So what kind of g*rls do you usually attract Jow Forums?

So what kind of g*rls do you usually attract Jow Forums?

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arabs/muslims... im white... why?

Because even if you’re as ugly as you are, all they care about is pale skin

White girls only. I find asians, blacks, indians, mutts, and all other races sexually disgusting (I don't hate them personally, just aesthetically) so I guess this rubs outwardly and only white girls fall for me

ones with children



Fat girls, Schitzo affective, or bipolar girls

Girls who want to start a family, the motherly kind. Guess I got the family-man vibe and whenever I play with a child I see girls fawning over it big time like it's the biggest deal in history.

I had 1 black chick show interest but then it was mostly white girls, between the light thicc and the fat range. Still get some slim and atractive girls glancing at me every so often but nothing much.

usually girls uglier than me. I once attracted a really cute girl, but she was a shitskin so i ignored her. Looksmaxx all the way bros, only way to get hotties

None, because I don't go outside enough.

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Just walk outside user, whats the worst that can happen, you get shanked?

15 year olds

H-How!? Please tell me!

60% fat chicks 40% 7/10s. I wish there was a girl that liked anime and video games I would wife her in three seconds but they’re all fucking whores standing in front of that stupid fucking tapestry or rug or whatever they hang on their walls.
Why can’t I find a weeb gf

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Black girls, girls with some kind of damage or trauma, and shallow indie girls


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>wanting weeb gfs
Mate, actually consider half of the traits in anime loving people, its like nerds thinking they really want a cuddly and clingy gf till they learn it actually fucking sucks. Vidya is 50/50 but most anime watching chicks tend to be kinda ugly or flawed to the point you barely tolerate em.

Cute English girls with ignorant/wonderful personalities.
And paki girls, but they're usually thots.

Well for sure I wouldn’t accept an acne ridden rainbow hair having fat chick that likes anime but I’ve heard from multiple people I’m a 7/10 male and I take good care of myself with a good job. There has to be an identical woman out there. And I’m introverted myself I wouldn’t mind a clingy GF.
>Or any gf

6"+ as a 5.6" manlet. I don't know why or how.
One was literally a redhaired viking woman with hands fit for blacksmithing. Didn't dislike her character but that was just too strange

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girls like that are pretty much always taken already

>girls who like "nice" guys
>girls who are sluts but to ugly to get Chad

Either of these desu

Fat black girls.

Im okay withnitnfor the mostnpart since most of them are just chubby with huge tits and are generally less niggerish than most. Its a nice balance.

None. I just never talk to girls I guess, not even at college..

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You better start or you’re gonna regret wasting the best years of your life where the girls are the easiest. Please don’t end up like me user

I will witness 15 year olds kissing and realise how far behind the norm I am developmentally and trigger an existential crisis followed by weeks of depression.

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>ugly asians
If ugly girls are the only types of girls that show any signs of interest in me does that mean they perceive me as attainable, thus putting me in the same level of attractiveness as them?

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I used to attract a lot of bookish girls, now it's pretty much all fully fledged hoes. Had a lass add me last week who I met through work and her cover picture on Facebook gave me a chuckle.

You look fabulous with half your arse hanging out at the pool attached to your package holiday hotel in Benidorm, keep thotting thot.

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None haha

w- what happens afterwards? I'm still young (21) but already fucked uni up.

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i saw a similar thing. cute 15 thot with some nerdy ass bf. worst part is he looks like how i did when i was 15, but no girl gave a shit about me.
maybe it really is all about the confidence.

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Just get it over with and rip the bandaid user, it wont do you any good to let it fester in your wounds forever.

Just do it user. For your own sake.

haha I don't haha

Absolutely nothing but obese women.
>in real life
Girls who want to cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, tatted up girls, etc. Mostly girls that have some sort of mental illness due to daddy issues or being sexually molested.

It makes no sense to me because I’m quiet, slightly odd, and pretty nerdy.

Wish I knew bro. I used to get some one nights stands, but barely, back when I was skinnyfat. Then I got my shit together, got in shape and I haven't gotten laid since then till I met my now fiance, before that I was kinda devastated because I used to get more poons when I was ugly as hell.
If I do have some advices, look into girls who never wear make-ups(except maybe lip colors or however it's called in english, for big occasions) you want to know what you'll wake up to everyday, and except if it's just sheer luck, you'll never find these girls on tinder.
As for me, my gf was kinda fat to my taste but everything else about her was perfect, so I got her into gymming and healthy habits. Don't give up on a diamond in the rhough, you can change her habits/body for sure, but nothing to do with a shit personnality.

Fat tatted up nose ringed whores with radioactive colored hair

kill me

I didn’t get laid or start talking to people until senior year of university and by then it was too late. After university ? Regret, sadness, longing to go back, and austerity of thought that all you have now is whatever job you choose for the next 50 years of your life, which you can’t fathom because you haven’t even been alive for half of it and that half you can maybe remember a quarter of. If you don’t flex your social muscle you will be alone FOREVER.

I had a girl go to give me her phone to put my number in, and after I save it I press the home button and boom, wallpaper is her and her boyfriend.

She had the decency to look ashamed but still bruh

These types for some reason.

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All of them

Believe me, girls should be a low priority until you're done with school. If THE ONE just happens to fall into your lap, obviously grab on and wife her, but don't worry about actively seeking anyone. Once you've made it, they will come to you.

By fuck up I mean dropout. Was only in uni for a couple months. Are bars and community colleges options? I really want to turn shit around both socially and career wise but don't know where to start.

Attractive girls must be pursued. 6 and lower never get pursued, so they pursue men.

>giving the time of day to a woman

I seem to attract girls who act like GF material but they are actually massive sluts and it takes me forever to realize, although I make them cun like 3 times in a row because I got good genetics when it comes to my shlong size, I end up getting feels and fucking it all up, then once I forget about them they come out of nowhere for some dick again and try to spark my feels once more but I'm over them by that point so I just do smash and get it over it

The other type of girls I attract are ones that I know I can do better but tend to be total fucking freaks who lick out my asshole and stuff, and I can literally booty call them at anytime of the day.

Anyone else have this problem?

Post nose

y-yeah... I have this problem too.. all the time bro

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The ones that will actually benefit me and make me a better man despite my shortcomings and failures.

But being too blind and addicted to sex that I throw it away or let it stagnate.

Well in that case you NEED a degree. I would recommend getting one. If uni didn’t work do a community college. That’s a situation where I’d say grades and a degree are more important than chicks

>girls should be a low priority until you're done with school.
This is such bullshit.
I regret studying hard at school because it's the only place where you're exposed to girls of a similar age to yourself.
I have been consistently at the top of my classes.

Once I finished and started working I realised that women wont "come to me" because they don't even know I exist and most of my co-workers are like a decade older than me.

If anything, I regret studying so hard. It's such a fucking shitty meme that "women fall for money" they don't, you're just trading off your youth for the prospect of making like 30% more than your peers, and all that will get you is a single mother with a child that needs providing for.

Fuck our lives, at least were not incels though

>So what kind of g*rls do you usually attract Jow Forums?
I attract boys, does that count?

Target: Art Hoes and nerds.
Reality: Fat chavs

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Good for you mate. At least you’re being sexually actively.
For me I’m In uni freshmen and I always catch girls in groups looking at me, giggling or making some comment about me as I walk by. I’ve been told my whole life in every grade how “user every girl thinks your hot and has a crush on you” I’m always told I look like this and that celebrity etc. apparently my friend put her on her story and 7 girls swiped up on her asking who I was... DESPITE all these things, I barely get approached and I don’t have many female friends. I’m pretty popular in my dorm but when I’m at party’s, the 7’s gravitate towards me. It’s always the ones I’m not interested in but although I’ve hooked up with a couple this semester so I can’t complain too much. I just want a girlfriend. I miss my ex

None. Literally zero.

Apparently my friend put me*

26 incel here

How to fix

Ugly girls
Fat girls
Black girls

You're not going to get approached by sluts unless you're with a bunch of chicks who look attractive, or are mutual friends with the sluts you want to bang.

No woman wants to go up to you even if they're giggling or say you're hot when they're with their group of friends unless they're dared by one of them.

Women are basically highschoolers.

Definately can relate to the first part, i've started to look for more reserved girls with better morals

Bro, just have some confidence and don't give a fuck. Literally girls get fucking wet when you walk up to a group of them, pick one out and chat her up for her number. Just don't give a fuck. If you know all this about yourself you just need the boss attitude to go with it.

I'm DYEL, 5'10, and look like a shitskin. I'm just handsome is all. I got a pretty decent verbal intelligence and know how to crack a joke but that's about it

Go smash some pussy bro

Lift. Looksmax. Get therapy. Transcend your current form.

>I wish there was a girl that liked anime and video games I would wife her in three seconds

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I lift and try looksmaxxing

Im 6'2but my face is kinda ugly

Doesnt help i dont have friends becauze i moved to other country
Introverted and dont go almost ever so thats even worse

skinny and short haired
ideally with light brown skin

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do it faggot

Youre lucky

fat jews and goblinas

Make her your wheyfu.

When I was fat and in high school I had this gymnasitcs girl hit on my constantly. Her family was Nordic and she was taller than me and had hands you could light a match in.
Also was fairly hairy (blond hair though so in retrospect it was kind of okay) and had abs you could grate cheese on.

Go for it and make the most beastly children.

Either above 25 and mentally unstable or below 18 and nearly unstable

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as a white portuguese born and raised in venezuela... I remember most of them being white or really really black girls literally african tier.

I agree with you mates but on this Friday night I went to a frat house and said fuck it and approached a lot of random group of girls and danced with them. I grinded with a few pretty ones, one rejected a kiss and scrawled away, and another just wasn’t interested. I’m pretty social and outgoing but I suck balls at being sexual with random girls I don’t know. I left that party with no girl that night, I’ve never felt like more shit in my life. Like a genetic failure. But idk, I met this one girl that night and we’ve been snap chatting lately and she seems nice. Maybe I’ll pursue her...

always girls with daddy issues
is it a good thing?
or is it a sign that im a cuck?

I can't tell when girls hit on me but my gf is a fat girl who used to be even fatter and is steadily losing weight, who likes taking care of me (but hates it when I make mommy gf jokes, lol) and has less of a filter than I do

Can confirm. All they care about is hair, skin, and eye color.