How much is "too much" alcohol?

How much is "too much" alcohol?

I am drinking half a bottle (350ml) of 47% ABV dry london gin, Beefeater to be more specific. This is my average drinking sessions, learning to drink with a max dose instead of drinking nonstop.

If I drink the whole bottle I black out.

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Drinking it straight BTW, not diluting my shit like a pussy. Not even ice.

Depends on who you ask. The most realistic answer is any at all is too much.
However that's no fun, so I'd say (100% not a doctor) any amount that doesn't make you feel like ass afterwards, is financially responsible, and doesn't fuck up your calories from sugar limits.

wow bro not even ice? your so NOT a pussy because you dont dilute your alcohol. I'm fucking impressed.

Is this sarcasm?

Pls respond.

I've lost the ability of being drunk and I'm just 24. I either feel a slight buzz or I black out, two extremes.

of course its sarcasm, only autists and cavemen give a fuck about that kind of pointless shit. grow up

But I am an autistic robot :^)

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I feel like 6 is a turning point for me, some people argue it's 5 but they are low test beta cucks

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6 what faggot?

You don’t feel or notice being drunk because you don’t interact with anyone. You sit and drink, then slump to bed.

This. OP I have a completely unblemished record of heterosexuality. I’ve impregnated three women. And all I can think about right now is how much I want to suck you off for being such a manly god

The weekend is only half over and I've already had 30 steel reserves

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It should be with friends at a social pace or with food, one or two glasses. Never alone, never faster than the guy beside you. In fact strive to be the slowest drinker in the room.

Seriously this. I had a couple of drinks alone before heading to a party yesterday. I felt almost nothing when I was alone, as soon as I started talking to people I felt drunk

6 standard drinks faggot, did you not get educated?

lmao 211 boi here too

I'm about to knock down a third for the night

>tfw being that hobo piss guy in your friend group

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You’re me 5 years ago. It’s not good.

Give up drinking OP. The health benefits are worth their weight in gold. I drank everyday for almost 10 years, and quitting was the best thing I could've done.

You’re gonna die of cirrhosis of the liver, which will not feel good. If you’re gonna kill your self why not do it quickly instead? This is how I feel about cigarette smokers too.

fucking retard

Its not a question of too much, it is a question of too often. You can get as drunk as you want to, if it is only a handful of times a year your body will be able to handle it pretty easily, and you won't get addicted or have your social life affected. If you get drunk every day or 3+ times a week, even if it is only a more moderate amount you have a problem

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>How much of this neurotoxin is too much?
Any of it

If you're going to drink stay away from hard liquor. That shit is the devil, the demon drink. Stick with beer or wine. Better to just quit entirely if you can.


I looked good a year ago!

OP, and real any anons willing to read this: stop drinking. I’m not saying permanently although honestly if you can do it, it’s the best thing for you. But reserve your drinking to a couple drinks on special occasions like holidays. Take it from me, I was an ultra depressed person whether I was fat or fit, and it didn’t end until I stopped fucking drinking. It didn’t matter if I was drinking every day or twice a week when I’m off work, if I was get wasted, I was depressed. The initial drying out will suck. Unless you’re actually addicted you’ll just feel bored during the times you normally drink and the itch to do so will be hard to ignore. But eventually that passes and you start being productive. I drink on holidays and only the most special of events. Dont be afraid to be alone with yourself sober. It’s the alcohol that makes you depressed and drinking it feels good in the moment but it’s a vicious cycle. Try it for a month and see how you feel. You fuckers try nofap for 30 days, try nobooze. Your mood, gym sessions, weight, memory, focus, productivity will all improve, I promise.

enjoy your 6660 calories