When did you realize women actually do have it harder than men?
>walk down the street at night
>woman walking ahead of me gets visibly scared, starts walking faster, and keeps glancing back at me and pretending to talk on her phone
>I'm a harmless-looking lanklet who wouldn't hurt a fly
Imagine living in fear like that all the time. Women really do have it rough.
When did you realize women actually do have it harder than men?
When did you realize men actually do have it harder than women?
>be alone in a break room
>woman walks in wearing a miniskirt and a top that barely contains her breasts
>try to make it look like I just remembered something important and hurry out of the room
Imagine living in fear like that all the time. Men really do have it rough.
I am not trying to say that men have it harder than women. I just think it sucks to be a guy that isnt like most other men. I am a man who has never been interested in sports. I was never hypercompetitive and alpha. I was never trying to be number one and I was never the A type. Most men are like all of the things I mentioned.
You have someone like me. A Type B personality. A thinker more than a doer. I am not task oriented but merely interested in just doing things randomly and at whichever time suits my desires. Most men are disciplined and driven by status and competition. I ignore those things and have never pursued it.
I also really suck with women. I have zero ability to convince women to want to sleep with me. I cant talk to women in a romantic way. I can only talk to them as friends or mere acquaintances. I really want sex and love but I am completely unable to have it because of my personality and because of my plain appearance.
>men literally have to keep themselves from snapping and raping women in public
lmao y'all really are scum.
I was genitally mutilated at birth.
Don't you ever fucking say women have it harder.
So to continue from what I am saying. I am merely frustrated at women because they are foreign to men like myself.
While most other guys can easily convince women to date them for relationships or sex I am unable to process this kind of thinking or behavior. I feel as if women want men who are aggressive and masculine and I am not any of those things either. I also have low self esteem and I get anxious around people. Men are supposed to be confident and fearless. This masculine behavior turns on women. But for an introverted man like me who is more sensitive than most men, its pretty much impossible to be able to convince them that I am sexually appealing.
Im also ugly. Theres that.
>tempt men
>they get horny
>file sexual harassment because they looked at you
>"oh, poor you. It's so hard not to rape"
We need to bring back the patriarchy.
"harmless looking lanklets" are the worse of all, though.
Female children get their genitals mutilated when theyre completely awake in a non sterilized environment when they are old enough to be cognizant and remember the pain even though it offers zero health benefits
>go actively against a model of society that protects women and children first with men taking all the responsabilities and protecting them
>ok then here's rights
>reeeeeeee I don't feel safe without men protecting me what the fuck this is misoginy's fault
there are starving children in africa so all of your complaining is irrelevant
The door's right fucking here >>>/kys/
sometimes as im standing in line for the movie theatres and i notice that there are guys standing behind me I tend to tense up and feel really uncomfortable around their presence for whatever reason. I hate being around people in general, but guys fuel my anxiety a lot
I feel the same about white women. They make my life feel like my life can get terminated by one finger point.
Reminder that woman live life on easymode compared to men
>you are more likely to be murdered as a man
>you are more likely to commit suicide as a man
>you are more likely to be homeless as a man
Unless your gonna address these issues and more dont try to tell me woman dont live life on easymode.
Im scared of strangers too and im male. Wheres my pity party?
No. This is a terrible equivalence. You stated you have it worse than women because you experienced circumcision. But females also experience circumcision and when they do it's virtually always worse than male circumcision.
Female circumcision (even something as little as poking the clitoris with a needle and leaving zero lasting damage) is a felony in all Western countries and is recognized as a barbaric human rights violation. Male circumcision, which removes a vital part of the penis (2.5x the nerve endings of a clitoris) without any anaesthetic for literal vanity and aesthetic reasons, however, is perfectly fine.
Literally every single problem with have with men could be completely fixed by just reversing the dimorphism of the species
They for some reason haven't come around to it yet.
As I mentioned
Male circumcision has real health benefits, it is not purely aesthetic
Male circumcision is performed most often in sterile environments under licensed professionals
Male circumcision happens to you when you're an almost newborn baby, you can't remember it and you haven't even developed most of the nerve-endings there
Female circumcision has no health benefits
Female circumcision is not practiced in sterile or safe environments and it is very common for the females to be seriously injured, infected, and raped when it occurs
Female circumcision typically happens to girls who are well at the ages they will remember it for the rest of their lives
While some claim male circumcision REDUCES the sensitivity of the penis, female circumcision COMPLETELY REMOVES the sensitivity of the clitoris, effectively making it impossible for women to ever derive pleasure from it.
Non-western countries cover far more of the population than western countries do. The fact that it's a crime somewhere doesn't mean it doesn't happen extremely often, and in many of those non-western countries male circumcision ISN'T practiced.
>Male circumcision has real health benefits
When will this meme die
When science disproves (or strongly suggests otherwise), which it hasn't.
Not getting phimosis is a big one too.
>walking down the street at night along a badly lit sidewalk
>three thots are being loud as fuck in front of me
>thots walking side by side blocking my way
>cannot step onto the road because of trees and cars
>eventually come up right beside them
>they still have no clue about my presence
>try to say "sorry"
>my voice cracked from lack of use
>a tiny whisper comes out instead
>immediately the thots scream their heads of, jump into the street and terrified
>I just get on my way
>overhear them saying shit like "that was scary, haha, what the fuck, we could have been killed, omg, wtf, I have to call my mom, should we call the police"
Fallacy of relative privation.
>should we call the police
I'd have probably lost my shit if I heard that one.
Easy don't walk around at night, don't why should women?
Why do women do this, they know that they're dressing provocatively.
Are they trying to give men boners?
Groups of women have the same effect of some men.
Hell four 14 year old girls intimidated me. 25 year old 210 lb 6'1 male.
They asked invasive questions that prey on my insecurities.
Like how much money I make, or if I have a gf.
>theres people CHASING you because they want to have sex with you, thats how high your sexual value is
meanwhile i didnt hold a hand
>Always walk super fast out of fear people will think I'm following them
Is this autism?
>Male circumcision has real health benefits, it is not purely aesthetic
No it doesn't. Yes it is.
>Male circumcision is performed most often in sterile environments under licensed professionals
That doesn't make involuntary genital mutilation of children okay.
>Male circumcision happens to you when you're an almost newborn baby, you can't remember it
The pain and trauma of circumcision (performed, once again, with zero anaesthetic) affects the brain.
>and you haven't even developed most of the nerve-endings there
>reeeee but muh third-world female circumcision
...is seen as barbaric and is outlawed in the developed world, unlike male circumcision. Also, there are many types of female circumcision, some which involve simple poking of the clitoris with no damage, and they are all treated as illegal human rights violations.
>some claim male circumcision REDUCES the sensitivity of the penis
It's not a claim, it's an objective fact.
>just reversing the dimorphism of the species
what do you mean man?
>Female circumcision has no health benefits
>female circumcision COMPLETELY REMOVES the sensitivity of the clitoris, effectively making it impossible for women to ever derive pleasure from it.
>Female circumcision has no health benefits
you do know what stds are yes? making women feel no sexual pleasure is making them less likely to have sex with multiple partners thus reducing their risk of catching a disease such as hiv
you're just a fucking hyper roastie slut who lives solely through the hole between your legs
>having time to walk down street at night, not having to wake up at am every morning to work
they don't even realize their privilege
Uh oh. Retard alert! Retard alert! We've got a retard on our hands here.
>when only %1 continue to have phimosis after age of 17 and it can be solved without circumcision to those who have it, but it's better to cut off a piece of your penis because Schlomo said so
That's awful, fren. I couldn't live if I was turned into a normie right after being born.
You should've been the Chad Alpha-Omega and asked THEM how much money they make and if they have gf's.
>>men literally have to keep themselves from snapping and raping women in public
Ummm, no, that's not it.
The issue is that men have to protect themselves from situations where they could be accused of sexual harassment from minor things, like appearing like they're staring at a woman.
>which it hasn't.
yes it has
I wouldn't say they have it harder than men as far as being able to land a partner goes but there's been a few times ive seen a girl with black eyes or beaten up and i get a little triggered. Seeing a girl beat up like that gets a me a little heated because my mom went through that and it's not fair. At the end of the day no matter how I truly feel about women based on my own experiences I can't imagine what its like when someone much stronger than me is beating the fuck out of me. I know some of you guys will call me a fag but men shouldn't do that to women. I don't care fuck you guys
even a lanklet could easily rape a woman. Most of them freeze instinctively and wont fight back
>criticize women
>fuck you sexist pig women can do whatever they want their body their choice
>woman does something
>omg she is so brave truly inspiring i feel empowered believe women
is it just me or does western society treat women like literal spoiled children?
Wew, you could apply that to rich people too.