What is your motivation Jow Forums?
What is your motivation Jow Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to fuck a hot chick
to be so virtuous and noble that i properly honor the gods or beings that created me
I want to get big for my sex doll
This is no joke. I see Milos as my inspiration. His body and his dance moves are just freaking beautiful
To be a great father and reignite my blood line
To repair my fried nerves.
i want to like what i see in the mirror and not be sad at the state that I'm in. (getting close to was in almost reached my ideals)
Most of the time I lift for myself only
But when I'm struggling with those last reps, or thinking about skipping the gym altogether, thinking about big ass thots gets me back on track
I want to lose enough weight so that that pad of fat doesn't take away vital inches from my already small dick.
These mostly
your shitty image only motivated me to study grammar more
He's the embodiment of freedom from negative thoughts.
to climb the mountain
>I want a better looking gf
I love her but we just somehow happened and I'm not really attracted to her.
Saw someone i had a crush on decades ago who is now a wheyfu.
Decided to get my shit together so i can try and reastablish contact and maybe settle down with her.
Unlikely to happen, but whatever gets the job done
Those last few reps are when it counts my dude
You are lifting for thots
I'm 30 and no woman has ever seen me naked as an adult man. When that finally happens, whether it's with a prostitute, a hookup or maybe with a gf, I want to feel good in my own body. Shame will be enough to make me insecure anyway.
21, same here. Im too ashamed to have a girlfriend with my current body, i want to develope and look good so she wont be ashamed being together with me
If you go outside, you'll see countless men in relationships with terrible bodies. You should work on your income and your sense of humor.
I would only feel insecure I know you hear that alot here but I had Gyno when i was 13-20 and it fucked up my social, sexual life.
I see some men having such a bad body but date a freaking 8/10 sometimes and i ask myself why am i so close when it comes to personal things. But yeah, my youth was ruined because of gyno
I'm starting to date a girl who is out of my league. I don't want her to leave me when she sees my skinnyfat body.
Whenever I wanna do another set but feel kinda iffy about it, I just sorta remind myself " You got nothing else going on" and just do it. I don't know if that's motivation or just being pathetic, but it works.
I totally get that way. I do the most work when I'm feeling depressed. My mindset is always like "No matter what you're not happy, so you might as well work during your free time"
I want to be better than others in every possible way.
A lot of those 8/10 girls also have stuff about their body that they hate. Body dysmorphia is a mental disorder that you can't lift away, you just need to realize that its an illusion.
I'm trying to emulate the ancient roman philosophy of doing things for the glory of what you believe in and doing things without complaining.
I got a thick dick and it'd be personal offense to God to deny use of such great tool.
Invictus by William Ernest Henway
to get aesthetic as fuck so I can become the bull that cucks and wives go to for a good fucking. not black btw so don't @ me
Unironically, this
I remember a post here on /fit that said "just do it"
and that was what gave me the motivation, as long as you actually go to the gym and work hard, you'll get bigger, you just "do it" .
cut it off before it is too late. women are nice and all but dont waste your time and joy on something that cannot reciprocate satisfaction
I'm not joking either
I am @ing you but sending positive @'s
i wanto be fit enough for bootcamp
Don't want to get diabetes
Looking good in a flight suit.
My mom said my ass got smaller yesterday. These are not good feels.
Aesthetics and to become Ubermensch.
Frustration and anger
You can be bootcamp ready in like a month. Shit was a joke.
to over compensate for my lack of personality
At least you're not a thot who puts on a pound of make up every day.
Physical well being and fitness is the first step to a healthy mindx which leads to developing a personality I think. Keep going, user.
Nigga that's stoicism and it started with the Greeks.
Stay healthy and be a role model for my future kiddos.
female braps
the more fit you are, the easier bootcamp will be. i can do 2800m within 12 mins now.
Continue losing weight
Self improve
Win over my oneitis
To be the best father possible
What is this
I want to be the 3D husbando to my 2D waifu.
good shit
The message in the pic spoke to me.... thanks Jow Forums
As a 31 year old fat manlet virgin, I think about all the hot quality pussy I haven't gotten to introduce my penis to.
Don't need motivation I'm dedicated
This little guy passed away a month ago. Beforehand I had started lifting to get over body issues but now I lift in his name.
To be a good representative of my ideology and race. To make my ancestors proud. To revive the traditional spirituality of my people (folk tend to listen to a pretty face with lots of muscles far more than the alternative). To have a better chance of surviving the turmoil to come. To crush a few of my enemies with my bare hands for what they've done.
Self hatred.
I guess I lift so I can be happy. Sounds sort of gay but it's true. Maybe I can be half as strong as him.
That if I hurt like I do today, tomorrow; I won't hurt like I do today, next week.
Thanks for my new wallpaper senpai.
Enlightenment through self-improvement
i realised i've never done something every day except basic functions. time to change that
You’re either improving everyday or stagnating.
Its embarassing to say
I want to hopefully be a good father for my children
A noble endeavor, my friend. That's some real motivation right there.
The excerpt was still written by an ancient Roman philosopher/statesman, dipshit
Holy shit I know this feel. I'm a year in and it's long distance but she's 100% committed to us and I feel bad ruining the friendship
this, only every gf i've ever had
Same and I also want the confidence
I understand.
They say it helps depression but it isnt working
I do it for a girl. She has blonde hair, blue/green eyes and perfect teeth. The most beautiful smile I've seen, and a personality that you only come by once in a blue moon.
I do it for her.
Nothing at all. I have ZERO motivation. I know that a lot of bruhs here use their lack of gf as motivation but for me its the opposite. Not having a woman behind me demoralizes me. I want someone worth fighting for and improving with not some fictional character I'll get once I'm successful. Every man needs a woman behind him and every woman needs a man behind her to succeed. Everyone needs some type of touch from the opposite sex. Not getting that touch or support from the opposite sex isn't natural and it can fuck someone up badly
h i g h s c h o o l
What happens to these girls? I'm in college now and the girls that he described are pretty much gone. Any chick with those features turns into a cold faced sorority chick
Motivation for lifting? the mayority of people here is the only thing they enjoy anymore.
If i ever get attacked i wanna fold the guy in half and slamdunk their ass into a trashcan.
Also mires and mental health.
You answered your own question, buttercup
Now that's a real 24 yo go-getter
damn this actually motivates me a little more
Incoming race war
Rest easy pupper, these gains are for u
Classical painting inspires me.
Was skinnyfat before I got decently shredded on my first deployment
1/2/3/4 6’1” 190 1h30m half marathon
Got wife and kids, started to get skinnyfat again
>I do it for myself, the woman that’s gotta have sex me with me, and my kids that still think I’m the coolest motherfucker on the planet.
I want to be able to take off my clothes in front of a girl and not be ashamed of my body. I’m not really overweight, but I’m not proud of my body
based gets of pupper's blessing
Hitler and girls. Oh and waifus desu.