Anyone who thinks their physique will get them all the girls are wrong. A skinny lean guy with a pretty face will almost always win in the end. Thats why most people on this board are virginfags. Training will get you nothing! Either you are born with what it takes to be a slayer, or you are not. Just accept it. The face is everything.
Pretty boys will always get more pussy than than a gymbro
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You can't get better facial aesthetics, but you can get a leaner face and a better body with improved confidence and happyness to go along with it. So improve or gtfo faggot
For someone who is DYEL, but born with good facial structure, strong jawline, strong brow structure, good facial hair and half white but half shitskin tone I can confirm
However I will say that if I was ripped I would be doing a lot better. Also personality helps
I agree, but who the fuck looks that handsome anyway
Blah blah blah blah blah
-some shitskin loser, 2018
i am telling you guys from experience, I have fucked more girls than all people on this board combined (and all of them was 10/10). I get any girl I want and I'm just telling you the truth. Most guys don't have what it takes. Focus on a financial career instead, then you might be able to pick up a decent chick. You are wasting your time her lads!
Who the fuck are you. Loser.
I've personally killed about 27 blackpillers with my bare hands. I'm thinking of raising that number to 28, where do you live OP?
>needs to come to an anime board to brag to neets about how much pussy he pulls
Virgin fag confirmed
I think this board is more your speed >>/r9k
I just want the best for all of you. All the hot girls I've been with are just laughing at guys who get ripped to boost their confidence and to attract women. Either you are born with it or not! sorry bros.