Which one is really king of the Manlets Jow Forums?

Which one is really king of the Manlets Jow Forums?

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I like Jeff more.

Yeah jeff is better

Jeff has better proportions.


Jeff video on benching helped me break my plateau so of course he is the king.

Cavaliere isn't really a manlet, so I'd have to go with Nippard.

Joe Rogan

Attached: JoeRogan .jpg (803x1001, 256K)

>not a manlet

how do you do lateral raises safely?


Even though joe Rogan is like 5’7 on a good day he looks even tinier cause he’s standing next to Tyson fury who is 6’9.

Joe is 5'8 early in the morning, that's depressing af

Jeff isn't short. I think he is 5'10"

Do you want to go by average US height, Global height, or domestic average?

He says he is. He was standing Hakeem Dawodu after his fight last night who is listed as 5’8 and joe was a little shorter than him but joe and shoes on and dawodu didn’t.

how do you figure?


He's 5'10-11 Jesse didn't want to mess Jeff's hair up with the ruler. Nippy is a 5ft nothing goblin.

Average male height for his age group +1 inch for those with height disabilities

So here is the list of what matters to women the most on average.

1. Feeling safe
2. Level of income
3. Personality
4. Proportions
5. Height
6. Race
7. Eye color

Attached: not so bad.jpg (960x960, 128K)

Jeff is a cool guy who wants you to succeed and avoid injury, he doesn't take himself very seriously.
A decent king of manlets.
Rogan is ok but he's too much "Lmao weed, bruh"

>1. Feeling safe
That's why women stay with abusive boyfriends
>2. Level of income
That's why they'll chase after poor unemployed artists.
>4. Proportions
Unless you have child-bearing hips, literally no woman cares

>1.'feeling safe' for women literally means standing next to a tall guy
>2. for every extra inch of height men earn on average $1500 yearly
>3. taller men are perceived as friendlier and more easygoing. Not to mention the butthurt manlet stereotype.
>4. short guys like jeff have ridiculous proportions. Their heads look big and they can never get too big(see: not DEYL) otherwise they look ridiculous and overcompensating.
>5. self-explanatory
>6. whites are taller on average. Asians and third worlders in general are manlets.
>7. see #6. Also if your eyes are brown, you're not full white.

jeff nipples has a really high pitched annoying bitch of a voice

Women are complicated and contradictory organisms. You're not wrong, but neither is

>2 lmao

i'm 6'1 and all my managers are manlets and even the GM is a short woman like 5ft and they earn far far more than me

infact all the places i visit (H&S Inspector) the men in charge are normally shorter

Attached: hmmm.png (680x680, 59K)

Women like danger, they get turned on by guys that abuse them. How many absolute dead beat jobless, car less, future less losers do you know have kids? Sometimes with multiple women. I actually know several dudes like that. Women are a fucking meme. There is no rhyme or reason to their minds.

The real list

1. Emotion, how he makes her feel this is by far the defining factor to fucking a girl
2. Looks, doesn’t matter if you’re a loser, if you’re a good looking loser you can get tons pussy.
3. Status, self explanatory
4. Height, hell just being tall regardless of anything else is enough to get a foot in the door. If your short even if you are a 10 in every other way, you will still have trouble. Tall men makes women’s pussy tingle. Simple as that.

Tiny Trip

Cavaliere looks way better, and his content overall is more useful
Nippard just throws around studies he doesn't even understand

>Thats why they stay with abusive boyfriends
Yeah, because the dude might kill them if they leave, staying can be sadly the safest option, tho slipin some fentanyl in his tea might work too

Jamie pull me up


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Oh shit nigga

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He takes the half inch too so he is 5ft 10.5

For me, its Zac Perna, the one true manlet king.

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