Must suck eh?

Attached: 1522649129426.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

Well it looks like she's lost her hair because thats clearly a wig.

Won't be long before her face starts looking more and more like a skull

Not gonna lie I don't understand the sentence

Attached: VozmIfT.webm (640x640, 1.45M)

Yep. If you're malnutritioned the 1st thing to go is your hair since the organs will try to get as much vitamins as they can.

We don't know. I assume less than 800

that's her brother. Here mom is also fat, maybe that's why she's afraid of gaining weight

Nah, i don't know myself what that was supposed to be. I felt a bit sad since my dad's dog has been diagnosed with a genetic defect three days ago which causes him to go completely blind. That poor bastard was loud, full of adhd and sometimes even bit me for no reason but seeing him whining after running against walls and being unable to play with our two other dogs breaks my hearth.

>breaks my hearth
Just talk to an Inn Keeper, they'll give you a new one.

also sorry about your dad's dog. poor doggo

Stop posting videos of people killing themselves and post more dangerously skinny girls

>go on /fa/
>search for "thinspo"

>not having a thinspiration folder

Attached: want+to+be+so+skinny.jpg (300x261, 25K)

Just imagine how she looks without all that make up

Attached: maxresdefault(2).jpg (665x960, 41K)

Eugenia is vv pretty all the time and I would love to wake up in bed next to her!

Attached: ecmorning.jpg (715x603, 80K)

OP here. That picture is literally me but I don't try being thin and I'm far away from cooney.

Prove it you semen recepticle

Yes. Her face isn't ugly. Her body is.

What's the reason for making the thread btw?

Attached: b4f563a43376380daac119d657d8a3a7.jpg (900x1200, 122K)

Her face would look fucked up and boney take away the makeup.

Broof enuff?

Attached: 20181012_232251.jpg (1687x2248, 1.75M)

Her whole familynis fucked up no surprise

Tell me 1st what's the reason of posting such a picture and why people produce crap like this.

I guess youre right. Shes just as cute without makeup

Someone brought up thinspiration
Do you not like cartoons or something that's silly they can't hurt you
You don't want the nerds that fap to it anyways so there's no reason to get mad right?

Attached: 1296f890a313d45c09fc5eba526c08cb.jpg (600x874, 93K)

Wow Skeletor new outfit look really great, it also makes him more girly.

we're talking about a different kind of 2d

>Someone brought up thinspiration
Yes. I did. I'm thin myself.
>Do you not like cartoons or something that's silly they can't hurt you
Did I imply that it hurts me? I just wonder how much of a fucked up degenerate someone has to be to go full skeletal mode or collect a shitton of pictures that try to turn a kiddy game franchise into some lowkey pedo gayshit. I assume you fap to this crap.
>You don't want the nerds that fap to it anyways so there's no reason to get mad right?
Don't get that part.

>they said

Who said it?


Attached: 1515234952383.png (320x346, 171K)

>tfw you become the paper
absolutely inspiring

lel I remember when this word was a stormfront meme only
Anyways it seems to make you mad, why else would you include it in the OP? Being seething isn't just wondering

Attached: 0fbea536aa66d363200aac49a1cd2a25.jpg (543x858, 164K)

>le ur med so ur arghuments r shet.
>hueh, I habe no further arguments but thats ok cuz ur emoshuneel
Fucking nice
>Included in the OP
You know that it was a joke to begin with, right? 2D referred to her being thin af. Animefags are still spoiled brats tho.

There's nothing to even argue not enough has been brought up

Attached: 1375458009018.jpg (500x375, 44K)

The face doesn't matter much if the rest of her feels like a pile of bones to be honest. Not saying she doesn't have a pretty face, she does, it just feels like she could be healthier and much happier at a better weight.

that's really good advice in pic related
just don't eat

uh yeah I guess? lol

Attached: oYgZ1uP.gif (359x239, 998K)

>18 days til Halloween
too early to post skeletons

Attached: spooky forecast.jpg (500x748, 125K)

I probably have the thinnest forearms on this thread, no lie.

i non ironically got spooked

>almost skellymode
try harder next time, fatty.