Why do people like cats? They're assholes

Why do people like cats? They're assholes.

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I used to hate my cat when he was alive but now that he's dead I miss him. He was always there for me but I treated him like crap. Not a good feel.

They're introverts, solitary animals; I myself, an asshole can relate to cats.

But he is also a big fat sweetheart who sits of my chest and purrs and kneads me with his little paws.

>They're assholes.

Not mine, he loves cuddling and always wants to be on my side. He comes to get me when it's time to sleep, he complains vocally until i go to bed with him :3

I prefer dogs but cats suit my persistently more.
> meow wants a cuddle fucks off

dogs on the other hand
> woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
You see where I'm going with this?
Then if your fuck up they start to act like you and become lazy or even hostile to others

So are you but I still like you

I hate all the animals, why do people keep these dirty dumb pieces of shit at home?

i think it's because they normally like to do their own thing and they are much less clingy than dogs. I kinda like that i guess.

An animal can't call you a loser, an animal can't see you as ugly; so only your actions towards them matter.

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>getting an antisocial, snobby, selfish animal that most likely hates being touched, bites and scratches, and spends most of its time alone or sleeping as a companion
"""""Cat people""""" are retarded. You would have to be a literal cuckold to voluntarily care for an animal that doesn't like or respect you.
>t. unwilling cat owner for eleven long years

So fucking what nigger. You can't be a robot if you need fucking personal validation and attention from a dumb animal, that's a failed normie thing.

I could have called you a degenerate, a nigger; a faggot; somebody baiting replies; but no, I tried to give you a reasonable answer and yet you yell at me.

A failed normie is a robot, if not a robot a "cyborg".
>You can't be a robot if you need fucking personal validation and attention from a dumb animal

Where else will you get validation and attention from if you are a worthless robot?

enjoy the toxo :3

You cleary don't know the terminology of this board and also being overemotional over a minor insult, just like fucking niggers do. I'm not even talking about your spacing. Get back to fucking reddit fucking nigger retard idiot asshole.

That's the most reddit post I saw today, eat shit pls.

Why the fuck would you take care of an animal for years that you didn't care for?

not all cats are like that silly

Guise it's CATURDAY! Let's post pussies!

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My cat is actually my best friend. She is the most loving cat ever. She headbutts me, licks me, rubs on my feet. The truth is you have to be very sophisticated in order to truly befriend a cat. Some cats become so misunderstood, they just get angry at the world. This is because their owners do not actually understand cats. For such an extremely widespread pet, cats are by far the most misunderstood pet. They're actually very exotic and sophisticated and you need a high level of "beast commune" and even connection to nature to truly befriend a cat.

All cats are different, have different personalities. The only reason that cats get a bad reputation is because silly humans think they can understand and vibe with such a complicated soul creature, they misunderstand the cat and it gets irritated over time.

I have had my black tabby since she was a kitten, and our bond is legendary. If you get a cat as a kitten, and treat it right, they can be the greatest pal. Of course they're not as trainable as dogs, but the friendship you can have is purely remarkable.

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ha, thanks based Dog mom!

He's my mom's. At least it's good motivation to move out.

Almost all of them are. It's literally in their nature to be standoffish and rude.

Cease posting cats in loving, romantic position, leddit fag. It reminds me of the love I'll never obtain.

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>Of course they're not as trainable as dogs
Everyone says dogs are trainable but most people only train them enough so they ask to go outside to use the restroom (most of the time). Most dogs that people have are badly trained (will jump on visitors, will start barking as soon as they hear anything outside other than a car passing by, etc.).

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bullshit, cats are friendly as fuck. Yeah they can be cheeky but so can humans.

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>Cat spends all day outside killing frogs, mice, and birds
>Then comes home to cuddle and sleep
She's pretty cool cat

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Maybe the problem is on you? Cats are free animals, stop expecting them to do things to cater to you like dumb dogs. Cats don't need much and are good at eliminating pests, all the want is a bit of food and a scratch behind the ears now and then. Really not much to ask, if you think thats too much work then you're a self absorbed idiot and it's no wonder you desperately need validation and cry because kitty doesn't care for you.

I said that dogs are more trainable, not that all dogs are trained.

I absolutely agree that the majority of dogs are not really trained. I never said they were the opposite. I was only referring to their potential to be trained.

Dogs are in the police force. Cats are not. Dogs can be used for work. Cats can not. Cats can be trained to about as much as tricks, more for entertainment, really. I think there is some small potential for cats to be trained for working purposes, maybe for hunting, but... I honestly have never seen that. Whereas dogs are used for duck hunting, hunting deer, bloodhounds for tracking... the list goes on.

I am an actual cat person, and even I agree that dog's are man's best friend, especially for their ability to accompany in working purposes.

Because you can name it dumpster pussy, get it fat as fuck, take it to the dog park to pick up chicks.
>Her: whats your cats name?
Me: that's my little dumpster pussy.

Dogs can do all those things cause theyre big

>letting cat obliterate the local ecosystem all day to satisfy its boredom
>neighborhood is probably littered with animal corpses
well alright i guess

Dumpster pussy is goth and likes to kill everything.

>Almost all of them are. It's literally in their nature to be standoffish and rude.
To people they're familiar with? Nah. I've lived in a very cat dense neighborhood for nearly 3 decades and I've only met one cat who was an outright scratchy bitey asshole.

I have 2 cats. One is the sweetest cat, the other can be an ass sometimes, but he's just a bit awkward and shy, he's sweet too. I might have just got lucky with the cats I have, but I think that if you treat them with respect and love, then they will respect and love you back.

I've kill so many cats that I'm running out of places to bury them.

My one cat isn't going to genocide the entire mice and frog population of my neighborhood. It's just the curl of the burl

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Don't worry, you're just autistic

at least they arent cucks unlike dogs