Manchild Incel's Lego Creations DESTROYED

LMAO which one of you did this?

Guess he's gonna have to get a real hobby, heh.

Attached: 2018-10-13 22_23_48-Bye. - YouTube.png (1346x748, 1.48M)

Why is it so satisfying to see him cry?

Leave normie. origi

You just know that he did this stupid shit for years and now he's finally getting what's been coming to him.

Wow what an interesting side quest. I would definitely love helping this NPC get his legos back if I were in the area.

What the fuck, who would do this shit. Why would anyone destroy all this work into his hobby? It's like the story about the crippled girls drawing being cut in half.

I really highly doubt his story. What type of person literally does a B&E just to destroy legos, and why did they ravage his house so much? Either he did something to deserve that or he is just making this shit up for views. Youtubers do this all the time, spend years on making a channel, see they only get 25k subs and pull a stunt to try and get more. And usually it works if it goes viral. Look at the fucking black dude with face tats that cried about twitching being so hard, now he makes a living off that shit.

It's a publicity stunt. He's been on the front page of reddit and shit. I checked his channel back then an he had like 1500 subs. This video got almost a million views and an additional +25k subscribers for him. Gee, it sure isn't an act and the burglar sure exist. NOT!

legos are expensive as hell, as we can see from the thread normalfags find it funny to pick on these people.

He's legos weren't actually physically destroyed though as in burned and melted. They've been just taken apart.

>not kopfs or lupins from china
There's your problem

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Glad he got his collection back

That shit is sad man. Fuck whoever did that.

You know karma is going to get you, OP. Never kick a person when they are down.

>It's a publicity stunt because he got publicity
Publicity doesn't say anything about his intent.

chad OP will return home one day to find his titty mags scattered on the lawn and his childhood sports trophies stolen

wow how dare somebody have a hobby they enjoy and invest time and money into

he got his collection back and a bunch of new subscribers, good for him.

Why would you be happy when someone else is sad? He has a hobby, good for him. It's better than shitposting on this god forsaken site days on end.

Clearly you fags have never used your own hands to create anything in your lives. You laugh at him because you're a bunch of animals - literal belongs-in-a-barn flea bags - who have never spent even a moment devoted to making something from nothing.

Do you get tired of making this thread every day, OP?

>What type of person literally does a B&E just to destroy legos
There are some mean normies out there user.


This is what happens when you let rapefugees into your country.

You are pieces of garbage, please hang yourself ASAP.