Can gyno be concealed if you bulk your chest up enough or is it stuck on you until you get surgery?
Gyno thread
I believe surgery is the only way. Remember, that tissue is on top of the muscle. You would just push it out further I would think. Get surgery.
my gyno is grade 1 and I got some fuckin pizza nips, quite unfortunate but it ain't that bad can live with it
Why do you get bitchtits?
just curious
hormonal imbalance, you're basically a girl inside and getting gyno is just your body catching up
fuck, i lost, those three pics made me lol hard
Just accept your gyno and become a girl
I-Is it g-gay to get a hard on from those pics? I mean, they do resemble breasts anyways.
>the 4 stages of nipple grief
4.the realization that you are never gonna bench 2 plate cause the lord of genetics shat on your cornflakes
>not being able to bench three plates