How close are you to 1/2/3/4 Jow Forums?

How close are you to 1/2/3/4 Jow Forums?
And no lying on the internet

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85/140/185/220 lbs

So not close at all

Only cowards will link OP to the source material!

If you link him, you 100% WILL NOT MAKE IT!!!

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I lift 110kilos for 5 reps on squat
45 ohp x5
70bench x3
105kg dl x5

Im far away from 1/2 /3/4. I'm doing SS, how can I add volume to my bench to break the plateaus? Move to conjugate program?


I run a lot so I never have good squat/diddly.

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how the fuck are you suppose to balance 1 plate on the barbell, let alone 3, idiot

already there, nothing's different. Actually just repped 70kg OHP for 5 today, felt bretty good. I can still remember struggling with 35

I got ohp, and DL i dont bench and idk my squat 1rm

Pretty much the same lifts here

When you hit 1234 did you look like you lift?

I can 1/2/2/3.5 for 5 so im close enough to 1/2/3/4 for 1. give me the fuckin coochie right now op

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OHP - 155x5
Bench - 285x3
Squat - 445x3
Deadlift - 465x8

57.5/60 OHP
87.5/100 bench
80/140 Front squats. Fuck you, I bike 10 hours a week. I got bigger legs than you.
115/180 deads (LMAOOOOOOO)

All for reps. My deads and squat suck because I haven't done them for a year.

Look I'm responding to bait haha

That's a boy. There's a ballsack underneath. It may be smooth and feminine but I don't lift for traps.

Shame is I’ve stalled for like 6 months now.

Use chains and attach them to the middle retard

I can rep that for like 10

Are you both really this stupid or trolling? You either wear a weighted vest or use the dip belt

>OHP is 60kg
>Bench is 97.5kg
>Squat is 110kg
>Deadlift is 140kg.
>75kg bw
I do not look like I lift imo.

Despite your dubs, I do declare I've masturbated to her pristine pussy more times than I'd like to admit. I'd link you to her album, but:


Yeah, I started with SS for some months and switched to PPL. Naturally you train purely for strength you'll look considerably more dyel, even if you get there faster. Height also plays a part, I doubt a 6'5 dude will look like he lifts even if he reps 1/2/3/4. I'm 6 feet myself

I lift 1/2/3/4 for 5-8 reps m8 (other than DL)

i'm a lurker, new to fit, what is 1/2/3/4
something bench squat deadlift? are these pl8 numbers?
>t. dyel

How's ppl for muscle gain?
I did SS for 4months and I'm plateauing hard on plateau on ohp bench, it's time to moveon

>idk my squat 1rm
I got bad news for you friendo, "making it" on Jow Forums means lifting 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps each, not 1rm


Anyone else have weird numbers?
I'm around 2/3/5/6, but I only do bench and OHP for pause reps and try for 8-10, never tested 1/3/5rm for those 2

Yes, these are pl8 numbers.
1pl8 (60kg) OHP/2pl8 (100kg) Bench press/3pl8 (140kg) Squat/4pl8 (180kg) Deadlift

we're not all Americans, fag. Convert to kg


>convert to kg
are you retarded, those percentages are in kg

Same lifts and problem desu, working on good squat form before increasing my weight anymore

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Don't "freindo" me reddit bitch, ill fucking batter you if you ever even think of considering (you) ing my comment again. You dingy gutter bitch, you better repent before i make you my personal cock sleeve

thats a trap yall. the exclamation is preventing you from seeing the balls and dick. desu i noticed not from the balls and dick but the masculine features hiding behind the makeup, yall would have a horrible (or fun?) time in Thailand

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OHP 1 for 6
Bench 2 for 10
no 3
no 4 but close

Post body

>1pl8 OHP for reps
gonna hit this before christmas
>2pl8 bench for reps
uhhhhhh it's gonna be a while
>3pl8 squat for reps
>4pl8 diddly for reps

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>comprehension 100%

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So it's usually 1 year for 1/2/3/4 but how long to reach 2/3/4/5? 3 or more?

Ohp i had reached 1 plate but i had a lil cut so ll have to rebuild it, other lifts im 75% of the way

that's a lotta talk for a guy who hasn't even hit 1/2/3/4


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PPL felt good honestly. I always started my days with heavy strength-focused compound and gradually moved to hypertrophy. Gains were good, can't complain

>So it's usually 1 year for 1/2/3/4
stfu retard
t. 3 years lifting

None of these 1/2/3/4 are especially hard. Deadlift is the only one you have to really work for and that's not very hard either. Is everyone on this Chinese Forum 120 lbs?

you can reverse google search it and see the vagina you closet-fag

Is 1/2/3/4 for reps or 1RM?

Training maxes: 125/165/235/325 freedom units
Fuck you bench and injuries


how could your bench and ohp possibly both be 1p

1/2/3/4 for 5x5


All milestones are 1RM unless strictly clarified.

Fuck you OP.

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eat more

>he counts the bar



Redpilled but not based

40/70/85/115kg for 5-8
It hurts to be this fucking weak lads

This is a 4channel work safe board , bog off to Jow Forums

5 set of 5 reps damn i thought it was 5 sets of 10 reps if that the case i just need to work on my diddly

didn't do deadlifts cause i heard they were bad for your back but started to do them this month and currently at 4 plates 1 rep should I lower the weight and increase the reps for quicker progress?

Convert it to lbs so you're more than double the strength

I already have. 1/3/4/4.
It is all I could find.

I'm at 3/4/5 (I don't OHP but my best was 215lb) so gib

This is most likely my problem, although since I’ve started lifting I’ve gained probably 30lbs. I’m hovering around 200-205 now, if I get any heavier I’m going to into full fat mode. Should I just go for it or what? It seems to be the only way but I don’t want to have to weigh 225 just to bench 225. There must be some other solution.

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>"only pretending to be retarded"

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>never did deadlift and start with 4pl8

Pic related is girl in OP leaning over her bf. He most certainly does NOT have 1/2/3/4 legs...

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Dear Mr. Hiro, it has come to my attention that your new sites are quite a success. My sincere congratulations. Despite this, however, it has come to my attention that there is still non-interracial porn on the site. We simply can not have that. Because if the recent transgressions, we have chosen to rescind our million dollar advertising campaign. Good day.

-Isaiah Goldblat

Bro i understand that you were trying to be cute with your "meme" reply but what you dont understand is that I'm a fucking savage bro. My mentality is honestly disgusting and I'd shred a redditfag like you. Ill make you my fucking girlfriend, your shitpussy will become my personal cum dumping ground. You fucked up kiddo

OHP and Bench are done.
Just started working on squatting a couple of months ago but I think I will hit 3 in January, and Just the other day I hit a 385diddle so very soon I'll hit4 : )

You have to go back

My nigga
52,5/73,5/105/112,5 here

Nice "reply" fag

Her name is Laura and I have a folder dedicated to her beef curtains and feet

Go on

you think you're the only one, kid?


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>should I lower the weight and increase the reps
No, never increase the weight or reps, just the range of motion and shorten the rest periods for gains

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> 4pl8 1 rep is impressive to you

Instead of dead lifting i would do heavy leg curls and my job has me standing for 8 hours

Pretty close imo
Started lifting 7 months ago

Thank you.

>pretty close imo

Currently at 175/280/320/375 and working towards 2/3/4/5 by the end of next year.

Shit feels impossible at this point. I'm fighting tooth and nail to get my OHP and deadlift to go up by 5lbs every two weeks. I don't want to bloat max with bulking though.

Thesd pics are old. How many you got? Does you have the new ones?

62.5/120/?/?kg for 1
52.5/95/117.5/130 for 5x5 (5x1 dl)


big t-rex szn

That's the joke

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Been almost exclusively been doing kettlebell and calisthenics for the past year so this is all just estatting based on what I had before this but I've hit 1, had 215 and 365 respectively pre-kettlebell and been increasing strength in arms, back, and hammies so can probably hit 2 and 4 easily if not immediately, 3 is a bitch though because my squat form has always been shit and I've finally been really working out the kinks front squatting but a 3pl8 back squat is probably going to take me all of 2019 if not more

No problem.

idk about any new ones, my folder has 124 items though including a lot of butthole

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Same here pal
Feels bad


long way off but I'll get there

>165 lbs
>lifting again for a month from scratch
>ratio of current lifts to 1/2/3/4 makes squats and bench my weakest

I hate squatting with a passion and don't know why some lifts are so bad compared to everything else. One day I'll get 1234.

245/365/495/525 @ 213

Ezpz bb

I train with bench, squat, clean and powerclean so I don't know about dl and overhead, but my bench is at 120 and squat at 270 for 1rm. Am i gonna make it?