Are shrugs better than deadlift for trap development?

Are shrugs better than deadlift for trap development?

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Is someone holding a gun to your head making sure you can't do both or something

Yes you fucking retard, traps only serve to help stabilize your scapula in a deadlift, shrugs or really anything where you actually retract or raise your scaps will be better than deadlifts for their development.

>Hurrr are squats good for calves
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Yes dummy
Do shrugs
Heavy farmer carries
When doing shrugs hold it at the top for a few secs

Slow down nigger, do you know how angry you were going just then?

I'm doing SS, should I incorporate those two exercises?

I guarantee a male relative fucked her when she was a kid

unironically if you care about things like trap hypertrophy, you should not be doing just SS; do ICF instead it's SS plus enough accessory work to actually see results

>"user, how come I havent met your parents yet?"

But that's all white people

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