Shoulder pain

Does anyone know anything about shoulder pain?

I seem to have some kind of niggling pain when I move my arm into certain positions.

It wasn't a sudden thing and I only noticed it a few days ago.

Should I worry about this? Should I avoid shoulder exercises?

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Had pain in both shoulders near the front a while ago but it went away after I got high as shit for two months. Came back on the right shoulder recently as I slowed down weed intake. Try stretches and lossen up a bit with arm swings and shit, it helps.

Thanks, just not sure if I need to worry about it or not it's a weird kinda pin on the side of my shoulder where the deltoid meets the tricep.

Which part of the deltoid?
Posterior? (Rear head)
Lateral? (Outermost head)
What positions?
How far can you move your arm in which direction until it hurts?

If you can't describe any of these online just go to a PT or a physician.

My shoulder gives me pain too. Mobility is fine but it hurts when I breathe in deeply, a sharp pain. Just feels generally fucked up inside. I worry about fucking my rotator cuff

Where is jeff when you need him

I can try and describe somewhat.

So it's the lateral deltoid on the side of my shoulder, the most painful movement is moving my arm behind my back and around.

Also notice the pain when driving and changing down a gear moving the gear stick to the left (Brit bong)

Hey Jow Forums I suggest you watch these videos from my my YouTube channel and remember to give them a thumbs up. If you feel like you learnt something remember to checkout to find a program that really helps alleviate shoulder pain:

I have clicking noises in my shoulder when I bring them down after putting them above my head straight up to the side. Also get pain on the outer part of my shoulder after benching sometimes. Pretty sure it's impingement so I'm taking a month off to do dead hangs, facepulls and lots of Jeffs other prescribed stretches and exercises for impingement. Anyone had a similar experience?

I injured my AC joint months back, I'm mostly back to normal but struggle with push ups and especially dips. What do?
Do this stretch with a stick or piece of rope in your hands. This fixes every shoulder pain I've ever experienced.

face pulls and pull aparts

Not an expert but,

As far as I can think you might have an issue in your upper chest or anterior delt.
Have you done any stretches for it? How flexible are your shoulders to begin with? Can you raise your arm out to the sides at least?

Face pulls is huge, most people have severely underdeveloped rear Delta which can cause shoulder issues, face pulls help a lot, I've had 3 shoulder surgeries and this helps keep my shit working great


I have broke many joints. Stretch and the nstrengthen. My knee shoulder, wrist and fingers needed rest, rehab, stretching and strength in that order. Keep it HOT. Not like icy hot. Like heat your bedroom up too like 90 degrees like an old man and stretch and lift. Good after or before a cold run or shower

Sucks right?
I have it on and off too.

I hope you find the right rehab exercises to help

Yes. Slightly separated shoulder. Most bad joints need re alignment. You can only do this if the muscles are relaxed and stretched out completely. You need to train to be a yogi so you can pop stuff back into place. I had to do this with every serious break and most doctors completely forget to properly set your bones or joints unless they are really obviously fucked.

Look at this user, should have asked if you hear any clicking?

Mobility could definitely be an issue. Look up MFR for shoulders. Clicking is generally a sign of large scar tissue and fascia buildup(?).

Had a lot of clicking in my shoulders too untill i did Jeff's and alot of external rotations.

Also fixed lumbar spine pain this way. I now stretch so hard I yank my spine hard enough to feel it relax and unspool. Stretch everything. Eventually you will be able to fold your spine nearly in half and pull it apart and then reset the bones. I could feel scar tissue ripping. I had paralysis in my knee and calf after I broke it. Strtching and brutal mashing massage broke up scar tissue from the bleeding and smashed muscles. You are like a lumpy bread pudding in a condom. Squish your lumps out and STRETCH. Lay against a floor or brace against something and pop your bones back into place.


Thanks, just did those tests from that video and it seems it's not impingement

I had some problems with my shoulders some years back, but I fixed them with overhead press. For stability doing it with dumbbells instead of barbells is probably smart.

I've been doing negative pull ups to work my way up to the real thing but I feel shoulder pain, especially since I'm having trouble controlling the motion at the end and come down too fast. I'm gonna start doing scapular pull ups but is there anything else I can do to progress without fucking up mu shoulders?

I have some shoulder pain for 2-3 weeks now. Its in the front part of my shoulders I notice.

I feel it most when I do a rowing motion with my shoulders and elbows close to my body. I also hear clicking every time I lift my arms over my head in the OHP motion.

Not sure what to do besides just give it time to heal, whatever was injured.

>I seem to have some kind of niggling pain when I move my arm into certain positions
Pro tip
Dont move your arm into those positions

Just had really got me down, been lifting for about 6 months now and really getting into to