DYEL here

DYEL here.

Why do you even use the keepers?

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what is them?

I do it because at higher weights the bar flexes when you complete a rep. This flextion can offset the plate ever so slightly, but over the set, this can lead to major weight imbalances along the bar.

You put them against the plates on your barbell to keep them from shifting during your sets.

why use big word to say

object in motion stay in motion

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>Flexion is a big word
I even misspelled it now that I look at it. But unironically, going to university has been conditioning me to use bigger words.

I use them so if I do something wrong and tilt, the weights won't slide off and completely throw me off. I don't use them for bench though. If for some reason I need to bail, I'll be able to at least slide off one side and try to get out then

>get chemistry degree
>become cop
>heroin-junkies I arrest can't understand my day-to-day vocabulary
actual brainlets

Gimme an example

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I catch myself going off randomly on geology terms for basic rocks that people usually don't even think about. It gets annoying sometimes.

Cuz my college gym forces me too

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Now That’s What I Call Autism!

Because Im DYEL lifting heavy, as such sometimes my left arm has a harder time than my right, which could lead to injury if the plates were loose. Simple as that.

just words like ramification/supersede/correlate completely baffle them

>tricking local government into giving autist a gun and paying him to carry it

some cock sucker keeps putting them on the curl bar, and I'm walking around the gym looking for the fucking things

They're necessary for deadlifts and olympic lifts. I guess if you're being an idiot while squatting they'll keep plates from falling off. Otherwise you don't need them and probably shouldnt use them

More weight. Man these dyels.

Plumber here, I thought they were some new design of pipe cutter I'd never seen.


I used to think that these were unnecessary but then I joined a powerlifting gym and those weights are really slippery on the nice barbells, even small movements side to side will make them shift position

Are you me? What a random path In life that we share

yeah it's fuckin annoying when the plates shift around when you're deadlifting. the plastic ones hardly help though. gotta use the metal ones.