Cutting Edition
170cm 63kg
Can I get a bf% estimation?
Cutting Edition
170cm 63kg
Can I get a bf% estimation?
183cm ~80kg
Bulk or cut from now on?
How long have you been working out, and what routines did you do?
Also I'd say bulk.
Did some bullshit fuckarounditis in the gym for like two years and then did nSuns for a year. At the moment I don't really go to the gym regularly but do climbing 3 days a week, guess I should hop on a serious plam again if I decide to bulk
Thanks for the advice
>flat biceps
>underdeveloped traps with very good trap genetics
You need at least 10kg more quality mass, which by natty standards means a 20kg of more bulk over 2 years and 6 months of cutting after that.
Or you can hop on some sustenonand gain those missing 10kg in like 8 months.
Thanks for the tips, is it really a good approach to bulk for 2 years straight?
Sounds like you have to count the calories very carefully to not end up fat without cutting sometimes
Posted this on /fat/ too, but might as well post here.
I'm 5'11" / about 181cm. On the left is me in 2015, I've no idea about my weight then but over 100 kg I'm sure. Right is me just now, 81,6 kg I think the scale was this morning. I started changing my eating habits again in the middle of last May, and I started from 103 kg. Been lifting weights too from June or July, although I know it doesn't look like it. But I think so far so good but still a ways to go. I need to train my obliques wayyy more. And everything else, really.
6' 165 pounds, 3 months of calisthenics and on my way to ottermode
sorry bruh but there is nothing to cut to. take advantage of winter to bulk up, ideally to 90 kg then cut to 85 for summer.
been lifting for a while but very inconsistent
i need some advice for getting my lats up
send help
Lat exercises
ocb lighting
nice progress. do pullups
5'11, 198 lbs. torn between cutting and strength
6'1" 162lbs
I wish my bf would be lower so you can see the muscle stripes and i can find a female that loves me and isnt my mom.
stats? mirin a bit
6'3 92kg. Currently do full body 3 times a week
>tfw gained 11kg bulking in the last 3 months
>still look almost the same
>5’10 200lbs
Cutting in the winter because fuck it
Goal is 180 by spring.
reached the 1/2/3/4 meme but im brosplitting again.
You need to do more curls bro
Great progress man, you just gotta bulk up
Pretty good
Mirin arms
You’ll look good as fuck after a cut
mind sharing routine?
Didn't know we had a new one so I'm repostan
>tfw you try to cheat with lighting and it doesn't work
Coming up to two months of working out at home, just started at the gym though. Slowly cutting to get my bf% down but if I stall on my lifts I'll start bulking
5'7 65kg
65kg 3 X 5 bench
45kg 3 X 5 OHP
Squat and deadlift are terrible
Did 531 BBB for a year until I hit 315/205/450/500 for reps.
Then I did a PPLxPPL for 6 months for added size.
Been lifting for 5 years, consistently for almost 2.
This is me one and a half months in (5'11" 150lbs). dont have a starting pic but i was skinnyfat with horrid posture (5'11" 155lbs). am i gonna make it Jow Forums?
mirin hard
hoping to look like this by new years
work arms a bit more and you'll make it
wrong pic heres the most recent one
Thanks dude. Still got love handles and that weirdly concentrated fat pocket on my belly that I want to shrink much more before bulking. It's a bit of a terrifying prospect to bulk after having cut so long and having been fat, but I guess if I've learned anything with changing my eating habits, I can go the other way without being a full retard.
And what comes to you, looking good my dude.
Look good, probably 20% body fat. I have the same problem with my lower abs holding fat
Look good, I'd bulk bro
Yikes, get a tan and start lifting. Are you using Onions as a protein source?
Mirin chest genetics
Just work lats eveyday, at least on the pulldown
Mirin delt vein
Max aesthetic insertions
Looking strong user
Work traps delts and arms fridgeboy
Gonna look great after a cut
Looking bulky man
Long way to go user, don't neglect delts/traps
I'm still 8 lbs away from the end of my winter bulk, hate losing my abs. The lower abs fat drives me nuts
>in Finland
>in December
Yeah yeah I know tanning salons are a thing. Only s o y I use is onions sauce when cooking chicken and vegs. And I am lifting at the moment though, but planning to start an actual routine once I'm done with not being a fatass and have finished my cut and started bulking. I need to sort out my diddly form though because it sucks major ass right now.
why are your hands so small
I think that's mostly a genetic thing. I also have that lower abdominal fat deposit. That and the fat on my ass are pretty much the only places I have fat on my body, so as long as I can keep it that way, I'll be fine
You can sometimes see my abs in the right lighting. I think I'm gonna cut some more.
dude, it's like running a mile and asking whether you'll finish the marathon. you literally just got started, just keep working out and eating big and in a year time you should look good.
cutting implies losing fat to reveal muscles. you do not have muscles yet. bulk during the winter to build some mass then cut in spring for your abs
What are your lifts?
lmao, i'm just giving you my opinion dude, no need to get defensive about it
um okay
and for reference i'm I just started calisthenics because 2poor4gym
You mean 5’4 you homo
No way youre 140 at 6'4
Youd be a skelly
5'7 170 pounds. Probably gonna maintain until February and then cut. How much do you guys think I need to cut for 10-12% bf?
Pic related is down lighting + shoulder pump
I'm thinking of starting calisthenics, what's ur routine?
Very very good frame.
Don't cut, Either lean bulk or just bulk up you have no muscle.
5ft 9 Been training for 6 months.
my routine is fucking retarded because i have nowhere to put a pull a bar, and nothing to do dips with. right now what i'm doing is: 10 x 30 pushups; 5 x 15 diamond pushup; 10 x 10 hammer curls of 35 pounds dumbell; 10 x 10 lateral raises with 20 pounds dumbell. i'm just waiting to have enough money for gym membership, i'm surprised i've put on some mass with such a retarded routine, newbie gains are real.
Do I look more muscular here?
it's hard to judge considering how bad the quality of the pic is, but yes you look a bit bigger. still absolutely not enough mass to cut though imo, you do you though
Bulk till january then cut, what do you guys think?
I need a better camera and practice with selfies.
6ft 1, 175 lbs
Just been doing SS with arms accessories and cardio. Been at it almost 3 months now. Inb4 skinny arms, they are but they have grown. I dont have pics of them from 3 months ago but they were even skinnier, significantly skinnier at that.
Looking good and effay
What are your lifts?
Also johnny sins is reportedly 1 inch shorter than me, same weight. I dont know if I could look like that at this weight, Im already pretty low bf%. Ive seen other guys around my height with even lower weights who are significantly bigger than me in cbt threads. Is there a key I'm missing for low weight lean gains?
5’11 - 175lbs
Tyty. Ive only been at it for less than three months and I was sick for two weeks of that, so the lifts arent too good considering my starting weights and where they are now, but so far my maxes for 3 sets of 5 are as follows(in lbs):
265 squat
305 dead
180 bench
105 OHP
170 rows
If the beginning they were:
185 squat
225 dead
135 bench
80 OHP
135 rows
Pretty good for 3 months
Bulk until hulk
Is this a decent progress?
In my opinion, it is weak for 16 kg more
am i based & redpilled?
here's a pic from a couple of months before may
I dig the hair and the bod. Keep up the good work, user. Looking like an action star over there.
For 10 months, that's some great progress. I can definitely see your upper body filling out.
A little too much of a taper to be Hulkmode, but that's not a bad thing. You have some nice lat spread there.
Nice delts, very full. I can see which muscles you put the most work into.
Skinny, but even with the blurriness, I can see some definition. Nice work, keep it up.
thanks breh looking thick my man. getting the mop thinned out but keeping the length
ITT: Leg day skippers
Keep cutting until I see abs or bulk?
190 cm, 82kg.
Not much time lifting but steady progress in weight loss.
post body
How much more do I need to cut before I start seeing stuff?
>6’4 215 20y/o, was 325 this time last year
This was me last year for reference
10 SETS for each???
I wanna start going to the gym. What do yall think?
Pic is flexed.
bf% please. 190cm 81Kg no pump compound lifts only
dis me.
I used to lift on and off like 5 years ago. Got to like 180/150/130 DL/SQ/BP before I stopped.
what do you do for lower body?
based and redpilled. I'll look out for you at Leach
As to your question cut to 200, bulk back to 220 in muscle and you'll look like a beast.
Lmao I'm way too smol for Leach. I work out at my apartment complex's gym and run from said apartment to my fraternity's house on college ave(and back) every day for cardio.
Appreciate the feedback though
>my fraternity's house on college ave
based SAEposter
think again, nigger
t. KA
33 - 202lbs
225/345/fuck that/fuck that
Three more weeks of bulking and then it’s on to aggressive cutting for beach season.
Forgot to say 5’11”
you don't bench 345
Um. Okay? I’m glad you can see my max bench by a picture of my stomach.
you don't ohp 225 either
>SL 5x5
>Squat: 90kg BP: 55kg Row: 55kg OHP: 37.5kg DL: 95kg
Cut or bulk? I started out on a cut but stalled on ohp and row so switched to bulk (eat 3000cals a day) with healthy food. Debating whether to just lose all the fat and start over.
Still fat but less fat
I can sense the skinny fat in your posts.
I got a way to go from my goal. I'm currently about 153 and ~9-9.3% BF according to a test like 2 months ago. I'm early 20's and 5'10". I'm trying to gain some mass after a car accident made me concerned to not do much in the way of heavy weights. I'm not hot shit and wont pretend to be so I got a trainer to show me the right techniques to do shit the safe way and fix weak spots. Currently doing higher reps with much faster sets and compound exercises to put less strain on tendons while still getting muscle fatigue. I'm trying to gain mass and focus on growing my shoulders and traps right now, as well as balance my obliques since they're a little weak (my ribs were fucked so those targeting exercises were a no). Any advice would be appreciated. Lift safe Jow Forums.
You're not 9.9% bodyfat. Those hand held things are useless shit.
15 pounds
Someone able to explain insertions and tell me whether I can make it or not?
82kg = 180lb
Shit lighting
5’10 170 lbs
Keep cutting or start bulking?
You mean you are 9% percent lovehandles, right?
i'd say 14
bulk my friend
nice progress man, looking great. i would do lat isolations and face pulls.
miring hard. stats?
i'd get eatin my friend
6'2 193
cutting, but not sure how far to go. guessing i'm at 16% now? would love feedback
Dude... work your traps. You look ridiculous. Why does it look like your shoulders are balloons?
Nice arms
Work on them arms son
>thicc, nice
'mirin that tricep
This ought to be the official Jow Forums CBT montage plus legs.
I'm at 170, I'm 6' and a bit (the bit matters)
Leangains from here or should I cut to shred away the last ab fat then leangains?
I'm 95/155/205/255 for reps. Used to 2pl8 bench and only 1pl8 squat in college, at least that shit is fixed.
How do you guys get your arms that big? Tricep/bicep lifts don't do shit for me.
my overhead press is 155 for 6 reps, bench press 230 for 6 reps, squat 345 for 6 reps, deadlift 365 for 6 reps (idk exactly what im at with that, but I hit a new pr of 415 yesterday after my workout).
I've been at it for just under two years. 5ft7, 176lbs.
absolutely disgusting edition
Fucking kek, didn't notice it at first
Looking good. Bulk a bit longer, to February or so
yeah dude, i'm planning on starting fighting mma so volume is important
run 25 miles a week plus some bodysquats. obviously not enough since i still have chicken legs but ill be able to build some quads once i can afford the gym