Astrology General

Post your charts, interpret them, and lets see if we can find our r9k soulmates. I am looking for a qt aquarius gf.

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5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).

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are you a grill btw?

i do not know who i am baby.

Am a girl but i haven't come across a leo I've ever gotten along with on a deeper level so I'll pass on you kind sir.

You have some serious money issues, I don't want to be around people like you.

in what way.. if it says my magic chart says im a big spender i am.

But I'm a deep and thoughtful person. Look, my Sun's in Leo in the 12th house! Come on lady.

Think I was fucked from the start with my Sun conjunct Scheat

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Are taurus people cool?

Scorpio bro here. Anyone knows how to read them? Last time user gave an eerieely accurate description

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Are you faggots serious?

No we are just baiting to get funny NPC reactions

Come at me faggot niggers.

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why the fuck did you put this on sidereal setting?

saturn in 5th points to infertility so you can't be my baby daddy anyways

so how does this stuff work?

look at this NPC doesn't even believe in astrology

Nice censor, James

Because sidereal is the only setting that isn't 100% bullshit

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>tfw Ophiuchus sun, born 12/12

Maybe that's why I can't get a girlfriend lmao