What earbuds do you recommend for Cardio...

What earbuds do you recommend for Cardio? I usually switch out between earbuds for shit like deadlifting but I lost my cardio ones. Pic related.

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I actually using those good one user

Just make sure they're waterproof unless you want to replace them every 2 months

I have had the same apple earbuds since I got my phone two years ago and only have problems with the dongle, never with the actual earbuds.

Every few months the dongle will cut out and start randomly skipping/scrubbing songs and its ridiculously annoying.

Why do all of my earbuds break in 1-3 weeks? I always lose hearing in one of the ears which bugs the shit out of me so I have to buy more.

You buy poor quality headphones. That’s why.

Bose Soundsport Free.

dont wrap your earbuds like a nigger and avoid wrapping your earbuds around your phone cause the edges on the phone will strain the cords for left or right audio and will end with one of the earbuds becoming lower audibility or completly gone.

not necessarily I had some that wasnt poor quality that just stopped working since I just it a lot and didnt take much care of them.

anker soundbuds.

bluetooth, only like $25, decent sound. had them for a couple years now. I dont even have any other headphones anymore I use them in the gym, running, biking and at work

The JBL grip 200 is my favourite, these things will never fall out. Make sure to wash the rubber sacks from time to time or you'll risk ear infection.

Music while running throws you off pace

Smile Jamaica is my go to. They sound decent, and the wire is covered in a clothlike material, and it makes it very tangle resistant.



I have had these things for years. They are indestructible sound alright also.

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I run at night and don't use them because I need spacial awareness so I don't get attacked by wild dogs or druggies.

my preference is still my apple headphones Ive had for years now. only complaint with them is that when I do front squats, OHP, or cleans, I have to take them off or else they start getting shredded by the bar. gf got me some bluetooth jaybirds but I cant get them to stay in my ear no matter what combination of ear pieces I use.

Yep the sony bass boosted ones are legit

unironically, no single fuck given

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It's the cable. Always buy earphones with a replaceable/removable cable.

My bank gave me these as a switching incentive. First buds I ever had that don't fall out of my ears from as much as a brisk stroll.

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I used to love me some Yuin pk3s. Been using the same pair for like 5 years. Tried to buy some new ones recently and they were shit - two pairs in a row when one earbuds died after a week. God I hope they get their shit together and make decent stuff again. As good or better than apple earbuds. Also, comfier

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Wait I think I have the exact same ones right now. I have the Bose Pulse which the heart rate part doesn’t connect well after like the first week. Bluetooth earbuds are GOAT

I get worried that some nog will come up behind me and snatch it from me is it just me?

I'm built like a fucking gazelle so I could chase him down.

I’ve got wireless air pods.

I look like a nerd, but after having my iPhone hit the ground so many times from the cords getting caught on something it’s a nice change

I treat airpod users in the street like actual retards. Give them a wide berth because they'll probably fall over or walk in random directions.

I treat anyone who wears headphones on the street like that. Dumbasses going to get themselves mugged or hurt.

Friend was hit by a truck for walking across the street with his face buried in his phone and headphones on

I have those exact ones as well; nice choice

Music improved my time by a few minutes, when I used to run.

These plantronics backbeats are the only earbuds I've ever had that will stay in/on my ears and they sound pretty good for earbuds. I can't do over the ear headphones for working out.

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I had some of those and they fucking blew ass, bose is overpriced shit.

Went back and exchanged them for

yeah and get your fucking ass beat. You're like the most retarded gazelle on the fucking earth if you're gonna chase after your predator

how do you guys manage for the earbuds not to fall from your ear with the cardio (running/jumping)

Honestly if you're not poor then the apple airpods are simply amazing. I got them as a gift and thought I'd never use them since I already have soundsports but the sheer ease of connectivity and battery life is amazing. They're fucking expensive though

i never listen to music, i always do cardio and gym with a friend, cracking jokes while benching and having a good time is whats it all about for me


Shure KSE1200