>mom thinks I have CP
>took my computer away
>only have my phone
>i'm 28
Old photo I took since I don't have any anime saved.
Mom thinks I have CP
If you're 28, then why the fuck would you let your mom take your computer...
You're grown man
did you? what made her think you did?
My dad says if I want to live here I have live by his rules. "His house his rules".
My sister found my loli folder and told my mom I had child porn.
that's why you never come out of the closet as a pedo
>implying lolis are legal
Loli is child porn retard
Ha, your parents see you as a child. Better make a man out of yourself or else you'll be pushed around for all of your life.
IT'S A FUCKING DRAWING you fucking moron.
Maybe to you. You'll have to keep the casual opinion in mind. If you have full nude drawing of children, they'll see you as fucked in the head.
So what? it still means you are attracted to little kids doesn't matter if theyre drawn or not
Sorry that you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality reatads
If your fantasy involves you jerking your microdick to pics of (((illustrated))) children then you have a problem :D
make sure to say that to your parents when they ask about it
You can jump through hoops all you want but if you like drawn children, then you most likely like irl ones too
The anatomy matches up
Burn it to the ground.
>The anatomy matches up
but it does not mate
lolis are usualy skinny while irl children are roundish
Its as shocking to normal people as the real deal. Pretty sure its actually illegal in some states and you can go to jail for possessing it. Better hope you don't live in one of those states, my friend.
Not to agree with those piece of shit normies but while Loli is not CP other people are too dumb to make the difference.
You have to remember that normies don't act with logic but feelings. When they will see a man interested in a loli here's what they will think :
- why don't he settle for a normal girl?
- omg protect the children!
- he is a creep and deserve to die
So next time don't make the stupid mistake to let your normie sister use your computer.
>IT'S A FUCKING DRAWING you fucking moron.
Which states?
>lolis are usualy skinny while irl children are roundish
this litteraly doesnt make sense, so you say if i only jerk off to women in my head than im not straight? im not attracted to women?
Yes. Now ask yourself why is childporn bad.
If you're not retarded you'll answer "because the process of making it involves ruining the lives of innocent children". Loli is a form of cp that doesn't do this.
Here you go. But being completely honest, getting caught with it in any state will probably ruin your life pretty badly.
>If you're not retarded
They are. You're wasting your time. Don't argue with """u a pedophile""" spammers. They're brainlets.
Nothing wrong with being a pedo as long as you don't rape anybody tbqh
Real child porn requires actual child abuse to create and buying it encourages people to abuse more kids. Loli is just a drawing and nobody gets hurt.
Holy hell, that's many more illegal states than I was expecting. Wtf man I just want to jerk off
but it's still CHILD PORN, as it shows drawn figures supposed to represent children engaging in pornographic acts. Just in 2D. Call it 2D child porn if you want. But it is child porn.
>Real child porn
It isn't, it's drawn child porn.
>Yes. Now ask yourself why is childporn bad.
Because anyone sexaully attracted to children has a mental ilness and is a potential danger to society
>but it's still CHILD PORN
No it's not you fucking moron.
And people like you fail to understand the danger of the implications for your dumb reasoning. You want to jail people on the ASSUMPTION that they are going to sexually abuse real children.
You or anyone agreeing with this are fucking insane, just like feminists.
You're safe looking at it online in the privacy of your own home but if you get caught doing it by someone else than I'd be worried about legal ramifications.
If I live in a legal loli zone does that mean I can import loli dolls?
so they are actually little midgets and not children?
dont fool yourself
It's porn depicting children, which makes it child porn. The children are fictional, but they are stil lsupposed to represent children.
Is a pormographic drawing of two guys fucking each other gay porn or not?
It's not because nobody gets hurt in lolicon. In real child porn a 9 year old is forced to have sex with some sicko on cam. In lolicon the 9 year old is drawn and isn't real.
Depends on if we are talking about the legal status of it or not. In many countries drawings of children aren't considered to be illegal "child pornography", as producing them doesn't cause the same kind of harm as actual child porn (photos/videos of kids). OP is probably a pedosexual though.
Are you retarded? Just because no one gets hurt by loli doesn't mean that it isn't cp. It's still pornography depicting a representation of a child.
>attracted to other men?
>that's normal!
>want to cut off your dick, undergo surgery, and take pills to become a woman?
>no problem there!
>attracted to children and know it's wrong so you just fap to little cartoon girls so no real children are harmed?
>ok, buster, that's where I draw the line.
shouldn't it be legal in all of America because of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition?
What constitutes loli though? I could just draw some little kids getting fucked and claim they're actually 18. Is that illegal?
The whole concept of laws protecting fictional characters from fictional abuse is fucking absurd.
this. i hate pedos but if a fictional character gets murdered is it murder?
Transgender people are mentally ill, and so are pedophiles.
>attracted to children and know it's wrong so you just fap to little cartoon girls so no real children are harmed
Yes that is what a pedo should do, but the fact that they fap to loli means that they are a pedo, there is no way to deny that.
Loli refers to a genre that stared from the concept of LOLITA, which is a young teen girl typically around the age of 12, also known as ebephilia (AOC in Japan is 13 in fact, they had real cp legal till 2011)
You're not a pedophile, but the content is considered drawn cp and illegal in some countries.. Such as united cucks of murica
Just man the fuck up and tell your parents that you really like young teen girls and that sexually for you they mean things like innocence, curiosity, elegance, youth, development, nostalgia or whatever you feel about it and that you'd never act on your impulses.
>28, lives with parents
>gets caught with bunch of sexualized drawings of little girls
>but it's not porn so it doesn't matter I didn do nuffin
You are a genuine retard or this is bait. Just step back and think for a minute what you're doing.
>It's completely legal to watch videos of cartels killing little girls
>If you have videos of little girls taking a bath you get put in prison
>You'll get more time for the videos than you would actually molesting a child
>Normies would argue this is "just common sense".
Nice try but it doesn't work that way.
It is loli porn, not child porn. There is a reason why a loli is called a loli and a child is called a child, words has their meaning.
Your whole argument doesn't work because you assume that we are talking about children when we are not.
>b-but representation of
Stupid. The loli can be a catgirl, the loli can be a witch over 2000years, heck some fags are even into loli with cowtits. Those attributes do not exist in the real world dumbass.
>someone gets murdered in anime
>muh not murder its just a drawning you know
>Nice try but it doesn't work that way.
>It is loli porn, not child porn. There is a reason why a loli is called a loli and a child is called a child, words has their meaning.
>Your whole argument doesn't work because you assume that we are talking about children when we are not.
>>b-but representation of
>Stupid. The loli can be a catgirl, the loli can be a witch over 2000years, heck some fags are even into loli with cowtits. Those attributes do not exist in the real world dumbass.
Not OP and I'm not in denial about it, just wish all pedos didn't get a bad rap because of those sick fucks who capture children and turn them to sex slaves for the rest of their lives.
This is kinda like hating all blacks just because of the niggers out there who go around shooting and robbing people as a career.
you wanna put every edgelord in jail too? are you a normalfag or just authoritarian as fuck?
Conservatives are mentally ill, and so are alt-righters.
>keeps being racist and know it's wrong so you just keep cuckposting no real harm done
>Completely illegal in Nevada
Who would have guessed? Good thing I'm in NC.
>My sister found my loli folder and told my mom I had child porn.
You deserve everything you get you fucking idiot.
12 and 13 are still children. Arguably so is 14. Ebephilia refers to the attraction of 15/16 to 18/19.
The real issue here is that normies are trying to regulate your virtual fantasy sexlife just because they don't like what you're fapping to. Think about it for a moment.
Feeling attraction is never a disease, animals, younger individuals, way older ones, dead, relatives, same sex, objects... The fact is always morality and how is applied to those preferences, especially if people who have them are a minority.
Another thing is feeling BAD and SICK of being in your own body and not feeling your sex, gender dysmorphia.. We're incouraging people to change sex instead of dealing with a mental issues and making people feeling different kinds of attraction miserable and criminal (pedophiles and necrophiles should have therapy and an acceptable alternative, not having to hide and become monsters because of people persecuting them)
Another thing is the fact that usa degenerate culture is pushing pysychoanalyzation and victimization of young teens.. That they are all stupid, that they have no responsibilities whatsoever and that a 15yo developed teen girl can't choose whether or not she can fuck a 20yo guy
How do I upvote this post?
pic related is not gay porn it's two women who just look like men
Because nobody gets hurt it shouldn't be in the same category. Loli should be legal because it's just drawings of children. There's no reason not to allow it. It's free speech.
This I hate fucking normies and their virtue signalling bullshit. Its a bunch of drawings who the fuck cares its time to move on. Or would they prefer the lolicon have his drawings taken away forcing them to move on to real children? its a mitigation issue.
Have fun in prison, user.
Don't forget to send us a postcard.
but when someone gets murdered in a drawing it is still murder but just fictional, im not saying they should go to jail for that
Just think of it as a sub category to cp, and it's legal or illegal depending on where you live.
And there's nothing wrong with it as long as you never make the switch to real little girls.
>rest of their lives, they can only be children for so many years user
It's not murder because it's drawn and not real. It's like saying if I draw a mansion I actually have one. Or like saying if I draw myself owning a big company I actually own one.
>Feeling attraction is never a disease
Being attracted to a child who cannot breed means there is something wrong with your brain, seeing as mankinds main goal is to reproduce. It is a mental disorder.
Gender dysmorphia is not feeling bad about how you were born. It's about feeling that you are not how you were supposed to be. It's about feeling that you were never supposed to be the gender you are, which is illogical. A transpersons way of thought is the spawn of a brutal and devastating disorder in their brain, and they need help.
and if someone asks what ur doing in this Picture?
you just say
>i stay awkard next to this company
They're probably killed or sold off to other sex rings once they get too old. How many cases of children found 15 years after they're abducted do we hear about?
Full disk encrypt all your drives. Long passphrase. Lock your computer every time you leave its sight and shut down instead when not in use.
It's 2018. People get fucked for all kinds of trivial stuff nowadays so cover your ass.
Lolicon is totally legal in my state
So gay people have a mental disorder because they're attracted to same sex individuals and not being able to reproduce?
Sexuality in nature is not always finalized to breeding, stop being a retard and get educated.
Pedophilia is not a mental disorder, it has existed since millenia and pedophiles are a huge percentual in society.
Something being considered "harmful" or immoral (especially nowadays) doesn't imply it being a disorder, even homosexuality was in the DSM before they changed it.
It's still fictional murder.
Fictional child porn is a non harmful, moral, and a legal alternative to real cp. However, this does not negate the fact that anyone consuming fictional cp is a pedophile.
Why would you throw away perfectly good fuck meat just because they're not a child anymore? Whores are useful anywhere.
what a bunch of charitable people allowing a pedo to live in their home.
lolifags blown the fuck out. Keep mental gymnastics you pedophiles.
A drawing of a little girl. A sexual drawing of a little girl. You're just a closeted pedo building up the courage to do it for real by looking at anime girls.
Ebephilia is the attraction of young teens at the start of their development (11-14) and EPHEBOPHILIA is from 15 to 19.
That's why stupid people shouldn't be allowed to talk nor vote.
A 12 year old is not a child and many of them in western countries nowadays are way more developed that what you think (don't bring mentality, that depends upon the subject and culture, a 12yo disciplined girl who lived in war and through responsibilities can easily be more mature than a spoiled 18 brat)
In Asia for example a 18yo girls appear more children and often are not even developed near that age.
>It's still fictional murder.
Think about what you just wrote right now.
If you don't see how wrong you are then you're just another modern hitler in the making.
Because they're not children anymore and aren't attractive by 15/16+ to real deal pedos. If you like flatter chests, childlike faces, and no protruding hips then they get ruined to you when they develop too much.
>No see the little girl isn't being molested in the comic because it's just a drawing
You act like there aren't a large number of people who want to fuck a whore over the age of 15.
Goddamn you are stupid.
I'm not saying anyone should be locked up for owning loli. Im saying that anyone attracted to loli is a pedophile. Being a pedophile is not illegal, it's gross.
Most lolis are at least a thousand years old, how do you explain that?
How is it pedophilia if you're not raping a child? dumbasss
>lets mom take computer
>still lives with parents
what the fucking fuck man?
you can say a drawn dick that is 5 Inches is actually a 9 incher but no one will believe it, if they think with logic
Pedophilia is the attraction, not the action you dope
Why do you jerk off to it as oppose to some other drawing then if it's just a fucking drawing?
Because it depicts children. Pedo.
Kekels will be deposited to your account
My Gen X uncles born in the 70s lived at home until their early 30s. This was when it was taboo to live at home. They're programmers and played Sonic and Sega games and computer games all day in the 90s. I'm older than 30 and live at home just like them. I hung out with them as a kid playing Sonic. I'm also into software engineering. Must be genetic.
In a sexual manner obviously.
>I can tell you why you jerk of this
>Because I can read your mind !!!
No. Fuck off retard.
Get out as fast as you can dude
>I jerk off to drawings of kids because i like jerking off to drawings of kids
Yes. Fuck off pedo.
Well, why do you jerk off to cartoons depicting kids if you don't want to jerk off to cartoons depicting kids? Enlighten me cletus.
I'm not the OP but don't want to leave now. I was saying that some people are just like that. My anecdote about my uncle's born in the 70s is what the old school, older generations of robots were like back in the day. I even remember them as teens.
>No. Fuck off retard.
>I jerk off to the story