Jow Forums Feel Thread

I'll start.

>Be me
>Been lifting for a few months
>Scrawny cunt
>Notice first signs of vascularity
>Feels good man

I know it is stupid, but it was at that point where I knew I could make it. Post you stories, bros.

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>working out routinely for 5 years
>start new job
>all the girls call me buff
>feel my arms
>other guys ask for tips on weight lifting
>”he’s gorilla strong”

Not sure how I feel about all the attention

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I say enjoy it. That's the dream to me.

>no degree
>living basically in a basement
>working a shitty job
>starting to bald
>all I have is the gym

Too embarrassed about my life to even talk to women or make friends. I’m literally the autist in the corner doing deadlifts

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You similar background to me bruh?
I grew up chubby af and started lifting in college
Grew up being a wallflower

Good lifts and big gains to you tho breh

yikes desu

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Have fun underage, if it were up to me I’d lower the age limit to 16. Legal shit and such makes it 18, v&&b&

>trapped in military
>my life is a lie
>SEAL grade gym doe
>lifting is my outlet for my rage
>lifting is my outlet for my self esteem
>lifting restored my neurochemical balance and now I'm not depressed

The good lord giveth

>I am weak
>cant deadlift 4 plates
>cant squat 3
>cant bench 2
>5"11 175
>theres no reason I shouldn't be a strong person
>constantly lifting for 2 years
>4-6 workouts per week, rest before heavy days, active recovery after, legs every 3 days, the works
>forever weak.
>nobody will mire
>6pack means nothing without the numbers

The good lord taketh away
