I’m ugly fat and want to die

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Not that ugly
Lose weight and get face gains
Do something with yourself faggot

get lean and you'll be less ugly, lift weights and get jacked. most importantly stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time its gonna get you nowhere.

if you're gonna post here multiple times a day without doing anything about your self loathing, at least learn to rotate the picture before you post. jesus christ

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look dude, I don't want you to kill yourself, but continuously posting here and setting yourself up to be lampooned is a surefire way to send you down that path. you've gotta help yourself

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Me too op but I just keep moving, trying to improve myself and trying to not end up being some fat piece of shit

You don't have any deformities, you'll look just fine if you lose some weight.

I'm not sure if it's bait or not but follow a lifting program like SS and then move to an intermediate program like PPL or whatever. Buy a foodscale and measure absolutely everything you eat and log it to MyFitnessPal.

If you start lifting you'll produce enough dopamine to not want to off yourself, I also recommend doing some cardio every day, an hour at least. I personally hate running so I ride my bycicle near the beach.

If you do this religiously for 6 months your life mind and body will be completely different.

you look like DSP

Shave your face, change your green on green before you fail your next PFT.

You're a good-looking dude!

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It still amazes me when fatties say they wanna die because they are fat instead of losing weight. They put food over their own life. Such subhumans.

It's not even food. You can eat like they do and just work out and start losing weight.

If this is real you literally just have to lose weight and you will look good

Dear fucking god you're the guy that was spamming threads on Jow Forums. Just do something man making 20 fucking threads a day won't fix it

You have a good hairline you stupid fag. Grow your hair out a bit and lose weight so you don't look like Gomer Pyle and you'll be fine.
t. baldie who is less self loathing than you

daily reminder if ure not deformed ure not ugly

you look like the average Central/Eastern European boomer

Under-eye shadows + wrinkles = very good chance you have low stomach acid. It's basically cucking you from getting the amino acids your body needs. Doesn't matter how healthy you eat, you need to fix this first.

Start supplementing some apple cider vinegar before meals. Water down a couple tablespoons of it and see if your digestion gets any better. You can also move onto Betaine HCl if you think you need it. You'll know you've taken too much when you start to have heartburn symptoms.

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Not him, but I have problem with under-eye shadows, too.
Not gone full carnivore yet, but I think I will have to, it might help with acidity.

Carnivore is a meme, but you'll have to find that out yourself. Supplement ACV regardless.

In the old time people didn't have vinegar.
Might try, tho.

Same but instead of being a mopey twat I accept the hand I'm dealt with and move on with my life, faggot


No he isnt

Hey ugly fat and want to die, I'm Jeff!

You don't even look bad, lose some weight and grow your hair out and shave your face, you got potential. Also eat good, healthy foods and get vit d + magnesium supplements, you probably have a shit diet that's making you miserable.