How do I stop the aging process? How do I YOUTHMAXXXXX?

How do I stop the aging process? How do I YOUTHMAXXXXX?

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you need young christian blood

come over to my house qtp2t I have my own special blend of face moisturizer brewing

Take the Pharrell pill

>How do I stop the aging process? How do I YOUTHMAXXXXX?
Unrionically don't do sports except the minimum.

And pretty much do the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Retinoid cream and daily spf50+ sunscreen on the face reapplied at lunch time

t medfag

>tfw 30 but look 18
>bitten by a vampire at 18
>can say what I want because no one believes you anyways

You don't, you embrace it as a part of your journey.

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What’s his secret, Jow Forums? Good genes?

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>How do I stop the aging process?
You die

Trump says the body is like a battery. The more you use it the faster you die. To stop aging you must stop living. Just look at this motherfucker. He is in his 70s but does not look a day over 20!

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redpill me on those meme dermarollers

Don't drink, except for the few occasions where you go out to raves. Don't smoke. Run often. Listen to new pop music the moment it hits the charts. Download every new social media platform (like TikTok). Moisturize your face. Drink water, buddeh. Attend anime conventions. Sleep 8 hours a night. Stay abreast of all new memes & IMMEDIATELY stop using them once they reach 12 hours of age.

Done. You'll be young forever.

hat and sunglasses when commuting


red light therapy produces collagen

I'm 31 and people tell me I look in my mid 20s.
>drink plenty of water
>use face moisturizer with at least a 10 SPF
>don't smoke
>drink alcohol in moderation (weekend only is fine)
>stay Jow Forums
>eat healthy

>weekend only is fine
Not it's not you tard

Having a few drinks on the weekend has a statistically negligible impact on anything and probably outweighs any possible physical impact by being a stress reducer and social enhancer. That doesn’t mean getting shitfaced. Nobody over 23 should be doing shots.

what clan brah?

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From what I've understood
>low stress
>moisturizer with sunscreen
>avoiding the sun
>8 hours of sleep
>retinoid cream
>dont touch your face
>eat healthy, lean, and varied food
>moderate exercise
>drink water
>no smoke, alcohol or drugs
>relatively low body fat
>calorie restriction
>sugar restriction
>have fulfilling relationships
>have fulfilling hobbies

Bonus for looks:
>hair transplant if ur balding
>fixing teeth (overbite, underbite, whitening)
>muscular and lean physique
>something like volufiline to fix lines in your face
>dress better than your peers
>get rich to get access to top doctors and medicine

From the top of my head anyway
t. 21 yr old that age like shit

stem cell based treatment to shorten telomeres.. or lengthen them.. whichever is better.

>guzzle water every day
>use 60 spf
>don't smoke
>drink only weekends
>staying Jow Forums
>eating healthy
I've been told the same. I'm glad my hair is finally growing back too. I hate wearing hats.

Malkavian ftw

You forgot


You cannot escape death and aging no matter what you do, you can only make the process of aging less painful by living healthy.

take care of your skin and don't grow facial hair, also don't be big, stay ottermode and don't smoke, also don't tan very often



don't stress about anything

The two main causes of aging are

1) glycation
2) oxidation

Don't eat carbs
Don't do much cardio



just appreciate the fact that you won't have to live forever


Really good diet, complete avoidance of weed/alcohol/cigs... I know what your thinking.. BUT WEED MAN IT CURES CANCER!!! unfortunately the inflammation that’s cause from weed will effect the wrinkles next to your eyes a very delicate area for looking young and yes I am a huge pot smoker at least I used to be and I’ve noticed that my self... also exercise and eating once a day, M A X Y O U T H enabled

metformin is probably the thing you are looking for

In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Hes old.

Strength train, eat clean, wear sunscreen, don't smoke or drink.

You’re not gonna keep those looks forever. Just embrace what you have for however it lasts. I wouldn’t wanna live forever anyway. Every single bone starts hurting and pissing sucks too. I feel bad for my grandfather for dealing with that.
I’d rather have a heart attack and check out. Getting old fucking sucks

Moisturiser + SPF of 30+ every day

He's 40

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fuck that would be nice

except trump sleeps like 4 hours a night and is always working, also he drinks diet coke like a motherfucker and eats hamburgers all day

Unironically Nicotinamide Riboside, DYOR

That would be badass but I doubt his skull would be so smooth and unblemished.
