In uni, have good friends back home so not the most autistic

>in uni, have good friends back home so not the most autistic
>have some kind of friends at uni but still not the best at making new friends
>plan to kms if no gf by 25
>finally made a tinder yesterday at around like 3 pm
>also 5'4 manlet
>trying to set aside built up self hatred, lack of self esteem and cynicism and from years of Jow Forums
>had some girls like me in before school but was too shy to make a move
>swipe right on most girls
>next day
>0 (ZERO) matches
I can't fucking believe it. I knew about the 80 20 rule and everything but I've seen outliers. There are ugly guys that get gfs, there are manlets that get gfs.
I know it's only one day but literally 0 matches when I swiped right on most girls and there's no one new in my area?
I'm too autistic to get a girlfriend irl so I thought tinder would be my only hope. I didn't think it would be this bad. I didn't think I would literally get 0 fucking matches. Is it even worth trying? Should I uninstall tinder? Should I even wait to see if I get a gf or should I just jump in front of the train that's near campus. I wanted to unsubscribe from the beliefs I've built into my brain from Jow Forums but it looks like what they said was actually true. Reality really is that bad.

Attached: DkSpSidU4AAM83K.jpg (750x750, 71K)

Let's see the tinder profile and help a fella out.

Is tinder really that much work? I have to trim it carefully just to get a girl to even acknowledge me. Also don't wanna post my profile because I'll get rekt but I know it's not that bad. It's short and simple

you will find someone as long as you don't stay in your room all day
all dating apps are shit unless you like fat chicks, don't use them
join some school clubs, hangout with people
Don't try to find a relationship, just go on with your life and it will find you.
it will feel like a long time but it will be worth it

Op is literally me except im too big pussy to make a tinder. tfw no gf

I've been doing that. Although I've mostly been sitting in my room I haven't rejected opportunities to socialize with the "friends" I've made here. I'm in clubs too. I'm not sure that will lead to a relationship if I'm not actively looking for one.

if you don't actively search for a relationship, you won't get sad when you don't have one.
Just focus on yourself

What will I do when it becomes too late and I graduate college without ever getting a relationship? Do I just hope and pray for some girl to pursue me?

too late will be when you're like 50
you'll be fine, don't worry about it.

I thought I would get a girlfriend in highschool but that didn't work out. I would like to not be pessimistic but I also don't wanna delude myself. Is it likely that sometime in college a relationship will just fall into my lap or is that just false hope.

>fall into your lap
no you'll have to work for it

Did you even get liked? Like got that notification that you are liked and buying tinder gold would show them?

I got 3 "likes" but I'm 1000% sure that those are fake and that tinder puts that there to entice you into buying tinder gold

well, i dont think they are fakes. i mean then there would be lot of angry tinder users who would have bought it and found out there isn't any real likes
just try at least it some more days, dont give up that early, it's not like everyone is using tinder every day.

i know for a fact tinder gives fake like notifications and i';ve heard complaints about buying tinder gold to see the likes on the matches screen and not getting anything so i'm not sure. I hope they're real likes tho

Getting a match here and there isn't that hard but to get a lot of matches and successful hookups it is a lot of work for most people. The picture is everything, most girls seem to not even read the bio consider they ask basic shit in the chat that you clearly wrote there. You can get away with a selfie if you're top 10% tier looks, otherwise you should pay a pro photographer for a quality headshot in order for your profile to get noticed. And once you do get matches, again if you're not top 10% tier looks, you'll have to be pretty fucking great at chatting to not get dropped. Remember that every girl that isn't a landwhale gets bombarded with matches, if you don't stand out a lot, you have no chance.

I honestly feel like dressing as a trap just to catfish people

it's kinda unbelievable that the odds are that low. what the fuck happened to the sexual market


Fucking idiot falling for a meme, go out in the real world tinder is BASED

>calls me an idiot for using tinder
>says tinder is based
i don't think you know what based means

Liberation. Unrestricted free markets, including the sexual market, always inherently results in inequality as the riches converge in the hands of a few.

Avoid any form of dating site like poison. They are only good as suicide fuel.

how am i supposed to get a gf then
I can't flirt with girls irl for shit. I can talk to them in a platonic manner only. also don't wanna be viewed as a creep and ask random girls out and get rejected and humiliated

>trying to get a gf

your worst mistake was trying. so was mine.