Imagine being a "powerlifter" (read fat fuck who thinks he's strong) and not being able to curl this babbyweight

imagine being a "powerlifter" (read fat fuck who thinks he's strong) and not being able to curl this babbyweight

Attached: fat dyel.jpg (1400x933, 144K)

he could be on his 3rd set ?
i like to give people the benefit of the doubt

great post OP but if you dont mind I have an announcement to make

Attached: mmmbepis.png (1000x1000, 177K)

He could curl your deadlift pr for reps

Who gives a fuck. Not everyone cares about having big biceps etc.

If this is a troll then good job you got me.


I met Eddie Hall once because he volunteered at the autism support group im a member of, turns out he had this jar with him that he couldn't open and I was the only one that could open it lol, even got a picture with him on my mum's phone. so they aren't as strong as you think they are.


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your autism support group isn't doing much to help you apparently

hes not a powerlifter

Slippery Steve? Holy shit I was there for that. Should have seen how wide his eyes got when you did that. He must have never witnessed retard strength before

Autism is a neurological condition so there's not much help you can receive, you just gotta deal with it

Firstly, that's not a powerlifter, that's a strongman. Secondly, Powerlifting consists of the Bench, Squat, and Deadlift, and has nothing to do with curling. Thirdly, post your 1 pl8 curl or shut the fuck up you worthless troll. Seriously who devotes time in their day to making a retarded thread meant to make people tell you how retarded you are, and then sits there refreshing the thread and calling this a victory somehow? Kill yourself.

just imagine taking the bait this hard lmao kys

>t. butthurt strongman

He's pulling a face for a photoshoot m8, he is literally one of the strongest men on the planet. Also not a powerlifter.



Fuck. Good one cunt.

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lmao wtf shouldnt have kekked so hard

Jesus Hafthor, I like you man, but calm the fuck down.

top kek


Straining for a photo-op because normies can't tell how much is on the bar anyway