*Destroys meat eaters scientifically, and morally*

*Destroys meat eaters scientifically, and morally*

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Would you debate him Jow Forums?

no i don't pander to the mentally ill

I remember years ago he made a video trying to record his dying grandpa because he wasnt vegan

No. You can play chess with a pigeon but at the end of the day all it’s gonna do is kick the pieces over and shit all over the board.

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isnt this picture like 5 years old? he looks nothing like that now

Other half?

Other half is hehe man, I cropped it because he’s the opposite extreme of dietary autism

>vegans vs jay dyer
just watch these brainlets get btfo by someone who actually knows philosophy

>yeah dude I would tootally destroy vg in an argument but I won't do it because he crazy haha

dios mio, el duende verde...

Talking about the virgin Chad meme

sure thing grinch

Imagine using steroids for that lmao. And you dumb fuck vegans think the guy is natural when he is 30lbs smaller now and looks like he is dying.


I watched him debate warski and he really dodges around questions a lot and ignores arguments completely

Did he ever dabated with Jay?

Beside that one debate with the other bald retard

Yeah the other half is “alpha carnivor s3vrige”. Exactly what I just told you.
You won’t catch anything using stale bait

no, that's the one. i just skip to the parts where jay talks


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>El duende verde

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>La creatura vegana


>pics with green lighting and filters
>"look his skin green! el duende verde haha goteemm"

El devorador de leguminosas, monstruo hinchado...

>il mostro pigmentato delle americhe settentrionali

He's a literal sociopath

t. La abominación verdosa

El moustruo de los huertos

lol vegan "gayns" bfo hahahahaha


no I'm asking you what is on the RIGHT side of the ORIGINAL image BEFORE cropping

>being so retarded you honestly think morals are objective

scientifically? sure, maybe, in some ways.

morally? lol no. morals aren't objective. there's nothing wrong with killing animals.

hey VG humans are meant to eat meat that's why we've been doing it since the beginning of time
>hurr durr that's an APpEal to NAtuRE FaLLacy
yeah this guy is not worth debating, and his arguments are not rooted in science.

what's the point?


Isn't this the retard that tried to feed a dog an all vegan diet and it almost died?

>mother is a mudshark
which is a shame because she's hot for her age


never disappointed

his girlfriend is dogshit tier and so is his life. realise it and move on.

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Why does Jow Forums hate soi based foods so much because all the hormones meme but still finds ok to eat animals like chickens, that are well known already to be highly fed with hormones?

Pics? Asking for a friend.

does any appreciable quantity of those hormones actually end up absorbed through the food though?

you shouldn't eat chicken anyway, because they're low in nutrients that can be found in red meat and their fat is 20% linoleic acid (omega-6).

The VG argument about red meat is that it contains bad cholesterol and it's related to heart diseases

*BTFOs your social contract*

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what does that have to do with my post?
VG isn't interested in discussion or finding the truth, so there's no point in listening/talking to him.

if you're genuinely interested, I could expand.

Vg is on roids too right?

Veganism gets you ALL your vitamins, nutrients, and minerals in optimal amounts for your body to use leading to optimal health. There are NO deficiencies in this diet at all. Eating vegetables+fruits+pasta+onions/almond/oat milk is all you need for a perfect, optimal diet and optimal health.

Animal products provide anti-nutrients and leech vitamins and minerals from your body. For exmaple, meat contains heme iron which literally gives you cancer.


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so what?

Arboreal creatures need eyes in the front for depth perception "tho"

He told you, Sv3rige. Dumb nigger.

Pasta is made with eggs.

nothing what you said could be further from the truth.

also topkek @ heme iron causing cancer.

They're both certifiably insane but at least Sv3rige is right about some things, and he's a meat eater.

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Fuck you, system. You're fucking wrong.

VeGains is an idiot and roiding as a vegan is lol.
Fuck off, system.

Based trips.

citation needed mr noseberg

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You aint comparing the human with MAMMAL carnivores. You fucking BRAINLET. I mean you take the bait for the stupidest person I know.

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El enano verde amante del brocoli

Show me one prospective study (hopefully >10 years) comparing a vegan diet vs a mediterranean diet or other

Show me one medical association recommending a pure vegan diet

I wont come back to check because there is no such studies/recommendations

Just stick to your emotional/moral arguments basedboy

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Dude why are you pushing your drugs on us. Free yourself from carbs.

>is literally a psychopath
>hates humans(himself)
>is “depressed”
>a halfsy
>married to Harry Potter
>does hard drugs to talk to spirits(demons)
>has to take supplements or else he’ll develop shit
Should I go on?

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>Caring about someone else's morals.

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>still eating meat despite logical arguments against it

Go on

Only cucks think other people's actions don't affect your own life.