Hello pussbois. It's Zyzz. I am getting THICC girls cuz I have phuckable physique and cuz I am shredded as a motherfucker. U mirin brah?
Hello pussbois. It's Zyzz...
Fuck bro, mirin hard
You faken made it brah
You took your time to create this pathetic thread and to larp as Zyzz, you are pathetic and you are going to die alone.
Come at me brah. U virgin pussboi. U will never get thicc girls. No pussy for you. Now excuse me, I need some milk (from tities)
Nigga u look like u never left ur house
Start working on that virgin boy
You said the N word
That's cuz editing, I am darker than hell
I dont think so whiteboi
Stfu pussboi
You made it
being white is ok
curry spotted
Friendly reminder
you proved his point desu, kinda ironic
wtf I hate roids now
No roids = no bitches = virgin sadkunt
Lol why
Maximum cope.
Zyzz had a 9/10 face and was tall as fuck
>tall as fuck
He was 6"0' at most lmao
6 ft ain't tall lol epic mem
not tall as fuck but literally the ultimate chad height
he was a weak, stupid, bitter cunt though and I'll never understand why people like him. just because he spouted out some facebook tier motivational crap while on ecs, is that basically it? guy was an asshole, he would have personally tried to humiliate and mog every single one of his fanboys.
kk>>pianoman>plitt >>>>>>>> aziz
Nice try. Zyzz was positive as fuck. Stop posting shops.
Wtf I love Zyzz now
I love you too brah
Arigato Zyzz!
You should have known about this quote
>t. Permavirgins