Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums,
Decided to take my body seriously and see what I can do. This is after 3 months of lifting every weekday for 2 hours usually (coming from no gym experience or hard exercise what so ever). What can I do for better definition? More intensity? Cut?

Attached: Snapchat-788621495.jpg (1080x1920, 354K)

Looking good for normies
Cut at 1500

I'm not an expert on the whole thing so I'd like some buffbruhs here to confirm or deny what I'm about to say.

Working out 2 hours a day for 5 days a week might be too much for you especially considering how new you are and that you haven't lifted before

Thank you fren.
I assume follow the sticky on nutrition or just eat healthy blend of protein and carbs, no sugar?

Attached: 1544209822696.jpg (450x316, 16K)

Don’t listen to this fucking idiot. You could cut all you want and you’ll never get the “definition” you’re thinking of. Quit being a pussy and put on some muscle that way you have something to cut for later

You're right. I'm not OP but I made the mistake of cutting before making any real muscle.

Result: I was eating like a rabbit while not being able to see a simple 2 pack.

I gained 20-30 pounds since but am lifting heavy and I have more abs at this weight than i did back when I was cutting. I thought I had this buff body underneath and if I cut down enough it would all come out. Most I got was a few bicep veins

Not rocket science bro. Cut for definition. I’m not saying he’ll be big, but the definition will definitely be there

Not him, I'm the guy who gained 20-30 lbs above. Disagree with you bro. Unless OP is naturally athletic and has been playing sports all his life he probably doesn't have any definition unless he cuts down to 8% bf which is very unlikely for a beginner to do

OP here, I've been involved in sports all my life actually. Lots of basketball and cross country cycling. Was about how I did on court/road and never about how I looked. Was chubby when I was a kid and slimmed out now. Gym life is new to me, sports isnt. Thank you for the advice though.

Jesus this board is full of idiots. This kid has hardly any muscle underneath that fat. But go ahead and keep giving shit advice.

>cross country
Yikes. is right, you probably have no muscle definition and should bulk for a bit longer

>muh Jow Forums impossible standards!
Normies are impressed with a simple bicep vein.

If you're not aiming too high you aim too low

Other dude I'm 6ft1 88kg 19% bf, do i cut? Or continue to bulk, i want to build more muscle, but at the same time am sick of being slightly chub, so want to cut a bit, then bulk again

Start lifting

OP here. Same boat. From what I gather I think I'm gonna reshape my diet and cut out carbs completely. Focus more on better protein and nutrition. Then continue lifting harder as usual.

Post body

You don't wanna cut carbs completely, such a meme

Low carb diets in general memes or actually beneficial?

correct, he should SS+GOMAD

he's right, regardless of how he looks.

Unironically you have a good frame. Keep it up OP.

>good frame
you can literally see him from his side and only noticible thing is his absolute lack of muscle mass and so called chicken-chest. It looks like he might be a barrel-chested inbred since his ribs are sticking out further than his chest

>This is after 3 months
Come back after 3 years you entitled faggot. Building muscle takes a lot of time

What's SS+GOMAD?
I'm a fat fuck looking to start working out as soon as I get better from this fucking pneumonia, I've always been told that loads of exercise can't do me no wrong, why shouldn't I exercise 5 days a week but do SS+GOMAD?

SS is fine if you want to gain a good strength base, which is essential for lifting
(SL 5x5 + accesories is waaayyy better though)

Low carb diet will make your lifts go to shit but it's good for cutting weight quickly

You need more. MORE.

I swear I never understood until I thought about it and actually pushed. You should work out like you will die without it. You need to go to exhaustion. So many people go super fucking hard and then stop for a week. It takes time and you just need to keep doing more and more and more.

No one knows what 100% is anymore. 100% is you are nearly dead from exhaustion. Always go an extra mile.

Yes but I still don't know what's either SS or GOMAD

Starting Strength and Gallon Of Milk A Day
GOMAD is for skellingtons not fatties