Eating at uni

what do you guys do for eating at school? I unironically have no friends here and my campus (medium sized) only has one cafeteria. I always feel awkward going there alone.

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i don't even eat it's an open campus and i can get in and out anytime i want but i'm too introverted and scared to be seen eating for some reason idk.
My mom tries to pack me something but i always deny food and wait until i get home (Assuming i'm hungry which i feel rarely maybe i'm sick or something)
I guess that's why i'm such a skeletor.

I go sometimes alone too, don't care

damn, I honestly wish I was a commuter now that I think about it, living at school is hell. if my hometown had a school as good as the one I'm at I would go in a heartbeat.

sometimes would be doable, but 2+ times a day grinds on you, especially when you're the only one there alone, it makes you feel like such a freak

Maybe look out for someone that's sits alone too and ask if u can join, speak about how hard math is and u will look normal

i hate other people though, I just don't want others judging me

Why the fuck do you care so much? Just go you fucking failed normalfag

Dude, i take a shitty bus for 45 minutes. It's a fukin nightmare and the city i'm living in is so hot and the bus gets crowded. You'll feel more tired than when you studied 8 Hours/Day in College although you just studied 2 Hours.
Don't forget the fact that i didn't eat anything and usually we study around lunch and i feel like i want to die.
My dad picks me up sometimes since i'm pretty sure he thinks i'll pass out or something.

do you live in a 3rd world country?

fuck off

Why am I the failed one? U just got mad cuz I tried to help u and u just don't want to do anything

Yes and i have to pick pictures with Buses to post. REEEEEEEEE

Pack your own lunch. It's kinda childish and uncool to do at uni but what do you care. Also you'll save a heap being an apple boy

ur not trying to help u just insulted me

I would but I live in a tiny 1 room dorm and have no fridge

I go to a near restaurant, it costs me the same and I don't have to be there alone while everyone is eating with their friends.

Will nobody help me choose a /shake/?
>peanut butter
>choc mint
I just want to feel less alone

I don't even know where the cafeteria is. Although, i've been studying there for 2 years i never bothered to check and i just walk really fast to my class.
There are bunkers everywhere but i'm too anxious i'm so skinny and i'm really young compared to everyone so i'm too scared i'll bring attention to me. This huge ass university only has a few guards in the entrance.

Yeah, everyone lives that life for at least a year. When you can, just spend the ridiculous amount it costs for your own 1 room apartment. Everything becomes so much easier.

Just stop acting like a special snowflake and make friends, they don't need to be interesting or close, just people u go to eat with //this is my first time posting sorry if I insulted u

how/where do you eat then? my uni has a really small property but a medium sized population so I can't eat anywhere where there aren't loads of students.

Say hi to people
Join study groups
Go to the meetings for different groups you should know where to go for group information

You mongs make this over complicated

Nobody is going to beat you up for being young you idiot it's not highschool, you go to jail for fighting now

Read the first post...

hmm I will try that next year if I can

i hate other ppl tho

I eat in the bottom level of the car park in my car where there is a wall separating people from being able to see in the back corner. Please fucking kill me. Probably going to drop out once I find a job somewhere.

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He has a point though. No one cares and neither should you. If you're hungry then go to the fucking cafeteria and eat.

Same fag here, was reading more of this thread and realized you said you also hate people. So then WHY do you give a FUCK. If you want the loner lifestyle you better get fucking used to it.

you'll get used to it. Alternatively, go early when there are less people.