High meat

Redpill me on high/fermented meat

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Fermention is simply pre-digestion. Meat fermentation usually stinks like a rotten corpse because that's what it is. Stick to vegetables and fruits when fermenting. It's also dangerous, because you can't heat it up afterwards without loosing the benefits and botolism can't be detected and is fatal. You're literally playing with your life.


Botulism is an anaerobic organism that lives mainly in oxygen free environments (canned food for example)

Eat it and let us know how it goes.

Weak fucks ate dead animals
Strong fucks killed animals and ate fresh
t. Grug

It's amazing. It tastes better than fresh in my opinion, or close to. I did liver and it made me feel great afterwards. I do it because I heard it's good for your bacteria in your body and probiotics, as well as it just makes you feel really dam good. Try it, it's just meat. Most of you eat meat everyday, it's not harmful at all... test it for yourself.

Vegan propaganda. High meat does not smell rotten and it tastes nice.
lol no. Shut the fuck up vegan shill. Vegetables offer no nutrients your body needs.

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>Stick to vegetables and fruits when fermenting
But...botulism is far more likely to occur when canning fruit, vegetable, and fish...dumbass.

I'm a paleo-fag mostly eating meat. Stop memeing this shit. It is disgusting and smells like death. Eat proper fresh meat instead of this puked out shit. Botilism is deadly and can only be prevented by heating up meat. It grows anaerobis (without ar), so once you put your meat in a fermenting jar under a liquid, it will grow without cooling - which prevents proper fermentation.

Botulism can only occur in meat and eggs, brainlet. The acid prevents the growth of botolinum.

Bacteria is not bad or harmful.

Your entire digestive system is filled with bacteria and fermented foods from it. They are healthy and needed for proper health.

>just a bacteria
On how many retardedness levels are you on?

>Home-canned vegetables are the most common cause of botulism outbreaks in the United States. From 1996 to 2014, there were 210 outbreaks of foodborne botulism reported to CDC. Of the 145 outbreaks that were caused by home-prepared foods, 43 outbreaks, or 30%, were from home-canned vegetables. These outbreaks often occurred because home canners did not follow canning instructions, did not use pressure canners, ignored signs of food spoilage, or didn’t know they could get botulism from improperly preserving vegetables.

>Bacteria is not bad or harmful.

the state of Jow Forums

We are speaking about fermentation, not canning, brainlet. Do you even know the difference? Because I ferment shit for years and know what I'm talking about.

If you have a proper guy biome i.e. high meat, raw meat, meats, animal foods. You are protected against all bacteria borne illnesses. So yes, it is just a bacteria

Your entire body is literally plagued with beneficial bacteria retard.You need bacteria to survive. The state of retards.

Read what Botulism fucking is, you retarded retard. It's producing one of the most fatal toxins on this planet. It's not Escheria Coli which gives you the shits, worst case.

>We are speaking about fermentation, not canning, brainlet. Do you even know the difference? Because I ferment shit for years and know what I'm talking about.
This is literally my thread. I made it and yet you try desperately to change the subject of discussion by sprouting your vegan Jewish propaganda? Typical.

This thread is about fermenting meat and "repilling". I know my fermentation and am telling you that it's a meme. If you want an echo chamber, go to plebbit.

I know what it is. I'm just not worried about it because it cannot harm me. It's jus a bacteria. Are you dense? My beneficial bacteria always trumps harmful bacteria in my body, that's the point of bacteria, such as the ones you get from high meat

Why would you put a liquid?
I tought the concept was just putting meat in a jar then open it every couple of days to "renew" bacteria and kill anaerobic pathogens (bolutism).

and you've deduced that all bacteria are beneficial because SOME species have developed symbiosis with humans. good job. hope you die of botulinism

>it because it cannot harm me. It's jus a bacteria
Rip in pieces

>I tought the concept was just putting meat in a jar then open it every couple of days to "renew" bacteria and kill anaerobic pathogens (bolutism).
Depends on the fermentation process. You ferment mostly by salting and creating a liquid out of the meats fluids. Massaging it a little bit and putting something on it, so it stays in the liquid. After a couply weeks, you remove it from the water and store it in the fridge. Fermenting on air, even if jared is practically letting it rot (high humidity and aerobic). Gimmi a specific recipe and I will be better ble to explain i to you. But there is a scandinavian "fermented" fish and it's know to be one of the most disgusting foods on the planet.


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You're arguing with sv3rige who is a notorious retard. He has already nearly died following this shitty diet and has been involuntarily committed due to having mental disorders. He thinks he can survive just by laying in the sun because it gives him calories. Don't waste your time.

I put some pieces of liver in a jar (half or less of the capacity) on Friday, it is now sitting in its liquid (blood and water I guess). I opened it today for a couple of minutes. Am I doing it right or what?

grow up

You are right, also you should start injecting oxygen intravenously for increased muscle aerogeniation.

>You are protected against all bacteria borne illnesses
>one of the most fatal toxins on this planet
>I'm just not worried about it because it cannot harm me
>Am I doing it right or what?
Rip. How long until these guys shows up in the news?

You had to pick the second most polluted organ meat, besides the kidney, to trying to kill yourself? If you haven't been fermentig before, start with auerkraut or shit like that before going full retard with meat. If you don't have a proper recipe you are most likely rotting your meat, as salt is a necessary starter to build a nfriednly bacterial fauna, ideally adding lactobacteria to outgrow the bad ones.

Don't play with botulism, especially not if you don't want to spend weeks in intensive care.

No that is not the point of bacteria, the point of any organism on this earth is to survive and multiply.
If the organism in question is highly adapted to the specific host the hosts doesn't suffer too much from it, but if it isn't it will most likely kill the host or cause him physiological harm. Source: my microbiology degree

It is the toxin that kills you not the bacteria itself. Your microbiome can't protect you at all in this case