How’s the bulk going for you bros?surely there must be some kings on this board that aren’t fat fucks doing some meme Keto diet or water fasting.
Personally going dirty bulk as of right now, pretty hard too. Just stuffing my face with anything and everything. But it’s starting to take its toll. Bloating, breakouts, headaches, etc.
How do you guys eat in a surplus without the pizza, cheeseburgers, ice cream, sushi, and other “unhealthy” shit? It’s just so easy to get the calories in when you eat like a fatty hambeadt
For reference i’m 5’11 manlet 180 lbs right now, 295 bench 425 dead 335 squat going for that 3pl8 bench 455 dead and 365 squat. Trying to hit at least 190lbs bw before spring. Pic related juicy back photo I got today
Winter bulk general
Fuck there’s a lotta typos, it’s 5am I promise I’m not illiterate.
>he fell for the dirty bulk meme.
Jokes on you OP I'm fat AND I'm doing winter bulk too. Its pretty great, after being plateaued for so long, I'm seeing gains again! I'd rather be strong than aesthetic at this point.
Having bigger numbers on some autistic lifts won't make you stronger in general. It won't make you better in everyday life for example fights.
gained 5 kilos in a week. is this possible? i took a shit before weighing myself too
>how do you guys eat in a surplus
I eat a lot of brown rice. Also, eat nuts with every meal. A small portion easily gives you 100-150 calories. Milk is easy too, I drink 250ml milk and 250ml kefir.
Well if you did it then i clearly is
what is a high sodium diet with water weight
>lifting heavier weights won't make you stronger
user what the fuck are you talking about
Mass gainer powder helps for me. I have a hard time eating surplus. I force myself to eat 6 eggs and half dry oatmeal cooked in for breakfast. Gotta start it off strong.
kill yourself
>everyday life for example fights.
chill out dude
still cutting
want to go to 10% before my first real bulk. i dont ever wanna go above 15% again.
16% at the moment 175cm 70 kg wanna try going for 65kg and see if that is enough
I eat OMAD at a 500 cal surplus six days a week and fast on sundays. Weight is very slowly going down, while my lifts are going up.
I literally said there’s a bunch of typos you brainlet.
>autistic lifts
The inside of your skull is a fucking bottomless pit
>i dont ever wanna go above 15% again.
you are gonna have eating issues and not going to make it
>you have to get really fat to stay healthy
kek, cope harder fatty
>tfw gyno
im 5'11 177 lbs. Been eating a cup of oatmeal and a shit ton of peanutbutter for breakfast, then a couple chicken thighs and rice for dinner. But if I ever miss one day I drop from 177 back down to 170 and it takes me like a week to get back up there...
Oosh can he deal with that? Surgery needed?
>everyday life
>getting into fights
Leaving that moronic train of thought aside, strength and size is important in a fight, that's why there's seperate weight divisions
nah man. i just want to never have to deal with really fucking long cuts ever again.
also would people agree with 16% bf?
Bulk up shrimp
Hey man you look good but that ain’t how you do a rear glute spread
Literally just sugar.
Cutting right now but starting January or February I'll be bulking hard as fuck.
I've seen more definition but haven't actually put any weight on yet. Being my first proper bulk, it feels strange eating so much, considering how skelly mode I've been most of my life.
Currently 5'10 and AT LEAST 215(possibly 225). Rugby season is over so my cardio is gone and I haven't worked out since thanksgiving. Feel like shit,look like shit,shit a lot,can't sleep. Gonna get straight into lifting the moment my finals are over and lift heavy and hard until next semester
>the moment my finals are over
No. Start now.
I don't want to. I'm away from home (where my homegym is) and I'm not gonna use my uni gym which I hate.
I’m 2 weeks into lean bulk as I had a bit of chub when I started. Guy who I haven’t seen in a couple months said I look bigger so there’s that
Just do it, pussy.
Imagine being this autistic that you lose gains because you don’t wanna go to Uni gym. Never gonna make it
Dirty bulking but slowly.
Gained like 7 kgs since may
Doing GOMAD and getting 5,000 calories and 200g protein every day. All the advice I see online says don't do a dirty bulk because it isn't actually building muscle but all my big lifts are going up still. 6' 190, shooting for 200 before I try to maintain.
I have to go to the gym and wait for half an hour because there's a skinny nerd benching 25s for an hour straight. After that I have to wait for another hour because some sloot has to squat 25s for an hour. I can't do any weighted chin ups or dips. Why would I go through all the trouble of going to the gym if the best I'll ever do is get some gay machine
>Mind if I jump in between your sets?
>tfw bulking at 17% bf
Work in you autistic faggot
I don't want to ask to work in like a peasant begging for food. My tuition isn't cheap but every year they accept more and more skinny nerds without getting more equipment. We have 20 cardio machines(why would you need that many when people can just run outside?) but not enough benches. It's to crowded that sometimes I can't even get anything in except some chin ups since nobody can do any BW exercises
same here bro, bloatmaxxing til the end
>ask to work in like a peasant begging for food
Just admit you’re a faggot who’s never going to make it due to your autism
You make no sense dude. I have 3 days of school left and 3 more days of finals. That's 6 workouts in a matter of 2 weeks. Not gonna go there on non school days because I'd have to walk 40 min in total/day. I can get those 6 workouts in when I get to my cozy homegym in less than a week without having to walk to school,changing in the locker room,having to remember my locker number. My life would be much more difficult for 6 shitty workouts. Meanwhile I can get 6 much better workouts(no wait,no changing,no walking,no care in the world) while shirtless and music blasting in my garage.
>I’m not willing to walk 40 mins a day even tho I’m “fit”
>I’m too autistic to work into sets because I think randos will make fun of me
>”I can just workout later” says the fatties who will never make it.
>”a workout in 2 weeks is the same as working out right now, right?” No it’s not you fucking retard
In all my time on this board I’ve never met such a pathetic faggot
You're a retard dude. The biggest retard on this board I've ever met. I regularly do rugby practice 2 times a week(2 hours each) and play for another 1.5 hours on game days(thats over 5 hours/week assuming I don't lift that week if you can do that basic addition) so I think that my fitness level is just fine. A 40 minute walk isn't hard its just an annoyance. The pre season is over so I'm taking a small stop before lifting every day at home which I was doing all summer before school started.
You seem to be missing lunch, and snacks in there
Kek nice cope. You’re more concerned with being comfortable than doing what has to be done, that’s why you’ll never make it.
I've fucked up, injured my leg and just gotten fat.
Why would I be uncomfortable doing something I'm supposed to enjoy?
cant because i go to school and food is too expensive
You look like me, that’s nuts. I’m cutting for another 2 weeks then hopping on a cheeky cycle of 500mg Test E. We’re gonna make it.
Pic unrelated
Because you’re an autistic faggot who doesn’t actually want to make it.
You use any excuse you can to avoid it
>muh walk to the gym
>remembering muh locker (take a picture dipshit) is too hard
>muh autism won’t let me ask to work into equipment
>muh autism makes me afraid of what randos will think of me
>muh shitty logic says I can just workout later instead of now for the same benefit (again that’s not how it works dumbass)
The activity isn’t the issue, you being a fakefit faggot is the issue.
You're a fucking idiot dude. I could easily take faggots like you in a fight. Why would I go through all those annoyances to do an activity I'm supposed to enjoy? I'm supposed to enjoy lifting not worry about all the other bullshit of sharing equipment with dudes who bench 25s. I don't care what others think of me you semi functional retard, I'm the one judging nerds like you in the gym not the other way around.
>I could easily take faggots like you in a fight
Not if you keep acting like an edgy teenager. Grow up and stop coping faggot
>I lift for fun not for the effect
Kek, if you care more about the atmosphere than the grind you don’t belong in a gym.
>I don’t care what others think of me
>”I don’t want to ask to work in like a beggar”
Keep at it copefag, you’re never gonna make it but keep at it. You might, just might, amount to something some day.
Ok nerd
Stay mad nerd. I can wrestle,kickbox,grapple,and go for 80 minutes while your greatest accomplishment is lifting for an hour and 17.2 minutes. Our fight wouldn't even be close. You'll be lucky if I knock you out and don't let you suffer for too long
>stay mad nerd
I’m just having fun, m8. You’re the one getting salty like a pubescent 12 year old because I pointed out how shitty your “efforts” are.
Nah dude, you're a nerd who's gonna get fuken bashed LMAO
Your quad looks really fucked what happened
Making really nice gains but I have a big randy bobandy gut. Wanna keep going till I get that 1pl8 OHP. Absolutely dreading the cutting phase.
Snowmobiling, torn quad