I went from deadlifting 3x per week to 1x per week and my strength has declined on the exercise. My 1RM used to be 400lbs and I now struggle with 370. It just got to the point where I wasn’t able to pull heavier weights and had to keep going down. I’ve lost the ability to do even 335 for a set of 5. I made this change a month ago. I started a bulgarian cycle on bench and put 35lbs onto it in 2 and a half weeks. I also do rows every day and squats with moderate intensity on the days I don’t deadlift. Is it just that my CNS is taxed from pushing myself on bench most days, or am I actually losing strength on the deadlift?
Deadlifting frequency and losing strength
The more often you lift the stronger you get, deadlift taxes your lower back a lot more than squats. I did Bulgarian squat every day for 1 month, maxing every session, went from 135kg to 150-155kg. Then lost a bit of that weight when I went back to normal training, however got it back up, now it's 165kg max squat, and that's without doing squat every day training since a while back and being sick every once and a while.
god this board is so fucking retarded, like the 2 posters ITT sound like mouthbreathing retards who don't even know half the vocabulary they use
and because they are those annoying ass faggots who believe the only way to go is compounds I won't give them any information
Thank you for gracing us with your presence
Thanks for sharing your expereince with bulgarian. Is there a specific reason why you stopped? I switched from my beginner program to bulgarian 2-3 weeks ago and I’m shocked by how fast it got me through my bench plateau. I got into it because a friend of mine got into lifting 2 months ago, went against my advice to do SS, and ended up getting to 315lbs on his squat with decent depth for 2rm by squatting every single day. Meanwhile, after a year of training, I wasn’t even up to 315lbs for 1RM.
You sound mad, small and weak
wanna know how i know youre a virgin?
>i started doing an exercise less and lost strength on it
I deadlift 2x/ week.
If you need to rest more than 4 days between, you are lacking in diet, hydration, or sleep.
Ideally, you should be able to do 3 days, but unless you sleep perfect every night and don’t have any stress (n33ts) 4 days is a better reference
When was the last time you did a proper deload / rest user? If you haven't done a deload in months, your CNS is fried. If your strength is going down (and you're doing rows everyday...why? Muscles need time to repair / rebuild) you're not balancing your routines.
I like the rule of frequency, volume, intensity, pick 2. You want to train everyday with a lot of reps? You cannot train with super sayan intensity. You want to train like a super sayan with higher reps? You need to go to the gym less & spend more time recovering. You want all 3? Tren is your friend.
Also, I can actually pull 5 plates.
I’m not one of these insecure, weakfags who can’t get their heads out of their asses long enough to acquire real skills.
That reminds me, get a real hobby also
It's fatigue and under recovery and not proper programming. If I can deadlift 90%+ of my max twice a week and my max is over 600lbs than you can manage to recover better when you can only deadlift 4pl8s.
your programming is retarded
you didn't lose any real strength you are just buried in fatigue because you're doing bulgarian meme
I’ve been training 5-6 days a week for the past 2-3 weeks, making gains on bench and rows daily
Thing is, my bench and rowing strength keep going up daily. I’m pushing and pulling equally to avoid postural imbalances from doing bulgarian on bench. I focus my intensity on bench, going as hard as possible daily before using less intensity on rows and squats. I’m going to pick a different exercise to focus on once I reach my benching goal.
It just seemed silly to me to keep training 3x per week when this happened >when was the last time you deloaded?
About 2 months ago due to growth pains (I’m 19 pls no underage b&’d)
>Thing is, my bench and rowing strength keep going up daily.
it's almost like bench uses smaller muscles and is much easier to recover from both locally and systemically, wowza
you cannot program deadlifts the same way you program bench press, you will not find any program with equitable deadlift and bench volume and frequency unless it is designed by and for someone with down syndrome
Yeah thats why I reduced deadlifts to 1x a week as I focus on bench, solely going for 1RMs for maintanence, primarily. I started by going up to 405, couldnt pull it despite having done it weeks before then, back when I was still deadlifting 3x per week. Ended up only being able to pull 365 that day. Next week, went up to 370. The most recent time I pulled was a few days ago and I couldn’t get 375 off, nor 365, so I ended up going to 335 for a set of 5 and only ended up being able to do a set of 3 reps
your squatting is fatiguing you which is nosediving your deadlift
get off bulgarian and do a real program
You say that and yet my bench is going up daily.
I’m only squatting 2pl8s for maintanence
Take 5-10g creatine once a day every day for a few weeks no breaks.
Youre welcome problem solved
The issue here isn't frequency.
The issue is that your only fucking deadlift training is maxing out once a week. That will only work if a) you have a good build for deadlifting and b) you have sufficient supplemental work to keep building the strength that you learn to demonstrate by maxing on deadlifts.
So you're probably both fatigued and undertrained. Fix that shit.
Weird. I do every other exercise twice a week, but deadlifts once a week and the progress in weight is similar.
Also I read that you should deadlift once a week anyway since your back gets already work twice a week with squats.
>You say that and yet my bench is going up daily.
1, what the fuck are you doing bulgarian for if you squat 225?
2. squatting fatigue will not interfere as much with bench as it will with deadlift for the obvious reason that the muscle groups used overlap a lot more with sq/dl
seriously man what the fuck are you doing just do a proven level appropriate program
hold on wait I didn't read your original post all the way through your only deadlift training is pulling a 1rm once a week? jesus christ man that's ultra retarded no wonder your DL is freefalling, you're barely doing any deadlifting at all, on top of being fatigued from squatting
please stop and do a predefined program, you're so lacking in understanding how to design a program that you're best served doing cookiecutter shit for another year or two at this point
You're not actually losing strength. You've lost some efficiency due to lower weekly volume, and maybe you're also tired from bench. When you start doing deads more often again your numbers will shoot (back) up.