I can’t believeout of all people, boogie gonna fucking make it...
I can’t believeout of all people, boogie gonna fucking make it
He worked very hard for this so I don't see a problem with him making it.
Also dubs and Boogie dies next week
He's stalled at 350lbs for half a year, this after weight loss surgery, not gonna make it.
Boogie will die on Tuesday.
Holy shit
I don't hope he dies...
That said, there's only 23 days left. What's gonna happen?
He’s still morbidly obese
fuck, it's good to see someone making progress even if they're a piece of shit
He looks like a normal over weight numale now. Good job fatty
>just keep rolling until you get dubs
LMAO the irony
no he didnt he took the easy way out and got surgery to staple his fuckin stomach closed so he physically couldn't keep as much food down
the real life version of "pay 2 win"
boogie lives forever
You know that you have to prove some willpower before they allow you this surgery? Not everybody gets it.
Yes, all those middle aged women who hop on this meme operation actually have great will power.
Ez mode, cheater
Are you retarded? This operation is literally the last possibility and is only performed if you have tried everything else to lose weight over several years. Your middle aged women won't get it
>no need to worry about crowding somebody.
I... er... Boogie?
If he needed some willpower prior to the surgery why didn't he just continue with said willpower instead of letting someone literally cut him open like a pig?
>getting your stomach changed to be smaller
>eating so much before the point of throwing up everyday to stretch your stomach to its original size
>not having the willpower or sense to get at least get a therapist to help with the eating
>stalling at a fat size
>gonna make it
That's what I never fucking understood. My friends dad lost either 30 or 50 pounds and then got the surgery. Dude could have just kept it going for a another 8 months or a year. Makes no fucking sense to me.
>Makes no fucking sense to me.
People like your dad know that in order to keep the weight off, they have to gradually make fundamental changes to their lifestyle that are permanent. They can't accept the self-discipline required. The sad part is that it doesn't even require monk-like discipline, just portion control and eating smarter. My wife was considering a tummy tuck, and I told her to hit the treadmill instead. Hard for her to argue considering we have on in the house. My advice is to keep setting the example, don't force it.
you only need to lose like 30-50lbs and at that weight that's easily achievable. the more you weigh the faster the weight drops.
he's still like 350-400 lbs lmao and has been that weight for months, if that's what making it is to you.
he's a fat fucking failure who let a black dude fuck his wife because he wasn't physically able to, and will never be a healthy weight.
Haha. No, he hasn't lost weight in months. This faggots is going to be dead quicker than he can shove a big mac down his throat
He’s never been at a lower risk of death in his entire adult life. Why would you suggest he’s going to die.
>I used to have a shotgun pointed at my head now I only have a rifle pointed at my head why would I die now
He's still at the the highest class of obesity, user, lol. Those health risks associated with obesity may have diminished, but they definitely haven't gone away.
Why didn’t he die earlier then?
The damage is already done, dumbass.
He has 10 years left at max
I'm kinda getting worried lads. I mean theres only like 3 weeks left
>Why don't people die instantaneously when they become obese?
Imagine JUST IMAGINE being this retarded
He’s been obese for the better part of two decades user. God has something greater in store for this former 4chin browser
I remember watching some UK show where fatties would get these stomach surgeries and even years after having them they would still be overweight/obese. Very few of them would actually ever be slim. I dont get how can you not be a literal skeleton when you have to eat 1200kcals.
That's my friends dad not mine. My dad is in good shape for his age. I've even got him going to the gym now. My mom's obese. He's been trying to set an example for the last 15 -20 years with no luck. IDK man some people are just weak or something. I don't get it. Then again I'm addicted to nicotine, but one thing at a time I figure.
Genetics and big bones, obviously
Moral of the story is that natty life is inferior to being surgically and chemically enhanced.
Boogie, don't you have a table to be under rn?
That surgery gots the UK taxpayer £1000s and has a ridiculously high failure rate over 5 years. It's a pointless waste of money and needs banning.
he legit doesnt look human
I know a few who did actually dumb faggot, that's why I associate it with middle aged women.
He still looks like a goblin king
>told his fat wife to hit the treadmill
Read the sticky
>350 pounds
>not crowding someone on the plane
Pick one
Well fuck, noticable difference. I know he cheat-started with the band, but fucking hell, looks like it's working.
Can't really stand the cunt for his victim mentality. But I can't help but say good one nonetheless.
who brought you basedfags in here? gtfo gb2r
I love how thte soiboy filter has literally done nothing to stop its use and done everything to making based an insult.
Boogie is a tripfag dumbass. I couldn’t larp as him if I wanted to
I don't understand how he is still fucking alive. How. Even if he gets thin tomorrow he should have like 2 years max with the shit he's done to his body. Imagine being a 12 year old with advanced brain cancer and knowing this cunt might make it to old age.
Modern medicine was a mistake
>Throw a obese fuck in jail
>Only feed the whale 1200kcal each day
>Fast forward 1 year...
>"omg, you've lost so much weight, congrats! Must have taken great willpower and discipline!"
That's basically what Boogie went through, he didn't do shit. The surgery is his "jail".
He'd immediately go back to being a turbo-pig if the surgery was reversed.
more like 11 months
based and rollmogged
wow Checked
nice five
Look at those dead, soulless eyes. He is an empty vessel. "Keep smiling Boogey! We're happy Boogey!". Goddamn that is the stare of refined anguish. He knows life without enjoying a donut is not a life worth living, and he hates that fact.
There's still time.
Here's how it's going to happen: The extreme speed of fat consumption is going to release all of the fat-stored toxins that were stored with his fat instead of being digested normally, and he has so much because he ate the worst shit in absurd quantities. So he's going to eat a big meal for Christmas dinner but the combination of all that food, the toxins having slowly destroyed him all this year, and the effort he's going to make showing off his increased mobility is going to result in his heart giving out and he dies then.
Screenshot this post, save it for Christmas.
a christmas miracle
if dubs he doesn't
you too