Avoid eye contact at all costs
Cum on her braphole
My workout
notice her mirin
Ask her what the fuck shes doing in my garage
based zyzz poster
Not trying to cringe anyone here, but I've recently found that by ignoring them I gain power. I mean this literally - when I get the urge to check her out, even if she's brap-raising right in front of me, and I actually refuse to look, I feel more powerful in an all-emcompassing way. I think it has something to do with just the pure willpower of it... similar to how cold showers can make you feel amazing purely out of the fact that you just willingly shoved your body into the coldest setting the shower can go to and didn't back down from the challenge.
I've been researched serotonin recently, this is also probably involved (long story short is, when you are successful, you tend to continue in that direction. When you fail, same thing. So the trick is to get back on track with serotonin cycles by winning small victories and building back up).
Ask her to sell me her panties for $200
actively ignore her to not give her any attention that she desires
tell me more about these serotonin cycles, or link me some material please
>he never ignored them in the first place
as soon as you make an instagram and follow a bunch of iThots on it you become completely null to what is presented at the gym because you can find that exact body type on @whore#337000's instagram account.
Threaten her with legal action if she doesnt spend the rest of her life with me and procreate in the countryside.
If she's an absolute thot, just play it cool and let her come to you. They usually corner you over some exercise equipment or mat space, then force some conversation and quickly inject the fact that they broke up with a boyfriend.
The only correct answer. Its not natural for a woman to lift. She is there for attention or she is not normal. You don't wanna mess with such women.
turn up the ac
I don't see her because I don't wear glasses or contacts to the gym and my eyesight is shit.
Keep sniffing and make disgusted faces when you're around her to make her think she smells haha
haha imagine if she gets worried and asks if her brapper smells and puts it right in your face haha
Try and ask her for coffee tomorrow because we work at the same company and want to get know her better.
Go on Jow Forums and make a thread asking what other anons would do
Eat more lobsters. Lobsters have serotonin. Until you become top lobster. Then evolve.
>Walk over to her
>say hi
>talk with her forever and invite her to a coffee
>many dates fallow
>we move together
>she gets pregnant
>we marry
>we have many children and die happy together of old a...
Wake up from daydream feel the no gf feels, watch her ass a couple of times and continue lmao lifting.
today some qt girl was stretching next to my bench and i asked her to spot me. started repping 2pl8lmao and every rep she just said 'fuck yeah'. like every rep just was her saying 'fuck yeah'
i dunno why i found it so funny but i was lightly chuckling during the whole set, felt i could squeeze out 2 more reps, got 1 of the 2 but couldn't get the second one up and she put 1 of her hands under mine and didn't even lift, just kinda felt my hand. was like that for 5 secs of her saying 'you got it' but i didnt got it and she then re racked it and said '9 reps is still fucking awesome'
9/10 spotting skills better than every nerd that keeps their hands on the bar the whole time or pulls the bar up if you don't get it within half a second
your mom
The only correct answer here
get on the bench and load up 8 10lb weights on each side of the bar. Makes it look like you're lifting a lot more weight than you actually are.
Based and chadpilled
Keep lifting
Did you spot her? Did you say 'fuck yeah'? Did you hover your balls over her face and wink your asshole to fan your taint-sweaty man stink on her?
My reps, fuck that gains goblin
Tell my mom to get out of my room
Keep hope alive sweet Patrick
Completely ignore while wishing we would magically get together and live a happy life.
Nothing new here, there are already tons of hot girls at my gym
Inhale deeply whenever she walks past to get any trace of that pussy/ass stank deep in my nostrils
ignore eye contact but angrily stare at her brapper to get rape test boost
implying thats the same as a live qt
I got a milld hard on from this.
Ignore her and keep trying to make it
Take quick glances before I hit my PR's from the test boost
Look at the ground and leave as soon as possible,preferably falling over equipment and bumping into chad on your way out.