what are you faggots consensus on this dude
What are you faggots consensus on this dude
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I don't know who he is but it looks like he made good progress
Most fit service member ever. Graduated from BUD/S, TACP, and Ranger School. Only military member to ever have done all three so far.
Mental gains guru
He made me change all my perspective on physical training. Now I am training 24/7; As mind is my focus now, not muscular gains.
>no fap; cold shower; no sugar; running and working out every morning,
It depends what you want. I got a nice body for some periods of time, it changed nothing. I am almost like those memes:
>looking good; at home; wishing i was home; y--ou t--ooo
I am to be fearless. I want to endure the pain.
>muh cardio
He's a dyel and can't lift for shit. Not sure why people are so obsessed with him.
So what you're saying is you can break his (the world) pull-up record no problem?
He used to be a powerlifter who deadlifted 600+ lbs. now his focus is cardio and he still pulls 405 easily, he could work his way back up to 600lbs ez
Why should I give a shit about how many pull ups he can do? Even Manlet Destiny has better lats than him.
Do you fight yet?
My only motivation.
He was a bodybuilding faggot like you at one point, he realized how much of a waste of time it is.
Looks like a twink but a billion times more mentally and physically fit than anyone on this board
I like him.
Post body
b-b-b-bub-b--b-bbut endurance athletics is bad for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only like to exercise indoors!
He is a shit model, almost killed himself multiple times.
He is a model for overcoming crushing adversity, to pull yourself out of those dark depths and reach the success he has is world class. How can you view him with such negativity?
Inspirational guy.
He’s a DYEL retard that only does cardio. Big deal.
He looked better before
He did 4025 pullups in 17 hours. Anyone who calls him a dyel should unironically kys themselves
he has a weird form of masochism, and chooses to self harm by doing to much cardio to cause joint pain and kidney failure, instead of the normal highschool girl approach of razor blades against the upper arm
>Most fit service member ever.
couldn't pass the test to get into delta...
easy to do them when you weight 120lbs
Yeah, maybe you should lose some weight then faggot
that's 4 pullups a minute
Every minute for over 1000 minutes. Except you could probably do it too right user :^)
>david goggins
>david noggins
>david nogains
He really far up his ass, but god damn is he tough.
I would hate him as a friend but as a trainer he would be amazing. He talked about how he never hung out with the SEALs in his own team, and SEALs are fucking party animals. He is no fun all work, and it's inspirational and annoying at the same time.
>296 lb and minimal stretch marks/loose skin
How did he do it. Biggest I've been was 250 and my body is rekt.
oh and you can?
post body lmao
I’m 1000% sure that pic related would completely fucking smoke Goggins in a pull up match for the world record.
if he is the fittest person in the military, ever. then how did he fail a test that other people passed?
maybe jogging til you hospitalize yourself isn't that handy in a battlefield situation?
he's the King of DYELs
Watched the JRE with him. Seems based. Takes shit to an extreme, but that's why we're talking about him. Naysaying faggots shitting on him ITT will never hate him as badly as they hate themselves.
No, I couldn't, but I'm pretty sure a conditioned and prepared dude could beat that with proper timing. My guess is that goggles did as much as he could as fast as he could.
I just think he misses the point of exercise. To me its about self improvement. To him its about suffering for the sake of suffering.
Dude used to be suicidal, now he is into self harm, through jogging.
He's a hard motherfucker that helps me get myself straight.
user most of military spec ops selection is a mental torture.
he said he does his best thinking during exercise because there's nothing left and you find out who you are. Do you run and listen to music? Can you run just as well and not be impatient? Are you comfortable in your own thoughts?
>divorced his white wife
Is he /ourguy/?
Goggins is pretty legit. His goals are not really my own, but I can appreciate his story, intesity, and drive.
He failed most of written test I think, he couldn’t even read until he was 17 so I don’t think he was very bright to begin with but hes still an amazing person
Delta force only takes the best of the BEST, David never even got much deployment time when he was in the SEALs and delta would rather take a ranger or green beret with 4 tours, dozens of kills and hundreds of operations over someone who could just run a lot
>was allowed to enlist and do high speed shit despite having a fucking congenital heart defect
>I still can't get a waiver for having broken my hand twice
God fucking dammit.
>I'm pretty sure a prepared dude could beat that
You mean the world record? It was beat, by about 100, and in 4 more hours.
I don’t know much about him but he was on JRE the other day and I didn’t bother do listen to much of it because he sounded too full of himself and was saying retarded stuff like your cheating if you listen to music while you workout. I’m sure he’s got some meme story behind him and such but I’m not interested in being able to run 1000 miles, and the dude isn’t very muscular looking for someone who talks about working out all the time.
If I’m gonna spend a ton of time in the gym I’d at least like the possibility of looking good
He's amazing but he doesn't believe in resting or letting injuries heal or preventing injuries in the first place so not necessarily a good person to model yourself after.
stretch marks mean once a fat, always a fat
zero respect
He only stopped because something in his wrist was torn.
I remembering him talking about the importance of resting and stretching on the Joe Rogan podcast.
experience and education
Delta force are like Knights. Intelligent, elite, and genetically superior men through selective breeding.
Absolute madman
oh so Delta is racist then.
>my body is rekt.
bein rekt iis wwhenn u sttart
should've maintained his form in the first picture. one man wrecking ball.
that bitch didn't go hard enough
thats how he fucked himself early on he read on /fit stretching is for faggots and went with it now he spends 2hrs a day stretching
He's obviously a liar it's not mental strength but injuries that will fuck you up
I'm sorry but you can't run 100s of miles with shin splints you'll do permanent damage i just don't believe this shit. I think he's a military shill ton encourage goyim to die for israel.
You don't have to apologize, your the one with limitations. He broke every bone in his foot and was pissing and shitting blood. According to you since you fear shin splints so much he should be dead by now
>You don't have to apologize, your the one with limitations. He broke every bone in his foot and was pissing and shitting blood. According to you since you fear shin splints so much he should be dead by now
show me the video of that please commander goldstein?
Doe-eyed geeky lanklet with effeminate mannerisms- somehow one of the biggest baddasses with the most massive balls ever
Has years of inbreeding caused your redneck pea sized brain to be so dysfunctional that you can't even use google.
nah,im just lazy.
thanks for the link faggot.
Also, that was a relay race. He ran that race by himself while other people were using teams of 4. He's not the be all end all, no human is. Kill your idols. He's just another tool in a toolbox of personal development and if that resonates with you, good. If not, merry Christmas
looks about as injured as my mom after her daily jog, sorry but I won't be enlisting try pleb3it
He cucked a billionaire jew, so he aight
distance running is the most cucked form of exercise
its useless if you can't out sprint whatever you are chasing or running from
The inferiority complex in this thread is hilarious, keep it coming guys
Because he had a hole in his heart that went undiagnosed and had to have surgery
I'm reading his book right now. It's really good. It's just a biography of his life and very inspirational if you ever felt like you were put in this world at a disadvantage and you can achieve shit because this this and that
Pretty much this, it's cool to have extreme endurance but way more useful to be strong.
Thank you David Goggins
dude can out lift you too
ill watch that porn
delta selection isnt just about fitness or mental toughness retard
>Denied a waiver for bee allergy
Every male in my family has served except me, fucking kill me breh
I can tell that he (just like Jocko) didn't have the IQ for Delta. Not squashing his other accomplishments, but it is what it is.
another Jow Forums seal is Jeff Nichols
he ran their strength program and has a good youtube
>he fell for the decline bench meme
Imagine being this sheltered to think being a sick cunt is everything in life
>used to be obese
>used mental willpower and ass tons of hard work to pass BUD/s and other gruelling selection programs in the military
>runs for charity
>meanwhile all you do is go to uni, workout for an hour, eat chicken every day, unironically a gay, drink a protein shake you hate and shitpost on Jow Forums
The only thing you’ll have on him are healthier knees but then again, you like to suck a lot of dicks you faggot
Virgin Goggins
>Got fat and lazy. Twice.
>Is a dumb jock despite being fat and unfit for half his life
>Never did sports
>Uses hate and spite to fuel his pitiful gainz
>Got thin and so up his own head and thinks he's better than everyone
>Never made friends due to zero social skills
>Was a "SEALs" guy. Actually just their recruiting officer.
>SEALs hate him because he's a shitty team player and will get them killed if he ever gets into real combat, which he thankfully never did
>One trick pony with only running and pullups
>Everyone sees him as a freak, but nobody is really inspired by him, just fascinated by his life in a morbid curiosity kinda way.
>Not even the best at what he likes doing (ultra marathon), the best is instead a school teacher who doesn't even train that much (Courtney Dauwalter)
Chad Edgley
>Smiles for days
>Graduated as a sports scientist
>Water Polo prodigy
>Amazing gainz
>Swam around Great Britain for 6 months
>Ran a marathon pulling a car
>Swims, lifts, runs, he does them all!
>Everybody adores his cheerful personality despite how hard whatever it is he's doing.
>Inspires people with his positive outlook on life.
>Have friends to accompany him on his 6 months swim.
>Nobody can claim to have done what he did
Fuck. My starting point was 293, that's the highest weight I saw on the scale. I'm down to like 245 right now but I need to get down to like 160 lbs before I start lifting and bulking muscle back on. I am so fucking afraid of what I'll find when I get there.
>already get massive amounts of loose hanging fat skin when I do pushups
>my entire torso is a full body tattoo of stretch marks
I want to die.
it is bad for you when you take it to the level he does, hes riddled with injuries
it will suck to be him as an old man
youre delusional
alex is obviously stronger than the average person, amazing grip strength, balance etc
but hes not doing pullups up the cliff face lol,
its mostly legs
ITT people who don't know anything about climbing
he's a bit of a sad guy. you just look in his eyes and see sorrow and regret