>calls himself Jow Forums
>doesn't freeclimb
well? explain yourself
>calls himself Jow Forums
>doesn't freeclimb
well? explain yourself
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thats an annoying way to start a thread but I love climbing and have questions
If you lift how do you work around your lifting exercises?
I'm beginner in weightlifting and bouldering and I find it hard working them around each other
>not explaining themselves
He looks like shit. Isn't he that faggot that lives in a van and eats nothing but cereal and fruit? Fucking joke.
Yet he's accomplished a more impressive athletic feat than you ever will
Post your body. Love to see what user defending an ugly NEET looks like.
climbers are autismo nerds
you are like a woman who only trains for the looks
This guy is the attention whore of climbers tho
he lacks the skills needed to be at the top so he memes his life on the line to get popular
Tiny dyel faggot that doesnt do workouts for practical muscle use and aesthetics
a thread died for this
>practical muscle use
Practical muscle use is being able to climb mountains, something you'll never accomplish roidhead.
Climbing without safety equipment is fucking moronic. I climb shit for a living but I'd never do it without equipment. The risk isn't worth the reward. It doesn't prove you're fitter than somebody who does it with equipment
I've picked up bouldering and it's really improving my core strength & grip
it's also really fun. I recommend it
First day climbing. I like it
I used to climb in the world cup, its called free-soloing, not free climbing.
Also, Alex Honnold is an attention whore and he isn't even good at climbing. 5.14c is his highest sport route, which is a pathetic grade for a professional climber. Females and teenage boys climb harder than him lol.
Number 1 is having the best body weight to strength ratio.
Being huge won't help you climb.
Most climbing will be using pulling motion and hand strength which is notoriously slow to develop.
This is a good set of exercises to get better hand strength.
Also you want to keep your muscles balanced. So because climbing is pulling, do pushing exercises. Focus on doing extensor hand exercises because you're only working your flexors in your hands as you climb. You will avoid tendinitis by having your hands and arms balanced.
Also just climb a lot.
Also forgot to add. Use your whole body as much as possible. Use your legs to push you up as much as possible as you'll save arm strength.
because it's boring and more of a social activity than a sport
a thread died for this so check em