You're Starting Your Spring/Summer Cut Now

Serious question, I know you fags like to do winter bulks because you don't think for yourselves, but I hope most of you are getting ready to cut for the warmer months

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imagine the olive oil stench.........!!

there's still plenty of time to bulk before it's time to cut

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Unironically both bulking and cutting are things people who don’t think for themselves do. Just eat healthy all the time.

user, be honest with yourself. You know you're gonna extend that bulk to build more mass. Hell, you might even extend it into the beginning of summer, but the reality is simple: You're going to dirty bulk, get chubby, and instantly regret it.

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I bulk and cut successfully every year, why would this year be different. just cuz you can't do it doesn't mean others can't.

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>he bulks up to 25% bf
There’s no reason to bulk higher than 15% if you’re doing it right. That means your cut should be less than 6 weeks if you at most have to cut 10 lbs. No reason to start until March

I'm on track to do what I usually do

>I cut down to 14% or so and then got frustrated with being too weak and small
>Tried to correctly lean bulk "it will work this time"
>Gained 1lb over 2 months
>Fuck this, I gotta eat more
>Gained 2 more lbs in one month, strength still hasn't gone up
>Ok seriously, I need to eat more and gain strength before I spiral into depression
>Start eating even more
>Immediately put on 3-4lbs, goes directly to stomach and lower back
>Strength gains have just started to come, but I already look like I'm at 18%bf
>Gonna bulk too far like I usually do, then fail to cut down enough to look good while simultaneously losing most of my strength

And so the cycle continues

B-but I wanna bulk, user...
>tfw 19, 6'0", and the first time I've ever been above 160lb

>he doesn't cut while bulking
please tell me you're not ACTUALLY only doing either ??

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>not doing 8 weeks bulk, 2-3 weeks cut, repeat infinity

I like having sex all year around, thank you very much

I managed to bulk up 10 lbs (over 5-6 months) and keep my six pack. I'm just gonna stick with lean bulking as long as I can keep it up. Maybe I'll slow it down and stick to eggs and meat+leafy greens for 90% of my meals though. I've been going hard on candy, burgers and pizza here and there


*sniff sniff*

I'm in Chicago so it's cold til April lmao which is when the cut begins

I literally never cut

tfw you just built like a truck and there is no cutting, there is only borderline chubby brute strength :

the people who fall for the cut/bulk meme are retarded dyel faggots. It's all a fucking meme. Literally all you do is put on 10 pounds of cut, look bigger because of that fat, then cut down again and think you look better, when you're the same fucking size as pre bulk. The true redpill is maintaining 12-14% year round and approaching the upper and bottom ends for certain events/goals

Im cutting for 4 weeks now. Will do another 2-3 weeks and then join the lean bulk mustard race.

Cant wait to finally eat a shit load of noodles and rice again.

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you can easily bulk well into january


Cutting for the first time, pls help. I'm eating less carbs and doing 20 mins cardio a few times a week. I'm 90kg want to get to 80 by May, is this enough?

nah, I'm cutting for even more stupid purpose. I cut to have it easier with skiing.

Cutting now cause Stacy sees my body when I fug her


Mmmmmmmm snnnniiiifff