This isn't fun anymore, God. Why am I still alive? I wasn't made strong enough to live like everyone else...

This isn't fun anymore, God. Why am I still alive? I wasn't made strong enough to live like everyone else. Why did you make me such a creepy, pathetic, loser? Why did you make everything so scary to me compared to everyone else? Why do I feel so much fear? It's been 21 years and I haven't been happy for 10 of them. If things keep going the way they're going, I'm going to live like this for the rest of my natural life. Imagining myself 20 years from now is terrifying.

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You are alive because you were destined to since you have no free will

Define free will. Obviously everything happening is a result of the physical properties of the universe

Because this is your god.

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Cthulhu is my god?

For you, he built the temple of iron

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>blames God
>doesn't blame his internet addiction namely Jow Forums

>Why did you make everything so scary to me compared to everyone else?
You're not special, lots of other people are scared shitless too. You just can't let it stop you or you

So then I'm just weaker than the average person? It's not because they feel less?

"feel" = fear

They may be less cowardly, but honestly you aren't even fundamentally weaker, you just don't force yourself to get past it because nobody ever told you that is what you had to do when you were a kid, did they?

It was my dad who told me that. And I had a band director in highschool reinforce it too, he had been telling kids this shit for years so he wrapped it up in a neater package and I'll give you the director's version, though I credit my dad more for actually making me able to do it probably.

The director told us "the audience doesn't know that we got rained on every time we practiced the drill, they don't know that a quarter of the band has been out sick every time we've played this song this year, and moreover they don't care. All they know or care about is whether we sound and look good on the field."

Basically yes life is fucking hard, but all that matters is the results you put forward. Believe me man I know it can be so painful and hard, I know what it's like to feel fragile like glass, like if someone flicked you you would literally shatter.

But you won't actually shatter, a bunch of cavemen fucked and eons later here you are, you're just as human as the rest of us. Inside you you have as much grit as anybody, you have just never seen it and won't show yourself, and nobody ever told you.

You're weaker than the average person, but only in your head. Not fundamentally. God didn't make you flawed, you just never realized that you're as good as anybody else.

Yeah, no one told me that as a kid

You don't need parents to teach you to be great. Parents for the most part instill very bias and push a lot of their own insecurities and broken dreams on their children. The gamble for good parents is just as likely for you to be born in the high upper class. As long as you listen and observe the world around you you will at least know what you're suppose to do. You can feel it, everybody can feel it, but it's so quite or you don't notice. You have to find it.

>but all that matters is the results you put forward
Then nothing matters, since results depend on the input that doesn't have to (and usually doesn't) anything to do with you.

I've told you now, but I'm just some words on a screen so you can easily take the bluepill and go back to your sad life if you want
Yeah having good parents is definitely a lottery and I got lucky, but you are right user, you don't need other people to build you into a functional person.

What? Yes faggot you're right nothing matters boo hoo. Cry about it and die in a hole if you have to, or you can create the best possible results no matter what your shit inputs are and live a functional life. But you won't cause you're a gay defeatist.

>the best possible results no matter what your shit inputs are
If your inputs are 1 and 1 it's never going to be 3 no matter how hard you try, so what are you on about?

People are just a test for what you learn on your own. You outsource positive and negative feedback on other people so you do kind of need some support from others.

Take responsibility for your fucked up life. Nobody else will. Hit the gym, eat right, and meditate. Learn to socialize. You can get better. You're not equipped yet but you can be. Do the things you know you should do for a change and see what happens

Not op that posted that
Yes, I'm already on it. I guess I have this attitude where I don't tolerate any pain because "why should I?" and it hurts me more in the long run

Yes, your best possible outcome there is 2. But life isn't numbers, you can try and trying will generally improve your outcome, depending on the situation. You'll never be able to try your way through a brick wall with nothing but your two hands, but you can, instead of sitting alone in your basement in the cold blue light of your monitor, do literally anything else for instance.

>has had more happy years than unhappy ones by his own estimation
>bitches about it

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You're right but it's kind of hard for me to build up motivation to do that for myself because I don't really care about myself that much. I would if I had someone that depended on me or something maybe. Maybe not, I don't know

>But life isn't numbers, you can try and trying will generally improve your outcome, depending on the situation.
Your initial statement was that only the results mattered. So you're contradicting yourself.

I know, that dude is just a puss puss though. If you're OP, then good luck to you whatever you do, I personally recommend you don't choose the "lay down and rot" path.

I could go on and on giving you gay inspirational speeches for hours tonight, and if you're willing to listen I will, but I guess one of my favorite little nuggets of truth life has taught me is that a little mild pain now, usually not even actual pain just deprivations or forcing myself to do productive things, will mean you have a lot less pain and deprivation later.

In my prime my mindset pretty much revolved around setting up for my future self, if that makes any sense. Just for a dumb simple example, you do your laundry now so future user doesn't have to, you start your homework now so future user will have less to do, that sort of stuff but it works on a bigger scale in life too.

Yes, if you are shooting for a specific result of 3, and you only have 1 and 1, you are going to need to be the third 1 yourself. But results aren't an all or nothing thing, most things in life operate on some sort of sliding scale.

Yeah, that is the opposite of me right now. I just constantly fuck over future self

the reason there's no free will is because everything is just a series of reactions

i atleast try hard and get decent results but every time i stop working and have a break for a weekend i feel far worse than i ever do while working. i genuinely only feel "depressed" on weekends because i feel like everything is fucking pointless

That's my philosophy rn, given up my old hobbies and go to length of multitasking to expedite my recovery

You can stop that any time man. Nothing to it but to do it.