What are you meant to write in suicide notes anyway?

What are you meant to write in suicide notes anyway?

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You usually blame the people that tried to help you and claim that they never tried to help you.

It's dramatic as fuck, but I'm writing a letter to

>Best friend
>Special girl

Each are different but mostly explaining my appreciation for them, recalling some good memories, apologizing and trying to explain why I did what I did

Something simple. Ide go with "thank God it's over."

To anyone whom it might concern:
Sorry for the pain I caused. Specially to my mom, dad and siblings. Im also thankful for all the good things you've given me throght the years.
I've chosen to end my life. Dont act surprised. Dont grieve too much, either, if you can. I'm now in a better place. Don't look for my body, it wont be a nice sight. You've got plenty of photos if you want to gaze at my face.
Lastly, I wanna said I tried. I really did. It didnt turn out well. It doesnt for all of us. I wish you all the best and hope you lead long and fulfilling lives. Im checking out. Peace.

I plan to write something of the sort.

Give clues for a treasure that doesn't exist.

I'd suggest spending some time planning it out; come up with a plausible reason you would have this info (perhaps claim to have been in a secret gay relationship with someone very wealthy and much older than you; after they died, you had no reason to go on living, but you want to make sure the money only goes to someone who is worthy).

For a location, I'd suggest one of the following:

* At the bottom of a well in "Andy's Place" Nevada; come up with clues giving paces north and east from the cabin
* In a chest walled up in a mineshaft near Idria CA; the entire area is restricted due to lots of toxic materials; you need a bunch of permits to visit, and they limit the time you can be there so you don't get sick.

Have fun with it!

>sorry, i tried but it becomes too hard to me.

life gay
trying to catch
the wind

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>Please tell mom this is not her fault.

Every time I hear that I break down and think about how some day I'll never come home to my favorite dish; my mom's jambalaya. Chicken, shrimp and sausage mixed with rice and beans. Perfect blend of spices. All capped off with a cold beer.

My mom means the world to me. One day she called me her baby, and I told her (at 21) that I wasn't her baby anymore. She looked me in the eyes and told me I would always be her baby.

I could never kill myself because
>A) I'm a pussy

but more importantly

>B) It would kill my mom on the inside. Seeing my mom smile is one of the only things that makes me smile.

This summer we went to go see Earth Wind and Fire as a family for her birthday. Seeing her smile and dance made her look like a 16 year old again. I don't want to imagine a world where I took that happiness away from her.

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Oh fuck this hit close to home.

This post made me sad, and is quite relateable

only drama queens leave notes, no note is the way to go if you're serious.

I'm honestly thinking about detailing the most important aspects of my life in bullet form. People who read suicide notes seek understanding, so the best way to do that is to give them the facts straight up without emotional bias.

you're not MEANT to write anything
cause you're not MEANT to kill yourself
there's no protocol for this shit

bait but I disagree anyway, a short and to the point note is just considerate. Tell mommy it wasn't her fault and you chose what you chose so she shouldn't be too sad, that sort of thing

Tbh that just makes suicide even more meaningful
Has the opposite effect that you meant sempai
Like an exercise of free will against a world that wants you to have none

>fuck you mom and dad
>you're the reason I killed myself
>Sighned, user

please do this.

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What a gay and edgy way to look at suicide. If you want off this crazy ride that's all well and good, but you aren't special or some ebic freedom fighter for blowing your pathetic brains out as a shitty exclamation point to your pathetic life

Could you like transfer a couple of buck my way if you're gonna kill yourself? I'm really poor

faggy vulturebot

Oh wow, how unexpected.

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something like "you're all cool, don't go to x tomorrow"

yes I am an NPC for calling you pathetic. Truly user you are a visionary for taking a fistfull of painkillers and chugging some vodka in mommy's basement

You're an NPC for trying to invalidate someone else's perspective so that it conforms to your shitty grey reality where nobody can do anything meaningful simply because you yourself fail to.
You belong on facebook or some shit.

I need money dude you're gonna off youself over some bullshit might as well make someone happy with your dumb ideas

>You belong on facebook or some shit

>instead of r*dd*t
Found the r*dd*tard

No you can do meaningful stuff, I do that sometimes but not enough so I'm a depressed fag posting here. I'm just saying your suicide isn't some profound middle finger to society, nobody gives a fuck and nobody is trying to prevent you from having free will, don't be self-centered.

fair points, you check out as based and redpilled Mr. Vulture

Dont write a note, just keep a picture of someone important to you neer you whem you do it

You might want to at least write them a quick sentence on the back of the pic about how they weren't the reason you did it and you liked looking at their picture or something, so they aren't confused or wracked with guilt forever or something

The point is that the act is committed irrespective of what anyone else thinks at all. Only an NPC would give a fuck if anyone else gives a fuck. It is a profound middle finger to society, specifically because it doesn't see it that way.

>you're self-centered for practicing autonomous action
The NPC's calling card. My friend please, you're clearly more suited towards gossiping about people you met once but don't like for some silly reason or another. Go do that.

I've settled on sticking a note on the inner door to my flat that just says "I have killed myself, please inform the police. Sorry for the inconvenience." Then I'm gonna cover the floor with a tarp before shooting myself to make the cleanup easier.
Just because I'm gonna off myself doesn't mean I have to be a dick about it.

>Nice looking place
>Die in the goriest, messiest way possible
>This mess ain't my problem

user you're not the only one. Did an emt course. May suicide victims try to make sure they cause as little mess as possible. If they poison themselves inside cars they'll often leave warning signs

Reddit is actually full of suicidal people though. I was tempted to but it didn't fit.

See, if everyone of you sends me like 20 bucks I have a good trip to walmart paid for

Look into Bohemian Rhapsody, pretty good example

Man I completely support your profound middle finger to society. It's truly a work of art and you should start right away user.

>the virgin suicides
I am not gonna go out like some faggot.

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What would you buy with the blood-money of this thread user? I would buy lots and lots of ramen noodles, and maybe a bag of jalapeno cheetos. Not hot, jalapeno. There is a big difference.

It would be kind of a waste while condescending asshats like you continue to exist, though :/

That's what I was trying to tell you bud, but you insist that it's somehow meaningful. Necking yourself means nothing, even as an act of autonomy because it ends your autonomy and still-alive condescending asshats like me will just laugh about it and call you a pathetic fag for doing it.

Nice quads

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Makes sense. I mean, it's not anyone else's problem I'm a miserable faggot, so why not be polite about it.
Come on man, don't you know how hard it is to clean blood and fecal matter off of floor boards?

probably canned food and noodles as well and some beef to have one good dinner. I got out of Uni and got no job so I'm in bad shape RN

Nothing keep them on their feet. Make them think of why!

And my point is that if you've reached the point where you can kill yourself in spite of that, you've transcended "society" and its gaggle of condescending asshats (like you, let's not forget to mention that), and you have successfully raised that middle finger.

You autonomy ends with its own ultimate expression. Not in some shitty accident or as the result of some illness you fight because you feel like you're obligated to.

Me necking myself means nothing -to you-, but, to use your own words against you, you think that it means nothing at all because you are self-centered enough to believe that all that is relevant is that which occurs to you and those you associate with (society, I guess). Have some empathy for your fellow man, lol.

kek special girl

That "special" girl will go to the next bar after hearing about your death and will fuck the next dude consoling her.

This user is right, take her with you

they're not that healthy but walmart sells 12 packs of ramen noodles for less than $2, get some eggs to crack into them and you're eating relatively healthy and super cheap. Hope some suicidal guy sends you cash? weird thing to wish for, but however it happens I hope your situation improves. Do you have a car? delivering pizzas is a good gig and they're ALWAYS hiring, you can usually start right away.

Bro I'm not about to to listen to the fucking devil prattle on about how it's an expression of free will to kill yourself. I'm making the sign of the cross at my screen, get the fuck out of here.

Christianity is NPC: The Religion, after all, so I don't blame you. Please execute your programming. No one will mind.

>suicide notes
fucking why?
imagine being this much of a pussy. might as well fail to kill yourself if you're so insecure about your suicide.

>Western Christianity is NPC*
Ordodogsy :DDD is closer to islam therefore I respect them

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Don't worry user, I'm not actually Christian. It's just because you had Devil's Digits But you are a fag tho

Yeah well so are you. But at least I set my own standards, as gay as you might think they are.

To whom it may concern
I've decided to jerk off until I die

And the hilarious thing is that you're not even being pro-life out of benevolence. You're doing it because you're a judgmental asshole like the vast majority of people (clearly including myself). Like seriously, just stop fucking talking. You're making life worse for people by giving them bad reasons to live.

>planned in 0.0001 picoseconds
>leaves boobytraps for the cleanup crew

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It's okay user we can be judgmental assholes together. I honestly didn't know judgmental wasn't spelled "judgemental" but it definitely looks better.

And in my original reply to you I said it's fine if you want off this crazy ride, just don't think it's some piece of performance art and you're some cool edgy guy for ending your own life. If you want to go out on your own terms that's fine, and if you want to attach dignity to it that's fine too, personally I see it as a huge bitch move generally, some methods more than others. But I can respect wanting to die, I've been surrounded by suicidal peers for a few years now and it's crazy to watch, they'll give some great reasons why they'd prefer to be dead and some of them I can't even argue with. But none of their reasons are
>to exercise my autonomy and show the world and myself that I'm not an NPC you fucking NPC!

Again, you're attempting to devalue someone's motives by comparing them to motives that YOU think are valuable. Fuck off and kill yourself.

When I do it I'm gonna try and be grateful to my parents. Explain why I did it of course but mostly just thank them and tell them I love them.

Yeah same that's basically imperative. I honestly don't think that anything will really lessen the pain though, short of really making myself out to be a total monster that defies all of their most deeply-held values.

Yes I think you are stupid so I'm telling you that, this wrestles your Jimmy.

I'm just trying to clarify that I'm not trying to give you bad reasons to live, I'm just telling you your reasons to die are dumb and edgy. Sorry that this upsets you.

Well despite what you're not trying to do, you're doing it. You're a bully, plain and simple. Go back to some hive where that's normal, and you can pretend your opinions are objective fact.

I seriously can't believe that you called me self-centered given how brazenly lacking in understanding of others you are.

user you've given me a lot to think about, I'll mull it over and get back to you, alright?