Phenibut thread

About to take funnybutt for the first time. Will be taking one scoop which should be around 600-700mg. What should I expect? Any heads up before taking it? Is it OK to drive under the influence?

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Depends on your body, but i think with this dose you can only expect slight effects. Yon can drive don't worry.

its like alcohol without motor function numbing /thread

ask more stuff if you want to

>What should I expect?
Less inhibitions, sometimes puts you in the zone.
>Any heads up before taking it?
>Is it OK to drive under the influence?
No. I absolutely drive worse after I've taken it and it's not worth it.

Invest in a digital scale to help you get your dosage right.

As for driving, it makes my driving more aggressive, but my control feels fine.

I have an interview today, so I will be taking some phenibut too.

Does Pheni really help with socializing? That's the only reason I'm thinking about trying it.

Interesting. I drive in weed no problem, will I be able to handle driving on phenibut?

wtf? i took like 2g the other day and i was driving fine

Yeah no prob if you drive in weed

>I drive in weed no problem
So do I, but phenibut is different.
It will impair you.

Yeah im sure a lot of drunk drivers say the same thing

How long does it take for the effects to kick in? How long do they last?

>driving under the influence of GABAergic substances
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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I've never felt better than when I do 1g of shrooms and 1-2g of phenibut. Literal godmode_1 enabled

What about addiction and withdrawls? My internet research tells me it makes you addicted after 3 weeks of daily consumption and gives unpleasant physical withdrawl symtpoms.

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Is there any acquirable drug that helps with motivation/focus for mental tasks?

Just don't make it a habit and you'll be fine.
Never do it more than 3 days in a row without a few days break and there will never be a problem.

It varies from person to person and how much you've taken.
The worst I've felt is jaw clenching in my sleep. Wake up with a nervous stomach, and shitty anxiety throughout the day. All of those symptoms were a big help when I was cutting weight though.

don't do it every day and you'll be fine

BTW I've been taking 2g+ per day for about 3 weeks (except Saturday and Sunday) now and I'm starting to feel the symptoms coming back.

Any stimulant.

eat that shit with an empty stomach, guaranteed effects in 15 or more minutes

you probably weren't planning on it but dont snort it, it burns like a motherfucker, more so than anything else

tastes like shit, I suggest you bomb it in a skin or some toilet paper. No drink masks the taste

the effects were pretty underwhelming for me, even on high doses so don't expect miracle. if you're a boring bastard, you'll still be one after you've taken it

Anyone tried this after eating? I know you're supposed to do it on an empty stomach soji was curious how this could change it.

They don’t really help either tho. True motivation/dedication towards the completion of a task - that would do wonders. The fucking efficiency and productivity that one is capable of when you truly want to get something done. That is what I admire.
But no one has that for chores. Some people have the discipline to get themselves to do them, but even those people can’t hack motivation.
It’s sad

Fuck am i being a pussy for bein afraid of this? I would like to reduce my anxiety so i can study better for university

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Nah it's really not a big deal man.
Stick to the 3 day rule and you will never experience withdrawals.

The taste is OK. Just like very bitter/acidic lemon juice water. I mix it with a shots worth of water and do one gulp

Phene just makes me tired but 1g before bed gives me awesome sleep. Kratom is the one for me that gives me social skills. Like a light opiate

You're just being a pussy. I've withdrawn from mild opiate usage and it just feels like a bad flu for a week and restless sleep with night sweats.
Of course you can become dependant because once you feel what it's like you wish you could feel like it forever. But you'll only fuck yourself if you keep upping the dosage.

Modafinil for focus if you can get yourself started on the task. No drug is gonna give you motivation thoug just by itself let's be serious.

Good advice. I used to do that.
Also, it's corrosive to your teeth. So I don't do that anymore. Put it in a capsule or wrap it in paper before swallowing if you like to keep your pearly whites.

>Modafinil for focus

This. Just bought 100 pills last week. And if you hear about armodafinil, don't buy any. Not as effective for study

Do you think there is a way to actually motivate yourself for a task like studying?
I don’t think so. Discipline and force yourself, that’s it. Maybe if you managed to somehow associate the good feeling when you are on top of your duties with it. But I doubt it. You either had the drive to try and be an overachiever or you don’t

Phenibut honestly has no effect on me. From what I understand its similar to xanex and I never noticed any physical effect from that as well when I had a prescription for it. I don't want to end up in the hospital but I also want to get my money's worth out of it.

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Then you probably don't need it to begin with.

I used to take it every day more or less for a month, at one stage I was taking 8g of it a day

I never got any withdrawals from it, I love how phenibut felt with alcohol. I would never black out even when I was completely shitfaced, I felt totally in control of my body but I probably wasn’t.

What about Adrafinil? Needs no prescription here so I could get it easily. It’s said to be the same as mondafinil just slower in taking effect?

What dosage of xans were you prescribed? I never tried xans but other benzos in low doses had a very subtle effect, which sometimes might even be hard to feel.
As far as higher doses go, the funny thing is that others definitely can tell when you're fucked up on benzos, they won't know what from but they'll notice you're behaving differently.

> socializing

It helps me a lot.
1. I'm in a better mood.
2. I'm less inhibited.
3. That combination leads me to be pleasant to be around.
4. You can elevate everyone around you just by being a better you.

> How long does it take for the effects to kick in.

With the powdery Phenibut FAA, I feel it within 40 minutes or less. It builds a little after the initial feeling, and it lasts for hours.

> driving
I drive on phenibut all the time.

>What about addiction and withdrawls
You have to be disciplined enough to not take it on consecutive days. Also, limit yourself to 3 times per week or less. I usually use it twice a week.

If you can limit your usage like this, you'll never have a withdrawal. I've never felt it myself, but I use in small doses (500mg or 1000mg) with multiple days between uses.

>Do you think there is a way to actually motivate yourself for a task like studying?

I go to the gym on M/W/F morning. Would it be reasonable to take it the night before workout days?

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bump for this

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2mg pills twice a day

>take this drug that makes you Chadlite
>don't drive
Everyone here just live in the city or what?

I'm about to take some phenibut and go to the gym myself. However, I also have an interview today, so that's the main reason I'm taking phenibut. For me personally, I wouldn't want 3 uses per week to be a habit. I want to keep it down at 2 per week, so I use them on days when the social boost would be most helpful.

What is a safe brand of Phenibut in Europe?

>About to take funnybutt for the first time. Will be taking one scoop which should be around 600-700mg

Get a scale, but one slightly heaping spoonful of Phenibut FAA with the orange spoon that Liftmode gives you was 250mg for me just now.

that's perfectly fine

I live in Los Angeles. If I lived in a smaller, less stressful town, I might not use phenibut as much.

After using phenibut for a bit, you learn from it, and you won't need it as much too. The good behaviours that you liked become a part of you.

>No. I absolutely drive worse after I've taken it and it's not worth it.

.t lightweight

You can't get good quality phenibut in the EU. I get mine from Russia where it's an over the counter medication.

Imagine the kind of disgusting faggot that is so proud to have a high tolerance of phenibut that they would shit on others for not wanting to drive impaired. Kill yourself.

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some people just don't feel the effect of it, you on the other hand do it would seem
if you shouldnt be driving with it then by that logic you shouldn't lift while on it either

not him but can it be ordered, or should i drive there? i got like 80 kilometers to the russian border.

Where does one get phenibut without a prescription?

Its the same in the EU

I'm extremely sexually repressed and I've tried every kind of exercise, book and drug, could phenibut help me unlock that side of me?

damn that's actually a heavy dose, if you felt nothing I'm impressed
maybe you have abused alcohol in the past?

do noporn and go date some girls, should be enough?

Armodafinil is literally stronger and than modafinil.
.t guy who's only used armodafinil before

It's not really something you "feel" to begin with.
It's changes in your behaviour that you notice when taking phenibut.
I started taking it to help with social anxiety and it helps on that end.

Check out the /afinil subreddit, but from what I can remember it's not good for your liver or something

already tried it, I've had gfs and one night stands in the past but they always had to make the first move. I just feel like it's an area I'm not entirely comfortable with and I always feel ashamed whenever I try to hit on a girl

very true. it makes me feel like i have no troubles at all and awakens the person i could be if i wasn't such an anxious loser all the time. always enter sets with a "lets kill it" mindset, and generally just feel super confident.

i think it's helping me learn to harness that mindset when im off of it too. anyone else feel that?

Been taking 2-4g a day for nearly 2 months now.
I don't get the initial rush too much anymore, if I do it's short lived but I still get that huge downer feeling that helps with anxiety/insomnia.

I did go 3 days without and started to feel withdrawals.

mind was racing
>slight paranoia
had this before dosing, but it goes away when I take it, it returned
returned, was harder to sleep
>craving for more
hands were shaking

and also one of my eyes went blood shot for some reason but I think that was from the lack of sleep/insomnia from not being dosed


I think so. It should be reinforcing those neural pathways.

Thread, if you live in a place where its legal, fuck phenibut, and get some kratom, its cheaper, faster acting (if taken ion tea form), and has lesser side effects and withdrawal symptoms.

The one time I took kratom it made me nauseous as fuck and I ended up throwing up twice and being all dizzy and shit.

Stop shilling drugs here you fucking retards

You don't need a prescription in the US. You just buy it.

You are the prize, not the girl.

took 500 felt nothing
next time 1g felt decent
third time 1.5g sweetspot
dont take it daily, 3 times a week seems to be best
take it on empty stomach around 1-2 hours for it to kick in

Why did you take it daily? Didn't you see everyone else say to wait at least a day in between dosages?

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what do you lads think of L theanine? bought some 200 mg capsules, less of a pronounced effect than I was expecting but I take them anyways after lifting (for minimum cortisol and thus maximum gains) and before bed. Maybe I should try 600 mg at once?

Sounds like your body rejected it. Did you have previous experiences with opiods?

Where can I get this in the UK?

One thing I've found l-theanine effective for is hangover prevention and/or recovery. It helps get alcohol out of your system faster.

No that was the one and only time

good to know, but I drink extremely rarely

Enjoy the ride of feeling how amazing it makes you feel, using it every day, the inevitable decline in joy you feel taking it, then the horrific withdrawal.

Stop exaggerating brah

I was slamming phenny for three months straight, taking 8-10g on occasion with alcohol and various other stimulants like coke. When I quit it cold turkey I just got headaches and coldsweats, it also wrecked my sleeping schedule but it really wasn’t all that severe.

>everyone is biochemically the same
come on now user

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Congratulations, be thankful. Take a look at some of the quitting communities and you'll find people that didn't have an easy ride. 3 months also isn't all that long a time.

Yeah you might be sensitive to opiods, be careful in the future if you ever find yourself with a script for one.

Nope. I was prescribed that when I was 18 and was a shut in with 0 friends so never had alcohol.

I ordered off a nl site and the stuff is solid, though I require high doses. This could either mean I’m resistant to it or their stuff isn’t as potent. If you don’t mind overpaying for shipping you can get it off liftmode (reputable source apparently).

Because fuck iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

this is the only thing I can find in my shithole country. Is this the same phenibut? why this version is so expensive?

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What does phenibut do again?

Definitely looks like russki phen

gives you ligma

Where in the world do I get this?

what is penisbutt?

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