Can gyno be concealed if you bulk your chest up enough or is it stuck on you until you get surgery?
Gyno thread
I believe surgery is the only way. Remember, that tissue is on top of the muscle. You would just push it out further I would think. Get surgery.
my gyno is grade 1 and I got some fuckin pizza nips, quite unfortunate but it ain't that bad can live with it
Why do you get bitchtits?
just curious
hormonal imbalance, you're basically a girl inside and getting gyno is just your body catching up
fuck, i lost, those three pics made me lol hard
Just accept your gyno and become a girl
I-Is it g-gay to get a hard on from those pics? I mean, they do resemble breasts anyways.
>the 4 stages of nipple grief
4.the realization that you are never gonna bench 2 plate cause the lord of genetics shat on your cornflakes
>not being able to bench three plates
depends how bad it is, if you have grade 1 it's probably not gonna be that noticable
I think I have grade 1 but I still wanna get this eyesore removed some day.
>you're basically a girl inside and getting gyno is just your body catching up
oh, so they should realy just be transitioning then. Rather then disfiguring their feminine form.
Are pufft nips gyno? I don't look like either sample of that pic but my nips are almost always visible through my clothes.
same, and I have higher than average test levels
no it can't. get the surgery.
t. former gyno
Nofap + cold showers can remove gyno I think.
Cold showers makes your skin tighter
Nofap decreases prolactin
That's just fat
If there is titty tissue behind it yes, otherwise you just have puffy nips caused by something else.
I hope this is a troll but some people are so stoopid they believe in old wives' tales as fact.
Even if prolactin levels dropped you'd still have breast tissue. Your body doesn't absorb that back in.
FUCKING FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My gyno went away after I stopped consuming dairy tbqh
>Your body doesn't absorb that back in.
what is autophagia?
i was in a pretty much identical state to you about a year ago it goes away when you lose some fat don't worry
Well it got rid of my puffy nips