How long have you been posting on Jow Forums? What keeps you coming back?

How long have you been posting on Jow Forums? What keeps you coming back?

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since it opened up pretty much,
I keep coming back because I thought I had meet someone special through here.
I was wrong, and my desire to come back just keeps dwindling and dwindling.

8 years? If not more.
I'm here for the nuggets of pure awesome that pop out from time to time.

10 years; its not a circlejerk of upvotes or post counts

11 years. It's my way of social interaction.

6 years maybe.
I barely browsed back in the day, but I realized that this place is the only one I can freely post about anything and not give a fuck. Helps with my social anxiety aswell

10 years. I enjoy that people speak their minds here, and that it's not an endless circlejerk of tryhard humor with lame puns and pop culture references for the sake of peer approval and imaginary points. You can discuss controversial things without being banned or outright dismissed by uppity, self righteous normies who are appalled at the idea of somebody not conforming to the status quo. The people here are also just really funny and I love shitposting with you retarded faggots

12 years.
I honestly don't know.
It's like a bad habit you can't break... I've hated coming here since about 2011/2012 when it started getting REALLY shit, but for some reason I still come back daily.
It's like battered wife syndrome.

Don't forget you're here forever.

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8 years at least. It's the only place where I can be truly open with my thoughts without fear of offending someone. Everywhere else (both irl and online) requires me to constantly walk on eggshells, and since I'm pretty bad at reading social cues it can be pretty stressful.

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I've been lurking for about 10 years now, but only started posting somewhat regularly in the past 2 years.

Unironically 12 years.

1 year. I find it an interesting site. Talking to people that feel worse than me remembers me that not all hope is lost

I keep coming back because I don't interact with anyone other than my Mother and Jow Forums.

I discovered it in highschool around 2006 through a friend. Now I mostly sit on 8ch, but, yeah, Im just used to imageboards, some people sit on forums, i was always here

1 year
I actually like the community, I feel like I fit in. I don't have any social media accounts so Jow Forums replaces that for me

Ten damned years
I don't even know why I keep coming back. I hate this site with every single of my living cells.

4 years, but only this year I started to come regularly. I only stay here 'cause I have nowhere else, every place is either circle jerking or petty discussions about politics or these kinds of shit.

everytime that I see these treads that are just a bunch of "robots" having a hateboner for some stupid thing I die inside a bit, this place shouldn't be like this, we should be better

18 months
Lack of drive, no will power.
Started when it was cold, windy outside so now conditioned to feel comfy when browsing (wasting my life).

Only 2 years wish I got here sooner

My memory of high school is atrocious so I can't say for sure but I'm within a few months of having been here for a decade at the very least. Possibly 11 years. Other sites just aren't the same. Even though archives exist I like that my posts disappear after a while. No embarrassing trail, no need to hide my true feelings or experiences. I like it here. I just wish the election hadn't brought in so many newfags.

5 years. I always come back for the memes and to read news/ unfiltered opinions.

8 years now, it's mostly to just pass the time, I came for memes, stayed for ponies, and now this is the oy place on the internet I feel at home at, no matter how awful it is, I can't seem to shake off nostalgia, and really don't fit in anywhere else.

just realised it's been 5 years already. I fucking hate it here and I hate all of you. The only reason I come here is because it's the only place I can share my thoughts and opinions honestly. I've tried to stop coming here but always end up back after a few months at most.

this site is brain rot of the highest order but everywhere else requires a login and is just as bad content wise for different reasons.

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Lurking for approximately 10 years. I haven't really posted anything for a long time.

I used to post nude photos in /soc/ back when I was a teenager and too shy to sleep with girls.

I don't know honestly why I come back- I basically hate the prevailing ideologies/sensibilities/opinions of your average Jow Forums poster.

it's okay user

we all hate it here, too

>I basically hate the prevailing ideologies/sensibilities/opinions of your average Jow Forums poster.

that's a cute way to tell everyone you are neither gay nor pedo

>everyone on Jow Forums hates Jow Forums
>Jow Forums is just a congregation of people who hate themselves

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12 years
I like people more when I don't get to know them in any way

Been here since '06, so over 12 years now. I'm 23; pretty much grew up with this website.
Keeps me coming back cause the variety of boards and good conversation with anons are still better than anything else on the internet.

It's probably been almost 9 years now.

I both hate and love this place- I hate how it saps my productivity, plays on (and exacerbates) my anxieties and how it prevents me from going and living a real normie life. I love the creativity (the constant manufacturing of new memes), how it shows me what other people are truly thinking when they're anonymous and ultimately the bants.

Truth is, my life has been quite tumultuous and this website has been one of the few constants. Browsing prompts feelings of comfort.

I guess those posters when I first joined were right; I'm here forever.

I wish I could go back and stop my self from ever coming here. I wish I could get my time back. I wish I didn't know the things I know.

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The shit people keep coming up with

Since 2009. Jow Forums replaces irl social interaction for me and I don't even mind

It's been 8 or 9 years.
I keep coming back because so many people and experiences in my life has been from here that this place just feels like home to me. When all else is suck, I know where to go next.

The comfy bullshit here has often been the only time I've ever felt safe speaking up and being myself. It's a pity to watch it die.

Literarily same my man.

Dont feel much need for social interaction outside and I've realized my values and culture are completely detached of that of normies around me.

I don't get that shirt. It looks like it should be a smiley face but it's split up.

yeah, at least once a week someone drops something original and funny into the trashpile and I'd hate to miss out on it

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About 10 years lurking, 5 years posting.
It's my home.

maybe you could freely talk to someone that doesn't judge you
that's a lot better than opening yourself here

it's boobs, you fucking child

11 years for me.

It became regular at 8 years

>it's funny and i grew up on it

wow. how is that shirt socially acceptable? sluts these days I swear

big sister used it since it opened and I always saw her having fun. It brings good memories and I meet awesome and unique people that no one else knows.

14 years
Sometimes it's nice to talk to people over the internet and I've yet to find a better website for that purpose.

Since I was 16 (Im 27 now)
I'm not nearly as active as I was in the past. But I still lurk most days because Jow Forums offers a type of discussion I haven't found anywhere else. Y'all may say some fucked up shit but it's at least entertaining

Almost 13 years now. I don't really have much else going on in my life aside from work,so Jow Forums has just become a daily habit at this point. The occasional epic thread doesn't hurt either.

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Since I was like 15, I keep coming because it takes me back some years

8 years. I rarely post anymore. Maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

12 years
thematic boards and chance to speak openly