What's the most painful lifting injury Jow Forums has gone through?

What's the most painful lifting injury Jow Forums has gone through?

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Wrist was smashed to pulp in a football game.
Was never set or seen too by a doctor.
Was in agony for weeks
Even the slightest breeze set off a cascade of pain.
Swelled up to the size of a small melon.
Still practiced still played the next week.
Just iced the shit out of it.

not lifting but i got large muscle tear on my back when some stepped on my back on rugby.Was out for limping for 3 months

Either pinched right sciatic nerve or low back strain.

Pinched nerve wasn’t so much outright painful so much as it’s persistent. Pinched it 6 years ago and still acts up with a throbbing pain down my leg if I deadlift too much or twist my torso the wrong way

Strained my low back bad after not lifting for 6 months and squatting. Had to literally crawl around my house, walking would make my back tighten and I’d collapse, standing would make my back tighten and collapse again unless I was careful and walked short distances.

Tore all ligaments on medial side of left ankle during fucking rugby PRACTICE. Worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

Shattered my first metatarsal bone in my left foot playing indoor football.
Surgeon said it's the worst break he's seen and didn't know if I'd run again. I can sprint and squat and deadlift just fine thanks to his work.

Also slipped a disc in my back from deadlifting 150kg with shitty form and then playing goalie at indoor football. My back has never been the same since.

I cut myself on a sheet of paper once

Bulged disc from stopping 300 kg concrete thing from breaking and also a torn bicep from that

Spiral fracture of femur

Got a booboo on my hands when I stopped using gloves. :(