Lets be honest, is he /ourguy/?

Lets be honest, is he /ourguy/?

>Triggers normies and redditors
>Calls out industry supplement shills and fake natties
>Gives the best, no BS nutrition and lifting advice
>Is pretty strong despite shit genetics
>BTFO's shills like jerry ward, mark pocketliner, eric kavensky etc constantly
>Hated by the bodybuilding community for speaking the truth

Unironically pretty based desu

Attached: jason blaha.jpg (900x900, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:



the only lift you can say he's even remotely strong is bench and that's just because he's such a fat fuck

>roiding for this

Fuck off blaha

Blaha might be the only fake /fraud/ in the fitness community. There is no way hes roiding with a body like that

found the supplement shills

dude no, lol. You're under the delusion that using roids makes someone look good. If you still believe that, just hang around the fraud thread and wait for one of those DYELs to post their pics and then ask then what theyre on and be shocked when they do more gear than a 200lb gym rat did 15 years ago.

seriously if you go into a gym these days, 7/10 guys will be on gear, but only 1 of them will look like it. The rest will be completely unremarkable.

He’s not frauding , just 100 mg test weekly. Dead average 700 ng/dL levels

>>>Is pretty strong despite shit genetics
the motherfucker has been training and on gear for 2 decades and can't even squat 500lbs

>>Gives the best, no BS nutrition and lifting advice
why do people always say this? Blaha has flip flopped on literally every piece of fitness advice he's ever given. Besides, any "advice" is nothing but painfully obvious common sense or things that have been already said by hundreds of other people before him already
He contradicts himself every time he makes a video.

sub 400 after 20 years of training? lol

How the fuck would you even know that lmao

Attached: finger-waggling-3.gif (592x919, 449K)

and is autistic af

I think the Blaha hate is dying down, it started to get annoying asf at some point, like a bandwagon everyone was jumping on, beating a dead horse.
The videos of him saying all that stuff was funny asf though, gave endless laughs and memes. I don't know why anyone would hate him, he's just got psychological problems clearly and seems to just be able to make up ridiculous shit. His autism is right a lot of times but his videos are lazy af and he just repeats himself endlessly, his channel is doing shit because of his lack of effort mostly not the hate he had.

it's his standard response to people asking him about his TRT, which is like once every 15-20 videos, and since he puts out like 3-8 videos a day... he probably has just seen a jason blaha video once in the last week.

Oh so Bloho claimed it? Definite lie then.

Attached: TestMooncookie.jpg (938x558, 136K)

Like the other guy said, Jason says it occasionally in videos. Not weekly, maybe monthly or bi monthly, but fairly often. He had been consistently claiming to be on, if I recall, 125 mg of TRT weekly.
Now- mooncookie has put out photo evidence that Jason brews his own gear- very suspicious- but we can find pictures of Jason when he was admittedly on a lot more gear and looked much more impressive. So, I’m still tempted to believe he’s actually on a moderate amount of gear. Maybe more than 125mg as claimed, but still not a huge amount

Doesn't matter how much he takes, he'll always look like shit because he has no work ethic or diet.

Attached: blaha's biggest stack.jpg (698x328, 56K)

Stop bringing him up... this shit needs to die already. He knows nothing about nutrition (very fucking clearly demonstrated by himself) after his 8 year “recomposition” he looks worse than ever.
His strength is dog shit... especially for a 20 year gear user. Let his name die.

Attached: 5CF72EF4-CA2F-4017-9928-F36939ED749F.jpg (640x589, 197K)

Bad genetics

>14 minute video
Not watching that. Give me the cliffs or fuck off.

TLDR ; face height frame and muscle / leanness genetics matter a hell of a lot

Cliffs- genetics matter in building a good physique. Frame, muscle insertions, ability to be lean, and ability to gain muscle may vary. Aesthetics (and how you’re perceived in other facets) are also affected by face. Blaha’s face failos everything he does, in addition to his bad all around aesthetics, even though his strength and muscle size are decent, he has a poor frame and insertions, making him the target of a lot of criticism. His ugly face may also make it hard for him to focus on diets, whereas a more beautiful person may find it easier to adhere to a diet

>His ugly face may also make it hard for him to focus on diets
I was with you until here. Blaha still deserves criticism just for being a shithead in general though. Also I wouldn't go so far as to say he has decent muscle size. He has a decent back but his arms are tiny and his chest, glutes, legs and calfs are only "big" because he's carrying AY LOT of fat there. In this pic you can see his upper body looks wide due to his rhombus shaped rib-cage and all the fat he carries on his lower body.

It's mostly genetics as you said but he also has no work ethic, he doesn't even sweat when working out, and he doesn't bother to manage his diet because he's a weak-willed glutton. He could put quality muscle on if he ate like the pig he is AND worked out hard but he refuses, even though he's STILL running peptides and pinning gear. At the end of the day nobody would actually give this loser shit if he didn't insist on lying about reality constantly. He had the audacity to claim he had more muscle mass than Serge Nubret and was bigger than both Rich Piana and Ryback.

Attached: relatively narrow hips.jpg (720x564, 70K)

>complete fucking liar and retard on the Internet
he's like, 80% of us at the most unlikeliest of minimums

What if they're reverse fake natties like Janoy? So they say they're on gear but really aren't?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 17K)

>claim something that makes you look bad
Only retards do this like Janoy, plus there is evidence to suggest that Blojob really has used roids. Look at his UK to Teggsus transition. UK has legal roids for personal use and after he left (when he was apparently on his biggest stack) he shrunk down into his infamous rodent mode when arriving in Tegsuz when he admitted to being too scared to roid due to criminal punishment.

Attached: kek stack.png (720x1280, 394K)

Ofc he's strong, he's like 5'9 and 250? You better be putting up big numbers when you have a mechanical advantage like him otherwise you're pretty pathetic

He wishes.

Fucking hell. What's the point of taking all that shit when you haven't even hit peak natty yet? I don't take shit, but it seems to me like the reason you'd start is if you've already been approaching the limit of your genetics and want to bump up another level.

I know a guy who started cycling real early into his lifting, but he still doesn't look any better than a halfway decent natty a couple years later, because he also doesn't know how to program for shit and isn't following one made by someone who knows what they're doing. It's infuriating.

Jason has severe personality issues and has a pathological need to be seen as an authority figure. Even his own family have cut him off and his father won't allow him in his house unsupervised.

this is just spam at this point, it's like when they were shilling copedestiny and it lasted like a month or two

contrary to popular belief, it is not sufficient to simply take large amounts of roids and blow up. The body still needs a strong stimulus to grow muscle.

I know this because i had about a 6 month period of depression where i did next to no training but continued to use steroids simply because i knew coming off would worsen my depression to the point of suicide.

As a result of this, i did not get any bigger, in fact i very slowly but surely lost size while getting significantly fatter. When i got out of my funk and started training consistently again, i started gaining again. Strange, huh.

A guy like blaha trains once in a blue moon, and if what I'm seeing is true, hes so fucking lazy that he doesn't even complete a single workout, he takes breaks (presumably to go back to posting on the internet or playing videogames or whatever) and naps and spreads a "workout" over the course of a day if he does the whole thing at all, which seems unlikely.

Progressive overload is one of the most basic priciples of productive exercise, and it stands to reason this fucker has been spinning his hamster wheels for many years as a result of his slovenly nature.


fuck off Jason

he's 5'7, maybe 5'6

>listening to a single word Blaha says

>Triggers normies and redditors
Nope. He triggers ppl who look behind his lies and bullshit. Reddit is his number 1 fancircle.
>Calls out industry supplement shills and fake natties
Lies. He sold supplements for tigerfitness and is a fake natty aswell.
>Gives the best, no BS nutrition and lifting advice
Bullshit. He steals content of other fitness experts and doesn't even understand how its works. He just copies and repeats stuff. Also his advice is shit. Low volume strengh workouts don't get you anywhere after 3 months of lifting. Just look at his body.
>Is pretty strong despite shit genetics
He is weak as fuck. 500 lbs deadlift is barely 2times bodyweight... His bench is pathetic and his squat bad aswell. For someone whose entire life evolves around fitness he is weak as fuck.
>BTFO's shills like jerry ward, mark
pocketliner, eric kavensky etc constantly
He is the biggest shill of them all. And his business model is leeching views with drama.
>Hated by the bodybuilding community for speaking the truth
He is the biggest liar in the fitness community to date. No one got exposed like Bloho did. Not a single word out of his mouth is the truth.

Open a book son.

You need to back the fuck up. You're getting too close.