Make Pattern Baldness

Stop eating fat. Your balls need fat to make testosterone. Once you stop making it, slowly reintroduce some healthy fats back in. This is better than blocking DHT being your body pumps out more test to try and make the hormone it doesn't feel have enough of. Then, you stop taking fin because your dick doesn't work, and you flood your body with much more DHT than before. Then, your hair with fall out rapidly.

You meat heads are obsessed with test. You can make gains with hgh (intermittent fasting and good sleep).

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If diet made enough difference to DHT to reduce hair loss then there wouldn't be hair loss.

>cures Make Pattern Baldness
kek, thats a good one

lol what's next, nofap for hair growth? although the last two things you mention are proven good for other reasons

I’ve heard ejaculation has an effect on hair for those prone to male pattern baldness, and that some have even managed to restore their thickness. Any truth to this?

I seriously hope not, but I like my hair so much that I would even give up the pleasures of sex/masturbation just to never have to suffer baldness.

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Jow Forums is already one step ahead of you. The solution to most problems on this site is nofap/noporn. Even if you don't watch porn, its still noporn.

just look at your father. whatever he is going through, you will most likely go through it as well. Its called male pattern baldness for a reason and not age related baldness.

Intermittent fasting for muscle is horseshit

Most people don't think a solution is that simple.

Spell check kek.

No fap would increase test.

Genetics. When someone can't say "I don't know/have enough evidence". Tsk tsk.

Hgh goes through the roof.

>No fap would increase test
>based off of ONE obscure chinese study and anecdotal evidence that could just be placebo

>Most people don't think a solution is that simple.

>literally all bald men for the last 100,000 years have tried all the straightforward fixes, but I have the solution, which is a low-fat diet

Stop being retarded.

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Take drugs and kill your dick. Why are you still here?

>implying I'm balding or advocating fin

You people act like balding means you fucking die.

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You are a time traveler? Were men all over the world balding got the last 100,000 years? I know I Japan it wasn't a problem until the Europeans brought vegetable oil, lard, and diets with animal meats there.

The japs also have incredibly low rates of lung cancer despite high rates of smoking. They're genetic freaks.

Did you just formulate your groundbreaking theory after reading two articles that said "hair loss is tied to DHT production", remember that fat is associated with DHT production, and make the phenomenal deductive leap that eating less fat would give you more hair?

My younger brother is balding like my dad, they both eat a standard american diet high in fats, meanwhile I've been eating a vegan diet, pretty low in fats by comparison, for three years now and have not noticed any balding. Could just be genetics but who knows

i started balding precisely when i started looking at what i eat.

>be fatass 300lbs
>full head of hair, good skin
>lose the weight
>balding, shitty skin

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>eat less fat
>suddenly genetic sensitivity to DHT goes away

I've tried it on myself. It worked for me. Thick hair up top. Nothing falling out.


did you start masturbating or do it more only when you started losing weight?

there's really nothing anyone can do about MPB. Once it starts, it's going to keep going. You can take preventative measures but there is no cure or fix. It's just the cards you were dealt.

>be fatass 300lbs
>full head of hair, good skin
This is literally me right now. This isn't my future... r-right guys?

Upside to obesity;
Fat = estrogen = less test = less dht

>All these losers screaming it's impossible to stop balding

You're just as bad as the fatties going "muh genetics". I'm fucking ashamed of you Jow Forums. This is worse than the thread where user claimed to have "too tight teeth" to floss

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You can't really stop balding in the long run though, even finasteride doesn't have a 100% success rate. It's just part of aging. If guys like Bezos, Trump, Jordan, Lebron, etc., with all their resources, don't have a cure for MPB, it's because it doesn't exist.

*although tbf, with Bezos at least it's possible that he just doesn't care.

>tfw dad has nw1 with little grey hairs
>will probably have at least some recession or thinning tho as the general consensus is mothers side

yea most people eat great
