>he flat benches
Reminder that incline bench, dips and even cable flies are all better alternatives to the normie ego lift.
>he flat benches
Reminder that incline bench, dips and even cable flies are all better alternatives to the normie ego lift.
>pale skin
>raven black hair
The legitimate patrician combination. If she had green eyes too she would be perfection incarnate.
>not blue
Shit taste confirmed. I've had both and blue is infinitely better.
holy jesus i want that in my house RITE NOW
Blue eyes are too cold, green are more welcoming
>not wanting an ice queen
Never going to make it.
Why is decline bench the least popular by far?
Because it gives you man tits. An aesthetic chest is the one with a very defined upper chest.
Explain the lack of man tits in all of the reverse catback benchers.
In my opinion it's not popular because they can't cheat up the weight using leverage
Incline bench
>Literally hits the chest WORSE than flat bench according to all studies
>Have to to use less weight, less overload = less growth
>only retard DYEL's and roiders use the incline bench
>Fucks up you shoulder ROM by being an an unnatural position.
>if you fail the lift you kill/harm yourself, can not do roll of shame with incline bench
Cable flies
>Literally the memeist tier of exercise
>If you do cable flies you are the biggest DYEL
>no overload, no strength progression, it's all leverage and no musculature
>pretty good
>no standard ROM like the flat bench press (touch chest, lockout = 1 clean rep), cannot accurately judge reps
>risk of sternum cracking apart when doing heavy weight
>awkward to load up 3+ pl8
Flat bench
>Used by all athletes since it's invention
>Best push exercise
>best chest, tricep, shoulder builder
>literally used as a standard of strength and power test
The only people who don't flat bench press are people who are weak and can't accept their weak at it so they ignore it lol
Post body :^)
Now you, twink?
Or are you going to run away from your weak bench press and go back to cable flies again hahahahah weak bitch
imagine not being able to bench press 2pl8 in 2018 lmao
Is there anyone who doesn't do all 4?
> cheat up the weight using leverage
What? Decline bench is much easier than flat lmao
Narrow schoulder boi
flat bench fucks your shoulders, retard
I only flat bench press, because it's the only one that gives optimal results. You only need flat bench press for a perfect chest, shoulder, and tricep development. Other chest exercises (besides dips) are a meme.
No it doesn't. Learn proper form buddy.
Definitely can't bench 2 pl8s
>not wanting the rarest of eye colours
he looks better than you lol
>thinking 2pl8s is somehow impressive
>160lbs twink looks better than him
i'm not that guy but his neck is the size of the other guy's torso lol
also you can't bench 2pl8
fat gives you man tits
aesthetic chest is full and well developed in all three portions, big upper chest and flabby nipples is ugly as fuck
nice neck gains
this is one of the lesser known benefits of a big bench
Flat is lame because it’s in SS, which makes you fat
Incline makes you a shredded juicy aesthetic sickcuntbrah
Had a gf with green eyes, it's eh. I also have hazel eyes, mostly green with a tiny fleck of brown. I don't want a girl with green eyes, I want my raven haired, blue eyed ice queen again.
Flat Bench + OHP is does your entire chesticle and shoulder.
HF wasting your time doing endless sets of Incline/Decline/Dumbbells/Cables/Machines/Pecdecs/BLAHBLAHBLAH etc.
I'll be using my time efficiently and building nice chest and shoulders with 2 simple exercises being the Flat Barbell Bench Press and the Standing Strict Barbell Overhead Press while you guys stay DYEL with bird chests and numale shoulders doing all your shitty exercises that wont have any benefits other than burning some calories.
Fuck off, loser.
>fucks pussy
>licks her soles after
>then eat sushi girl
>"muh big 4 is all you need" dogmatists
>not realising that even Rip said dips are a superior exercise to bench
With the only downsides being newbies not knowing how to do them properly and not involving the easy progression you can do with a barbell.
damn, you got me bro :^)
>tfw do incline (Dumbell) and flat on the same day
its working i think.
I bench 2.5pl8 broski. I am also 6'3 and in med school, so I understand you need to cope.
His neck might be big, but that shoulder to waiste ratio would make me kill myself
What if I do incline, decline and flat bench? Will I make it?
I just won another game of Black Ops 4 BR mode.
Nothing you can say can hurt me right now
What about just doing something because you enjoy it??? Obviously you want to be somewhat efficient with your lifts, but unless you're competing why stress over minutiae of optimization. Flat bench is fun so I do it. Cable flies are fun so I do them. Lifting is hard work but don't forget to have some fun too boys.
>thinking any of those things are relevant
sure is autistic in here today
your chest is designed to push at different angles. if you have only been soing bench for chest then you are a fucking retard. the key to muscle growth is to hit the muscle from different angles to put the fibres under different types of stress.
>med school
is that something to flaunt? i made like 10x more money than you do now when i was like 22 straight out of engineering major...lol
A patrician choice is to do all variations of the bench once in a while, and after benching do cable work to finish off the chest. And of course dips at least once a week, best if weighted.
LOL at arguing over incline vs flat bench. benching in general is bullshit. you're fucking lying down on a bench.
the true test of strength and the superior press is THE press
didnt expect to see my fellow men of character and taste in this thread
You are overestimating the impact of different angles mate. Which is embarrassing because there have already been studies on this that you could research, so that you could have an informed opinion
>you are right. Just not right enough for it to matter at all
>stop taking advice from roiders m8
Why is that fatass benching while standing?
Bench is gay. Bad for your shoulders, especially if you're not a narrow shouldered manlet. For the proper Greek god look you must do what they did before benches were common, which was FLOOR PRESS and WEIGHTED PUSHUPS. Both indisputably superior exercises to shitty bench.
>that chest
Are you benching 2.5pl8 for reps or 1rm? I'm benching 2pl8 and mine looks nothing like that so wtf
fucking n*mad?
I also have a mechanical engineering degree bud, its just that no one cares about engineers, but everyne respects doctors. As soon as girls fine out they jump on my dick.
all lifting can do is make your muscles bigger
changing the angle of your bench doesn't help you "sculpt" your muscles into some shape or another
they just get bigger or not
did anyone here say anything to the contrary?
>cope, the post
literally the same thing as normal bench, also it depends on your structure and limb length so it might be EXACT same thing
weird how no one EVER build great chest with that, but benching has been proven to be the best exercise for chest
so tell me why incline bench is harder than regular flat bench if it uses the same muscles? shouldn't i be able to push exact same weights both on flat and incline?
>risk of sternum cracking apart
Please be trolling
except he is right and tons of idiots like you cracked their sternum
Dips depend heavily on your bone structure. One guy may rep heavy weights and other guy might crack his sternum doing bodyweight dips. Literally everyone who has any idea about lifting will tell you that.
Oof never seen so much insecurity in one post.
Your room is trashy as fuck, bro.
nice narrow shoulders fag
>fine out
check'em first
secondly,what you said is basically against phsyics law
not who you replied to but he didn't say incline uses the same muscles, he said you can't change the shape of your muscles (but he's also an idiot who clearly doesn't understand what people are actually talking about here)
>implying you can only do 1 variation at a time
retards like you should shut the fuck
How much do you bench OP?
now that's a neck
Blue eyes are better for blondes. For anything else, green is superior
Someone post the user waterboarding himself while neck training
mirin thicc necc
You legitimately look like a penis. Such a phallic neck
pale, dark hair, and pretty eyes are S tier. good taste anons
You're not wrong user.
Fair enough, pencil shoulders
>Best shoulder builder
Naaah, it is pretty good as far as adding thickness to your anterior delts, but OHP is by far the best shoulder builder.
Imagine burying your face in there and she couldn't resist because of the restraints haha
my sternum hurts sometimes when i do dips, should i stop?
Yes. Don't do dips ever again. This is a clear sign that your bone structure is not good for that particular exercise.
she's probably a jap.
Then why does nearly every powerlifting federation test the bench press and not your meme exercises?
because powerlifting is a joke
sauce me senpai pls
based and redpilled
>living in an apartment without a real bathroom
that med school sure working out for ya lmao
Only if you’re a retard, which you probably are
Mfw 190lb strict (at least no leg drive) OHP and garbage shoulders
stats and lifts?
lol he definitely does look like he can bench 2 plate u fuckin fatty
Is that meant to be a negative
Thicc submissive fat ass Jap girl tied down in a please fuck me position.
Goddamnit, that's so fucking hot.
Based. If you really wanna work your chest do dumbbells
based dutchbro
Volgende keer miss minder herkenbare info in je foto, makkelijk te doxen zo (als je dat je wat uitmaakt)
>He doesn't do flat, incline, the press, flys and dips for maximum gains
>Pushing your traps forward and tilting your head back and pretending you have a big neck
Anyone can do this user
Post a pic of normal pose
If you have a sunken chest, either keep doing dips and literally break your sternum into place.
If not or if you're a pussy who won't meme risk your way to better aesthetics, stop doing them.
t. cracked his sternum to improve sunken chest.
2 more cracks like that and it's completely gone.
>some people have this shit of a frame
>actually making it worse with the neckpill
100000000000% disagree. Raven hair, pale skin, and blue eyes is the best combination by miles. Any blonde who has blue eyes is better off dyeing her hair black ie katy perry and zoeey deschanel both of who ascend into elder goddess tier with raven hair
Why not both. I have both green and blue eyes depending on lightning. Took me forever to picture it. There are girls with the same combination. It's mostly Slavic or finish mixed with Celts who have this combo.
With a few exceptions though. Nordic girls look better with tan skin and blonde hair
>cloudy grey shit
They never look really green and never look really blue. It's cool that they change color, but it's a jack of all trades, master of none type of deal.
That really icy blue is top tier.