So, what's the verdict on this subject?

So, what's the verdict on this subject?

Attached: __original_drawn_by_mayafufu__c9a94295a178b8038512ad2494cc241d.jpg (850x850, 215K)

thighs? pic related

Attached: 1507652857200.png (906x960, 1.28M)

Squishy loli thighs are one of the best things in the world.

Attached: fockewulf_loli_sailor.jpg (850x1201, 398K)

10/10 would get crushed by

>would get crushed by
That's 60lb loli at best. What are you, an ant?

Attached: 1537603226858.jpg (671x950, 480K)

Its the intention that matters.

Attached: tiger girl maria.jpg (1280x1807, 394K)

Too true, NPCs want to take this from us.

Attached: lolibooru 170075 fate_kaleid_liner_prisma_illya fate_(series) from_behind illyasviel_von_einzbern lo (1964x1239, 1.57M)

>dat squish

Attached: aisu_loli_foxes.png (1000x1255, 759K)

If there's grass on the field, we play. If it's too late to find out, we would have already done the deed.

Just so you guys know, there's a janny on this board that wants to take away our perfectly legal 2d loli pics

Attached: 32.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Thanks I needed to fap

I bet it's a roastie

Attached: lolibooru 180756 multicolored_clothes multicoloured_dress partially_visible_vulva shin_kouchuu_ouja_ (800x1191, 148K)

let's see this loli

Attached: a.png (650x917, 1.42M)

your lolie is haunted

I heard there's a server run by some guy called Gunjy can I please join?


Attached: 1515909648460.jpg (350x296, 46K)

i never had any interest until i started frequenting this board. you've ruined me, RUINED ME

Attached: 1530838272572.jpg (850x601, 116K)

oh my... what a cute pic you posted....

Attached: 1535826671807.png (960x1358, 1.37M)

you've always had it in you.

Attached: b.png (768x1085, 1.26M)

he deleted the server and quit discord

These are very interesting thank you user

Attached: __sasaki_chie_idolmaster_and_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_drawn_by_panbai__104bd6dbaefd093422417e6f4d (1000x1419, 907K)

Are there any other 'relevant' servers?

Attached: 1529421290161.jpg (894x894, 104K)

yeah, i think the increased exposure awakened a latent desire in me. makes me feel like a sick bastard but i already realize there's no going back

Attached: 1530307081363.jpg (1135x1600, 533K)

I talked to him by accident just the other day when I randomly joined this robot server. His old discord just got b&, now he has a new one.

Attached: fockewulf_loli_swimsuit.jpg (846x1200, 308K)

i was making stuff up in order to bait somebody into actually posting the server. i have seen 2-3 other people ask for it and it never seems to get posted

Attached: devilish.jpg (600x760, 59K)

bumping with related smut

Attached: 1537478237449.jpg (1280x1817, 377K)

That's some interesting candy she has. Wonder where she got it from.

for a second there i thought she was puking

Attached: 2016-11-20 09_49_49-(C85) [Minori Kenkyuujo (Minori Kenshirou)] Geroko-chan to Chikubiko-chan _ Puke (1085x1109, 786K)

Is it a good server or just shitposting?

Attached: __drawn_by_mu_pyon__2e6e4ad60e4dacfde0b01137943b3635.jpg (962x1339, 838K)

Reminds me of "that" tiger video..

That is unbelievably cute

It was actually a good server, like 100% true robots having comfy chats and posting hentai. Anyone even remotely normie or even just acting like a fag would get deleted.

Attached: fockewulf_loli_athletics.jpg (850x1206, 533K)

That sounds amazing, I'm sad I missed out now

Those are some very dangerous images to have saved on your computer.

What rule are we breaking? That janny must be a fagget.

>that fucking original filename

im sad i never get in the flun places

It's a good filename; it helped me find the source.

how can i say it's good if i never touched it

Dang that sounds nice. Why must normalfag destroy everything beautiful?

Attached: __sugimura_runa_original_drawn_by_sakuraba_hikaru_loveindog__sample-db1ccb35d3222ba777f2d878b47dc231 (850x1278, 127K)

I just like petite girls, doesn't have to be a loli

Attached: 1539135562624.jpg (600x800, 301K)

God, I love catgirls. Thanks for posting one, user

This is a nice picture. Thank you, user.

You must be liking the current season then. Too bad titty elf uses all the fan service time.

Attached: lolibooru 180428 black_background eyebrows_visible_through_hair isekai_maou_to_shoukan_shoujo_dorei_ (1000x1415, 375K)

A very interesting topic in demand of more studying

Attached: 1535440234383.png (850x683, 740K)

>page 10
no, not yet

Attached: 1515785077669.jpg (1505x1505, 1.2M)

Most loli posters are either asleep or banned.

Attached: 1528846725214.jpg (2501x3381, 1.27M)

i want to cuddle with tsugu

Attached: here is tsugu12.jpg (850x601, 45K)

What's better anons? Thighs or bellys?

Attached: lolibooru 181338 1girl bikini blue_eyes looking_at_viewer moyori navel original short_hair silver_ha (615x865, 273K)

tummies 100%

Attached: touch tummy.png (500x731, 116K)

Don't make me decide. I love every squishy part of a little girl.

Attached: atte7kusa_loli_chubby.jpg (1013x1280, 209K)

Do we really have to choose?

Attached: e77d84019c1b427d2c3d9cd685b76782.jpg (700x988, 568K)

That pig is so much better drawn as a smol loli

So how do I go about becoming a pedophile?

Attached: 1508620575130.jpg (599x700, 91K)

you pedophiles lead dangerous lives.

Attached: for the sake of allah.png (1458x1132, 1.56M)

It's completely legal to be a pedophile, so not really.

Attached: 1513148945797.png (500x750, 614K)

Just embrace yourself.

Attached: 62396243c35093c85c760fdce11effb8.jpg (883x1000, 180K)

Pic unrelated, retard. That's Kanbaru.

Attached: 1539357036030.png (400x250, 26K)

Cutest part of a girl. I hate that I got baited into posting a pedo thread though.

Get a life already. Loli = 2D =/= cp

Being attracted to images of little girls makes you a pedophile my friend. Sophistry and denial won't change that.

This wasn't a pedo thread

Attached: download (2).jpg (474x596, 27K)

It's time to crash this thread with no survivors. Post illicit content.

Attached: nakamuramizumo_loli_dress.jpg (850x1360, 1.29M)




Attached: 1444220318403.png (912x905, 1.23M)

What about some cute 3D futa? Anyone here into that?

Attached: 3192384_12_o.jpg (853x1280, 152K)

Damnit, I wish I hadn't deleted my 3d loli folder.

Attached: FGOD1uz_d.jpg (640x960, 26K)

I really regret clicking that image.

Attached: fockewulf_loli_wetshirt.jpg (986x1400, 351K)

delete that shit. you're gonna kill the thread and get one of your IPs perma-banned.

its not a jannie its a full on mod, mod wont be on for 7 hours at least.

Mod will ban you for posting SFW lolis

Attached: roastie mod ban 4chan.png (490x207, 10K)

A drawing is not a human being. Your mental gymnastic is not going to change that fact.
this is a loli
this is real child
Learn the difference.

Also amusing that you had to start spamming real cp just because you don't like this thread.

Can't kill something that's already dead, my nigga. And I just want the pedofags here to stop being in denial and admit that 3D>2D.

Attached: Riko Kawanishi sexy Japanese Asian tween preteen model kawaii 23.jpg (682x1024, 69K)

>admit that 3D>2D
No, these girls you've posted all suffer from 3DPD syndrome. The white girl is still cute though.

Attached: nishitsukitsutomu_sakura_flash.jpg (550x786, 77K)

>habe 3d loli foldor
>gids accidendal deled

dont be an bedophile xd

Attached: michael.brobst.503.png (714x403, 469K)

lolthe NPCs are triggered by drawings.

Attached: lolibooru 144592 eyebrows_visible_through_hair kantai_collection multiple_girls small_breasts z1_leb (551x800, 468K)

why do I have the body of an elementary school girl

Gunjy here uwu
whats going on.
>he deleted the server and quit discord
I deleted my server(old shit one) for fun and because I didnt like the people in my cancerous /comfy central/ server..., but I got banned as other anons said.

what server are you guys after?
hey its nice to see someone appreciate my attempts at trying to make actual good community.
I am just building one now, my old mod tried to expose me and left because I wouldnt allow trannies or give him the server...
and I try be nice. *sigh*
/vahVE8 if you want join and help make it nice please do, be aware people get purged as we go along so if you join and see a fuck head just msg me or a mod.

Attached: 7ad0668160d5030508e662e79b43c4a9.jpg (4700x3300, 1.33M)

I'm only triggered by superior cp being so shunned by thr internet. I mean, have you even seen the darknet? It's laughable how you can buy meth in two clicks on there and that's somehow completely ok, but all onions have this faggy "hurr no CP here kys pedos". I'm a pedo just ironically but that shit really makes me mad

>I'm a pedo just ironically

I wouldnt trust the link at this point, normalfags showed up and are being triggered, no hard feeling.

Attached: lolibooru 182576 borrowed_character dual_wielding fake_animal_ears highleg_pantsu revealing_clothes (2150x3035, 387K)

based lolialert

>I wouldnt trust the link at this point, normalfags showed up and are being triggered, no hard feeling.
thats fine, ill delete link :)
we just ban the normals anyway.
see you around fren and thansk for the tip.
>he isnt ironically lewding kids
dude, its 2018 and you are not ironically a pedo???

Attached: 1536631664457.jpg (1920x1693, 928K)

I retract this statement link is okay.

Attached: lolibooru 170491 kurumizawa_satanichia_mcdowell shiraha_raphiel_ainsworth tenma_gabriel_white tsukin (1878x1942, 369K)

page 7, no not yet

Attached: 1523977339937.jpg (850x850, 325K)

I really thought the thread would have been deleted by now. The mods are so erratic.

Attached: yukiukon_loli_panties.jpg (850x1195, 369K)

a cute one here

Attached: 1537040291953.jpg (850x1241, 125K)

mods see the thread and do not care.
it is the "roastie mod" who gets on in like 5 hours who cares.

It isnt against the rule to post SFW loli

good job keeping alive anons

Attached: lolibooru 180842 bare_shoulders brown_hair dress_lift hair_ribbon kantai_collection libeccio_(kantai (626x885, 460K)

>you can't have a loli thread without baiting normalfags and 3d lovers

Attached: 159989 bra lingerie loli mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_the_movie_ (2330x3172, 665K)

I dont get 3Dfags.
I took 2D pill and dont even like any 3DPD so why would I like stinky 3D kids?

They should take 2D pill also, before tehy get themselves in trouble

wrong image my bad desu

Attached: 1536635522605.jpg (1000x1316, 276K)

Why would a little girl be wearing such sexy lingerie? That does not make sense.

Attached: yukiukon_loli_succubus.jpg (631x871, 59K)

to show off her cunny and make grannies jealous.
all in a pure way of course

Attached: f56d0612850264547a7232bbd02aff77.jpg (850x1236, 261K)

Is loli in white dress and plain bow panties the ultimate in purity?

Attached: jiji_loli_panties.jpg (688x971, 100K)

If there's any reason to leave the house, it's the chance to see little girls wearing sun dresses.

Attached: chikotam_loli_whitedress.jpg (850x1207, 220K)

I wish I had a loli harem.

Attached: iuto_loli_harem.jpg (1200x802, 714K)

the npc's want to take everything away from us
they want to make free thinking illegal
no, I'm not exaggerating

>Mod will ban you for posting SFW lolis
banhammer going down on ANYTHING in the vicinity of it
post pics from an anime of young girls and you get "pedophile bullshit" banned

Attached: 1341441.jpg (400x400, 39K)

I don't think we're done here

Attached: 1510282137205.jpg (750x1059, 512K)

Jow Forums needs to sort its mods out, the otehr mods on R9K are cool and they seen me post pic related whilst bitching about the roastie mod and he just gave me a 15min time out instead of banning me for obviously ban evading the fuck out of roastie mod.

not all the mods are faggots and they have to work within the rules, problem is R9K needs updated rules or robots need a new board.
so retarded we dont have a board for sadcunts

Attached: mod abusess.png (1175x1111, 443K)

they REALLY need to sort their mods out

banning someone with the reason of "goodbye" is bad

bumpin cos page 7!!

Attached: cute transparent.png (1024x1024, 470K)

farm loli

Attached: 1516082544749.jpg (1502x2786, 1.78M)